Is it Monday already?

This last weekend defiantly had it’s plusses and minuses. The lead into the weekend was absolutely rough though. I am having issues getting my RIS server working on a network. Something is wrong with my PXE boot and it won’t register with the DHCP server. Now that I have most people confused, I’ll just say that it’s been stressing me out a lot over the past week as it’s a very high visibility project. I need to find a new picture for stress. I think my fish in a blender picture is getting over used.

Saturday I slept in a little bit. Amy got up early so she could attend her work’s open house. She was gone pretty much the whole morning with this. I woke up slowly and did some stuff on the computer before getting ready for the Art Insights Gallery event. One of the great Star Wars artists was being showcased, John Alvin. John is responsible for many many Movie poster artworks such as E.T., Blade Runner, Lion King, and lots more. There were 4 of us to troop the event. We wandered around the shopping area that the gallery was in and pulled in many onlookers. The kids were enamored with Darth Vader of course. One of the works that John had done was the poster art for the Star Wars Celebration I. Yes, the first one out in Denver. I was there for all three days of it (Heather joined me for some, and the Rest I was with John Myers.) Funny when you look back on it. I remember sitting in line (In the mud) with John M. and seeing all the Star Wars costumes around us (not too many troopers back then.) Who knew that both of us would be as involved as we are now! So, Mr. Alvin did the artwork for the posters, and only a few of them were available for sale. He brought one of these posters with him to the Gallery and was kind enough to sign it and sell it to me. As a thank you for trooping the event they also gave us a really cool Star Wars montage print. Pictures from the event can be found here

On Sunday I slept in as usual and got the standard late start. We made a quick run to the store to pick up a few things. While we were out we stopped at Red Robin for lunch. This was of course my undoing. I ordered my usual Freckled Lemonade (Lemonade with strawberry bits in it) and within the first few seconds I down the first glass. The waitress was quick to pick up that I was a bit thirsty. She brought out a HUGE mug-o-lemonade next. I drank 2 full ones. On top of that I ate a chili burger. I spent the hour after that laying on the couch with a stomach ache. This wiped me out for the rest of the day. Thankfully we didn’t have much planned. We sat and watched White Noise as our Sunday movie. I rate it an Eh. It was good for creepy and scarey, bad for plot and storyline.

So an early night later my PXE problem persists. sigh

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