It was indeed. Thursday night I came back into work because of some extra stuff that needed to get done. Of course you can’t do major work on production machines during work hours, which means a great opportunity to pull an all nighter! Paul and I took up the charge and stayed until the wee hours of the morning on Friday. Everything went smoothly and afterwards we figured the best way to wrap up the evening was, what else, Denny’s! I have to say, it’s been about 5 years since I have been in a Denny’s (willingly). There is certainly something about the late night Denny’s atmosphere that boggles the mind. I seriously started having flashbacks to my late high school years. Come on now, you had to have had them too. Those nights where you are out hanging with friends. No one wants to go home because that’s where the parents are. The only place open is Denny’s. Somewhere you can sit and talk for hours on end while milking a cup of coffee for about 4 hours.
When I was a much younger lad, somewhere between 18 and 20, I used to work at a Denny’s. No kidding! I started as the Greeter/Cashier type person. You know the person you meet at the door that says “How many in your party?” Then after a few months I graduated to Server status. Since I knew most of the people there, I was always working the smoking section. Did I mention I always worked the Graveyard shift? My friends would always come in to visit and mooch salads and coffee from me. You see, if it can be made without going through the kitchen, the server makes it and it doesn’t “require” a ticket made in the computer. Of course, this was all back in the early 90’s and computers in restraints were still a new thing. (Wow, that sounds really old of me.) There was always a wide variety of people that would come in. We had a bar right across the street, and at 2am they would all wander in for that oh so sobering Denny’s coffee. Ahhh the good old days.
Thursday night (Friday morning) was really no different. We sat in the non-smoking section, but the regulars were still there. We were sitting between two other tables. One had a young couple sitting at it that looked like they just came from either his late night football game/practice, or her drama rehearsal. The other had 3 people, 1 girl and 2 guys. This was the interesting one as it looked like, either one of the guys was trying to hook up with the girl and the other was gay, or it was one of those three some types where the girl likes the gay guy, the gay guy likes the other guy and the other guy is pining for the girl. Either way it made for good entertainment. Straight across the way from us it looked like two “women of the evening” were enjoying an end of evening meal. And every guy in the place knew they were there. I think all in all I only ate about ½ of my Moons over my Hammy, and then called it a night. Maybe if I can dig through my memories of the era, I can come up with some good stories of my time as a Denny’s waiter. But that’s a blog for another time.
I have to leave for a Doctors appointment here in just a few min so I am going to cut this off here, I will fill in the rest of the weekend when I get back. (I have had an icky cough for the last three weeks and it’s finally gotten to the point where I just want it gone)