Happy 4th of July! (Well, 5th actually)

Sorry I haven’t posted much recently, I have had a lot happening that has kept me pretty busy. The sad thing is that Most of it didn’t go as planned at all. Here we had this lovely 3 day weekend and even got off work a little early on Friday so you would think I had lots of time to do a lot of things. You would think that, but that’s not what happened. Almost everything that I had planned on doing this weekend got changed into doing something else or nothing at all. The sad thing is, after all of the nothing and changed plans, I am wiped out!

So this weekend was an annual event called UVALAN. It’s a LAN convention that originated around the game Tribes. For those who don’t know, a LAN convention is where you bring you computer and hook it up to a closed network and play games against others until the wee hours of the morning. The downside to the LAN is that Tribes isn’t played near as much any more and they didn’t have as many people as they were expecting. From what I understand they actually went in the hole paying for this years LAN. It’s a bummer too because this was probably one of the best ones. Granted I didn’t play for very long, but the whole LAN just seemed a lot more comfortable. I spent all of Friday night there from 4pm till 3am. Since I don’t play Tribes anymore I played a whole lot of Battlefield 2. 10 hours worth to be exact. More on BF2 Soon.

Well, I decided not to return to the LAN on Saturday simply because I had planned on gaming with Lee and Doc. That didn’t really happen all that much though, Not even sure why not. Come to think of it, except for Saturday night, I am having a hard time remembering what I did on Saturday and Sunday. Saturday night was horrible though. Every year on the Saturday night of the LAN I usually make an appearance of some sort. Usually in costume. Last year was Biker Scout with Amy in her Groupie. This year I decided to do Spiderman and Mary Jane. Sadly this didn’t happen as I seemed to have misplaced my gloves. We tore apart the apartment (that sounded funny) and couldn’t find them. (Peter Parker never has these problems I bet).

I was so angry with myself. I even went to Wal-mart and had one of the worst experiences with anti-customer service while searching for a suitable replacement. Mind you I was already pissed off. I walked in and found someone working in the clothing department. I asked her very simply where the gloves were. She grunted at me and motioned to the other half of the store. In my mindset I wasn’t going to take that so I loudly asked her “Do you think you could narrow that down for me? That’s only ½ the store!” She grunts again and walks me over so that only 1/4th of the store is visible and waves her hands madly toward it. Of course there is no clothing in that section. So I Very loudly exclaimed “*&^$% you then your no help!” It was horrible! I spent the rest of Saturday evening killing things in Battlefield 2.

The fourth of July was Hot, damn hot. For some reason my air conditioning was not working either. Most of the day was spent panting heavily and laying down. Amy even crashed out on the couch because of the heat. My original plan was to clean house but with the lack of energy that just wasn’t going to happen. I finally figured out that it was the filter, and it was very dirty. After taking the filter out and cleaning it, the AC worked like a charm. Who Knew? Of course we didn’t fix this until right before leaving to watch the fireworks.

This year we wanted to try something local. I figure that next year, when Andrew is here, it will be cool to see the display downtown. So this year we went to Lake Fairfax and watched the light show there. We arrived at around 7pm and got a great spot right next to the lake. We could see where the fireworks were being launched from and a great view of the explosions! The show didn’t start until about 9:30pm so we had a good 2 ½ hours to kill but we managed. I never really knew how culturally diverse the area around where I live was. I can’t think of a 4th of July celebration I have been to where they served Hot dogs, burritos, and tandori chicken. And there we lots of people there! Towards 9pm it got really crowded. The show was great though, and we made a smart move by parking very far away from the park. We got home by around 10:15pm.

I will of course be writing up a Battlefield 2 review very soon. In the mean time, I hope you had a good weekend!

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