Well I am back to work finally. Today is my sons first day of school at his new school. Totally new area, new people, heck even a new Dad he hasn’t lived with ever. I know that he is probably going through all sorts of different emotions right now. Never mind that whole turning into a teenager thing! Remarkably, he seems to be taking it very well (probably better than me!) We had about 84 drills on what he needed for school and did he have it in his back pack. 150 times going through what he needs to do if he has to get a hold of me or anyone else. And about 74 times of what he is supposed to be doing when he gets home from school. After all of this there was no “I’m nervous about school” or “I don’t know anyone” talk, instead it was “Can I play WoW?” or “Can I get on the X-box now?” I think he is going to be fine.
Me on the other hand. Sheesh! What a week it has been. Not to overshadow the hurricane crap or anything of course, but I had a fairly busy week last week. It’s weird to think that it was Monday that we picked him up at the airport. We had a whirlwind that carried us back and forth from the school and wal-mart, and target etc. Getting a teenage boy settled in is a lot more expensive that I had initially thought! I mean, I expected to be buying things like a new bike, and the new cell phone (pre-paid). But then there was all of the school supplies, and then going back to get the school supplies that I forgot, then going back to get the school supplies that I screwed up and got the wrong stuff. Then going to the school to make sure I have all the papers I need and finding out that his shot records weren’t transferred like they were supposed to have been! I think what made it worse is that in between all the running around and buying, there were lots of dead time spaces. We did our best to fill it with things together, gaming, playing and the like. Still, when you are used to working every day and suddenly you’re off with lots of free time. I was starting to go a little crazy.
I think I did manage to keep my mind of things like DragonCon though. DC was officially this last weekend and from the few reports I have heard, most of the garrison had a great time. Someone even mentioned that they got to hang out and drink with Jewel Staite for like 2 hours at the bar. Ok, so that part bummed me out a little bit. But overall I think it was still the right decision not to go. There is no way I would have been able to afford it anyways. Still, I can’t wait till the pictures come back. Andrew has expressed an interest in doing some costuming at a convention, so we will see where that goes. I think for his first one we will just get him accustomed to the excitement of it all.
Some other news that hit the streets was that we officially launched the new Garrison Tyranus Website! Run, of course, by me! We are finally moving from the crappy Yahoo based group to a full web-forum. It’s a ton easier to track messages and follow conversations. Now I just hope that some of the “We fear change” members will come around and start using it.
Lastly I want to touch a bit on this whole hurricane thing. Don’t get me wrong here. Katrina apparently did a great deal of damage and I feel for many of the people who lost their homes and their lives in this disaster. Heck, if I had some extra money I would be more then happy to send it along as well (as it is I think I am going on a no food diet so That I can keep everyone else fed.) But here are the things that I just don’t get.
1: The media needs to shut the hell up! These fat corporate slobs that just want ratings are jamming nonstop coverage of, now, Lake Orleans. They aren’t helping people, they aren’t sending volunteers. Instead they send out a news team to video tape dead people floating down the river! SERIOUSLY! I saw one newspaper that ran a picture on the FRONT PAGE of a dead body floating down the water. Then that same news crew is going to sit and have their corporate bought lunch and throw out half of it no doubt.
2: While I feel for a lot of the people who lost homes and family, the people I don’t feel for are the ones who didn’t get the heck out of there! I don’t think it takes a genius to realize that a: your living in an area that is damn well prone to flooding (it is below sea level!) and b: look outside, there is a hurricane coming! These people saw it coming 4-5 days in advance! Grab the insurance papers and pray they are up to date and then get yer butt to high ground!
3: Now that the damage is done everyone wants someone to blame. Gods forbid it might just be chocked up to natural disaster and let’s just deal with the damage. No, we can’t have that. Apparently when something like this happens we are completely freaking helpless on our own we need the government to hurry up and save us! But wait, the government is off fighting a war! Why would they do that when they knew that something horrible like a hurricane was coming! Well, it must be Bush’s fault then!
Okay, getting back to me. Now that I got that rant out of my system. I am really hopping that this first day of school goes well. This is the corner stone for everything. I know I only had 1 week to prep him, but I really feel that I had to do last week just right for today to go smoothly. I really hope it does. I am sure I will be writing a lot more in the coming days about this so stay tuned!
Just make sure he understands, and experiences, life beyond “1”‘s and “0”‘s…… And more pics! LOL