So, as I was saying yesterday, I really was starting to feel like crap. Sunday I didn’t do anything. At least, nothing I could remember. I know I had wanted to work on a few things, but I really just lacked the energy. To the point that Sunday night I was up till 4am coughing up a new lung (or an old one). I couldn’t take much more. Monday morning I called in sick and Amy was nice enough to help me find a Dr. to visit. Of course the appointment wouldn’t be until Tuesday, but it was a start. I spent the rest of Monday asleep or trying to move because my back was hurting. Did I mention that it sucked? I did my best to try and keep moving after a while. I couldn’t sit and focus on the computer and sitting anywhere just hurt my back more. I was able to get some decent sleep though.
Tuesday morning I went to work just like normal, but still felt like refried #%@&. Around 1:30ish I headed out to the Dr. office. Keep in mind, I really don’t like going to the Doctor. There were just too many bad experiences with military docs that just ruined it for me. I got there and of course had to fill out a bunch of paperwork. No, I am not pregnant, I am not allergic to anything, I have never had a hemroidal rash on my inner left butt cheek. You know the drill. Then comes the waiting
And Waiting
And Waiting
I could swear my appointment was for 2pm.
On Tuesday.
In the year 2005
Finally they call for me and the Nurse starts taking my vitals. Then I hear all about how wonderful the Dr. that I am seeing is and how he is one of the best in the practice. You know, things like he can deliver 5 babies while performing heart surgery with his right hand and carving a blowfish perfectly with his left. After my vitals are taken (low grade fever while there) She drops me off in the exam room. Want to take a guess what’s next?
Yup, more waiting. It wasn’t quite as bad, I just wish they had magazines in the exam room as well. All you have to read are the disgusting posters hanging on the wall talking about the horrors of inflated diabetic cancerous kidneys that have exploded. The doc came in just before I was ready to blow chunks on his model display of a human heart cut away to show how termites have eaten away at the floor boards. We run through the routine and he shines a light in most of my openings. He then explains that I have a slight sinus infection and the problem with my coughing and breathing would be due to the bronchitis I have. Wouldn’t you know, he pulls out a little 3D display on what bronchitis looks like! It wasn’t pretty. The nice thing is that he hooked me up with some sample medicine he had in the office. I now have to take 1 inhaler once a day, and 1 giant horse pill twice a day for the next 2 weeks. Wonderful. I hate being sick.
So that really concludes my long weekend. I am already feeling a little bit better. I am not coughing near as much and my energy levels are a bit higher. Of course, I didn’t exercise at all while I was sick. This means that Maya will be yelling at me when I get back. Oh Joy!