The Trans-dimensional alien inflicted School Time Conspiracy

Deep within the galaxy of Tempo Senso, there hovers a planet known as Zweitens. On this world time moves very slowly. So slow in fact that if the standard human were to look at this place from a distance, they would perceive that nothing was moving. Almost as if time were standing still. But of course if you were to go there, you would be instant shifted to their time system and see everything moving like normal. Naturally this shift in time would most likely kill you in an instant because your body wouldn’t be used to the pace. Deep in the Capitol City Ora is a laboratory where a nefarious plan is currently being managed. You see the Oraians desperately want to learn about human life. The best place to learn about this would be at a human educational establishment.

There is one major problem with their plan though. Much like how you would die instantly if you were transported to their world, if they were to come here they would age instantly and die. Well, those poor Oraians could just send their observers to their deaths like that. So they invented a device called the Zeit Lent. They would install this device at a school and turn it on from time to time. Whenever they would need to send someone down. Now the major draw back to this would be that time at that particular school would seem to just crawl along with no end in sight. Now, the Oraians have expressed their deepest sympathies in regards to this phenomenon, but sadly there is just no way for them to conduct the research they need.

Since the government wants to keep relations withy the people of planet Zweitens in good standing, the president has allowed for this sort of experiment. The logic behind it was: “well, they are just kids at the school, they wouldn’t even notice!” Some of the government funding for schools has actually been re-routed to the “Oraian Zeit Lent” fund. This is how they are able to install so many devices in so many different schools. Since all the schools are different, they need to learn as much as possible. Odds are that you or your children attend a school where aliens from the Planet Zweitens are watching every move. Don’t worry though, they are friendly and only want to learn about us.

So now, when you need an excuse to stay home and not go to school, use the one my son uses: “Time at school moves too slowly!” Now you know why.

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