So the scuba shop was a bust, but hey, we were still out enjoying the day. One of the other stores we saw in the same shopping center as the scuba shop was a Pet Store. This wasn’t just your standard pet supply store where you buy doggie treats and hamster tubes. This was the full blown, real deal, pet store. Where you can buy all sorts of pets and such. They had the full gambit too, Birds, fish, dogs, etc. One of the things that really threw me off was that they had ferrets. I guess I am just not used to seeing ferrets sold as pets. Don’t get me wrong, I like ferrets. I think they make cool pets. I’m just not used to seeing them in a pet store.
Amy, of course, spent the most of the time looking at the puppies and going “OooOOhhhhh They are so cute!” It’s not that I am against puppies. I wouldn’t mind having one. But we live in a small apartment, and I already have a cat. One of the nice things about this store was that most of the animals were in open topped cages. This meant that you could reach in and pet, or hold, the more docile pets. Things like Dogs and cats were locked up, but the bunnies, hamsters, and…….ferrets, were open to the world.
We spent probably about 45 min. to an hour playing with the hamsters and ferrets. One ferret would get so excited when we walked by he would start jumping at the wall to get our attention. It was amazing. It was kind of like being at a petting zoo, only much smaller, and no admission fee. I think that if we end up getting a bigger place, like a town home or a real full blown house, I would totally get a ferret and a dog. I know the ferrets are not the easiest of animals to care for, and if you don’t get them de-scented, they can stink. But still, it’s a cool pet. Even Andrew started to like them.
With the smell of Hamsters and ferrets all over us, we departed the pet store adventure. We didn’t buy any new additions, though the thought was certainly there. It was about this time when my body just decided it had had enough. The rest of the weekend was spent either on my back, or sitting at the PC mindlessly running through WoW. My coughing steadily got worse and worse. Which leads into the next post.
Coming soon: Bronchitis = The Suck