A very long weekend part 3: The wetsuit

Did you ever think that a simple trip out and bout can turn into an adventure? Well I am firmly in belief that it can happen now. After my stealthy trip into Ironforge (read below) we all decided that a trip somewhere out of the house was in order. It started as a drive out to see what was going on down in Fairfax. (That’s the city I live in btw). We stopped off in old town and visited a few of the stores along Main Street. If you have ever been to old town Fairfax, you know there is not a lot on Main Street. One of the stores happened to be a Surf shop. (Keep in mind that Fairfax isn’t anywhere near the water). One of the future projects I am working on for a costume involves a good wetsuit so I thought maybe I could browse the selection there and see if I could find something I could work with.

Did you know, that in the winter time, people have no use for Wetsuits? Apparently this is so as all of the suits were packed up and put away for the season. I know, this boggled me too. Wetsuits usually keep you warm while you are in the water. Last time I checked, people go scuba diving and swimming, even surfing well into the winter. Needless to say, there wasn’t much of a selection at this surf shop. They did, however, say that I might be able to find some more at a different shop down the street. (Two surf shops that close in Fairfax?) So we hop back into the truck and head out to this new store. Silly me, it turns out that the other store is a scuba store and this one was a surf shop. Never mind that they both sell the same things.

I would say that it’s worth mentioning that this project revolves around a super hero type costume. You would think that spandex would be the perfect material for a super here costume, but….. having done the spandex spiderman thing I have learned that spandex can be very unforgiving. If you were not on top of your workout regime, you can quickly be portraying the super hero in a much different light. (Beer gut man anyone?) A trick I learned from John Fiorella (creator of the film trailer “Grayson”) A simple wetsuit can be modified to be a super hero type costume. The niceties about it are that neoprene is very restrictive. It stretches, but not much. The entire suit is cut to maintain a certain size and shape. The downsides of course is that you tend to get very, very hot. I have checked into a few different types of wetsuits and it turns out that there is a micro thin neoprene that would still fulfill my needs and not be that uncomfortable.

That brings us to my current problem. You see, it’s not so easy to walk into a scuba store asking for wetsuits and not have them ask what kind of diving I am doing. The looks I get when I try and explain my purpose are great though. Most of them say things like “Wow, that’s cool.” But the occasional few come back with “That’s the stupidest thing I have ever heard.” As you can probably guess, this latest shop was the latter type. I don’t think we spent more then about 5 min in the store. Not to mention that their selection stunk. It was still fun to get out and see things though. Our next stop would prove to be a bit more fun.

The next and final installment: The Pet Store

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