The Prodigal Son has Returned!

Yes indeed, Andrew arrived yesterday morning at 6:30am (groan). We sat in the airport an extra 45 min because Andrew didn’t see his bag on the belt. The airline people were nice enough to find it and return it after we spent another 30 min in their office filling out a lost baggage report. We spent all of Monday running around getting him settled in with all the things that an upcoming 13 year old 7th grader needs. He has his bike, his room with his computer, his cell phone (prepaid that he paid for). Today is School stuff. So it should be great fun! I do plan on making a larger post when I have time. I am off of work all this week doing lots of running around. In the meantime here are a few pics:

  1. This is Andrew’s mom. He is already taller than me and soon to be taller than Steve from the looks of things!!!

  2. When I saw the title…..I thought you had moved to Brookings….. LOLOL

    Keep his nose clean! And, he wakes up well with the threat of ice…you know where!

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