My how Verizon "InPulse" sucks

So we had a rather interesting incident in our house hold this last Monday. It would seem that our young Andrew had forgotten his keys and phone at home while he went to school. This doesn’t bode well for someone who wants to get into where he lives. When he didn’t check in I, of course, started to worry a bit. I called his phone (which I realize did no good, because he forgot that as well) and I kept getting a message saying that the call could not go through. After we sorted out the whole key issues and got Andrew settled down, I went to investigate the phone problem. You see we bought him one of the Pre-Paid phones so that any calls he made, he paid for. When I went looking at phones, the guy at the store told me that the In-Pulse phone would be perfect for me. I am a verizon customer and with this phone he would be able to call my phone (and any verizon phone) for free. He said “They have a 99 cent per day fee, but that’s only on days when you use the phone.”

Well, after this fiasco, I called the customer support for In-Pulse and found out that the plan is actually 99 cents per day, every day. This would essentially make his prepaid phone a $30 a month phone plus 10 cents per min. This was the stupidest thing I had ever heard for a prepaid plan. I went in to the store and threw a fit. For the next 2 hours I sat looking at plans and re-structuring my home plan to add a new phone for him. Turns out that my plan was so old, if I added his phone and upgraded my plan, I would pay the same and get more minutes. Thankfully they took back the In-pulse phone and gave me store credit so I was able to upgrade so that we all have camera phones now. For now it’s not a big deal, he doesn’t spend all that much time on the phone. But I know that we are just entering the teenage years. Why do I feel like this is going to come back to get me.

  1. Its the text messages that will eat you alive if your not carefull, the voice stuff is fairly cheap compaired.

  2. I know exactly how you feel because I was thinking about getting the inpulse for myself as well, since I don't like paying monthly bills. Then my dad explained it to me that no matter if I call a verizon customer or not Im still going to pay 99 cents. This is the dumbest plan ever and if you want unlimited text and minutes you have to pay 3.99 a day. How crazy is that? That would add up to being 119.07 a month. That is worse than any plans you can think of. Not even the Tracfone plan charges you that much. Anyways when I saw your complaint I just had to write something for you. Hope this made some people think as well who want to buy this kind of plan.

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