This weekend I went into over drive and took everyone with me. The house had gotten to be too much of a mess. It was really dragging me down when I would walk in and just feel down. So Amy and I talked about it and we tore through the place like madness! I even had Andrew doing some deep cleaning. Speaking of Andrew, I have another great store for the Tales of Teenage Years.
Let me set the stage. It’s Friday night. I have to go into work Sat. morning because of a special project. Amy had just bought me (and Andrew) Battlefront II, the new star wars game. We were up pretty late playing like usual. Around 11ish I decide to go to bed because I have to get up early. Not want to take away his fun, I stop by his room and tell him “Don’t stay up too late.”
“Ok dad” come back with shouts of “cover my position” from the pc speakers.
I head to bed and, since I was pretty tired, was out like a light. This is all well and good until my eagle ears hear someone walking to the bathroom at 5am. “No biggie” I think, it’s not like I haven’t had to go sometime in the middle of the night. Wafting in and out of sleep I look up and notice the light on outside my room. “Hmmm its 5:30, did he forget to turn off the light?” I get up and walk out there to find that the dining room light is on, Andrew’s door is wide open, and his light is on. Why? Because he is still playing Battlefront! “What the heck are you doing!” This is where one of his best lines comes in…
He looks at the clock and exclaims “When did it get to 5:30?? Last time I looked it was only 2!”
“2AM IS TOO LATE!” I screamed. At which point he jumped out of his street clothes and into bed hitting the power button on his PC in one fell swoop. It really was impressive. We made a point of waking him up around 9am for cleaning day. He knew it was coming. The whole day he kept trying to convince himself that he wasn’t tired. Needless to say he was out fairly early sat night.
Sunday was an easy going day. We had a great (somewhat late) breakfast cooked by a wonderful woman I know. Andrew and I made our way out to the Game Parlor (local gaming store). He wanted to play Magic the Gathering with some other people. We soon learned that Sunday is not the best day for this. Ah well, we might try again on Friday or Saturday. After that we did a little geocaching. We actually found two of the local caches and it was great to get out of the house and see some of the surrounding area.
I finished off the day playing some WoW of course. I do have to say that I was really proud of myself this weekend and last weekend. I avoided getting sucked into the game and playing all day long. This week looks to be a short week as I am off for Veterans day on Friday! WhooHoo!