The countdown has begun

Today is July the 26th. Andrew is due to arrive on August 29th early in the morning. Preparations have already begun. This last weekend was spent doing another Purge and cleaning spree. As one of my friends said, “Wow, is your place really that dirty? Seems like all you do is clean!” No, it’s not that dirty. As a matter of fact, the house is usually quite clean. It’s just that I have so much Stuff that it tends to turn into clutter around everywhere! I still haven’t found the spider-man gloves yet, but the house is starting to become less cluttered. I took out another truck full of crap to the dumpster. Its crazy the amount of stuff that I was just holding onto for the sake of holding onto. For instance, I have a subscription to a magazine called Maximum PC. It’s a great magazine, I highly suggest it. But I never read any of the old issues. I had a box outside that was filled to the brim with old issues. Not any more.

So now Andrew’s room is completely set for him to arrive. I have cleaned out the desk, the closet and everything else that isn’t supposed to be in there. There are some Toys, and furniture. I have also added his computer to the room, but it’s not working yet. I bought him a new case but something isn’t working on it and I haven’t figured out what yet. I am almost to the point of just going and buying one of the $400 HP machines and upgrading it with a new Video card (I have spares). Well see if I can get this one working, but it may just turn into a project PC for Andrew to tinker with. Outside of that, his room is ready to go. (It’s no longer the evil Den)

Things have not lightened up at work either. I have been focusing all of my work time on building a RIS server. For those that don’t know, RIS stands for Remote Installation Services. It’s a server on the network that can remotely install full machines with new operating systems and baselines. Using this, we can place a new computer at someone’s desk and just set it to download its OS from the RIS server. Since it’s all done over the network and automagicly, there are no disks needed and it’s relatively un-attended. For some odd reason, the first few times I tried to get the damn thing to work it kept saying I didn’t have the right permissions. So I wiped it and started over.

As for the rest of lifes goings on. I have finally posted the pictures from the Fourth of July, and from the children’s hospital event. There isn’t much to the pictures for the 4th, mostly just fireworks and a cute picture of me and Amy. The children’s hospital was a very informative event. This was not your average hospital. This was an “Advanced Care” facility. Basically, this is where children come after the extended hospital stays for long term care and, hopefully, recovery. Many of the children were un-able to respond but we were told that the stimulus of seeing us in costume was good for them. The parents that were on hand for our visit also appreciated our efforts. It was a sad trip, but overall rewarding.

Who knows what will happen this weekend. For that matter, the week isn’t up yet…

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