Ok, so where we are closing out week 3 of daddy-hood for me. I have already learned quite a few life lessons. Some of which I already knew, but they were suppressed in that area of the brain where you know stuff, but you really don’t want to know that you know it. You know? Things like:
1: I have a Cold
2: You have a Cold and I should help you around the house
3: I think the cat has a cold
4: It’s too cold out
5: The school blew up
6: The school might blow up
7: I might blow up
8: Aliens are invading
9: Terrorists are invading
10: Alien Terrorists are invading and have blown up, or might blow up the school, when it’s cold out, and they will spread the cold to me, you and the cat which would cause us to blow up. So I should stay home.
Deep in the recesses of my brain I am pretty sure that, when I was a kid, I used all of the above listed methods to try and get out of school. (if not thousands more). You will notice that the word try is bolded here. See, my parents weren’t all that dumb either. I was a 3rd child so any and all excuses were already used up by my older sister and brother. Personally, I think they had it easy. My sister being the first born, had the whole “new child” thing going for her, and the whole “girl” thing. Then, my brother worked the “dealing with an older sister” thing and the “first born son” angle. So I really missed out on using any of the gender based excuses. The only one I had left was “I’m the youngest.” But that really doesn’t get you all that much.
Andrew is in a whole new situation though. He’s the oldest of his siblings, and, of course, my only child. He also reaps the benefits of being new to the household, so I think he believes he might be able to get away with more then he thinks that I know he thinks. Wait, did that make sense? He also has another interesting card that, while I haven’t seen him employ it yet, I know its coming. That would be Amy. I like to think that I am pretty tough with the whole parenting thing when I need to be. I keep telling people that I want to model my fathering off of Red from that 70’s show. Something along the lines of…. If your being a dumbass, you’ll know it. Amy, on the other hand, is a softy. I can see where it might be easy to play one extreme against the other. Thankfully, I don’t think he reads this so I am good for a while.
So, getting back to the topic that started this entire tangent. This blog is about me. While I enjoy tales of fatherhood, and will be happy to share them with my reading public, I know it’s not right to start telling about the personal life of my son. He has his privacy. It’s not right for me to start airing his dirty laundry on the internet. (Sometimes it really does need airing out, you should smell it!) From time to time I will try and write up a good story about what we are experiencing, but for the most part I will leave the details of his life out of it. I have been trying to convince him to start up his own blog. This hasn’t worked out too well as he doesn’t like writing near as much as I do.
One of the things I have learned about him is that he likes to draw. This came out in one of the many discussions we have had. He also loves computers. (Gee I wonder where he would get that from.) So, in my infinite wisdom, I have pondered the idea of getting him a graphics tablet. You know, one of those things you hook up to the PC that has a pen and a writing area. This way he can use his computer to draw in stuff. If anyone can suggest a good one that’s not too expensive, please let me know via e-mail or in the comments.