Ok, so apparently I haven’t been updating as much as I really should. Mostly that’s because of all the stuff I have going on. Ok, well, that’s not all that true either. I just haven’t gotten around to posting. The sad thing is, it’s not going to get better right now. The holidays are coming and there is a lot to do! Lets get you all caught up before that though.
Last Wednesday Amy and I decided to have a hooky day. We haven’t had all that much time with just her and I. She has her classes after work and I have been taking care of Andrew (and probably gaming a bit much). So we scheduled to have Wednesday off and just enjoyed the day. That is, until we realized that we had a bunch of errands to run. Isn’t that always the case? Amy had some paperwork to fill out and an eye appointment. I had some things I had to pick up at the store. So we did a lot of running around, but we did it together! Doesn’t that count? We did manage to get over to the comic store and pick up the latest batch of addiction. Amy is really hooked on Birds of Prey and Super-girl. Meanwhile, I have been getting more and more into my Green Lantern. I also have picked up a few of the latest Batman issues. Good timing too, it would seem that someone is back in play.
This weekend wasn’t all too terribly exciting. Saturday Andrew and I stayed home and did some more deep cleaning of the house. By the afternoon time we had the house looking great! Of course, I was feeling like crap again (I had caught a small head cold over the last few days). Andrew had a friend come over to do some homework and that’s about the time I handed things over to Amy and just went to lay down. Hooray! The migraine fairy has come to visit again! After a good medicine induced nap (read 2 ½ hours) I was feeling much better. So what do I do at this point? I game of course! Lee and I got in and ran a few missions to help him catch up in levels. I only did this until about midnight.
On Sunday the unprecedented happened. I woke up at around 8:30am. I know, I was amazed too! I just wasn’t tired so I woke up! We had a few plans set but I didn’t plan for anything that early. We mostly just curled up on the couch and watched some TV until around 10:30ish. After that we went out for some Christmas shopping and to get Andrew and new pair of shoes (he tears through them quick!) After all of that, we up and went out to Georgetown in DC. It’s actually a nice little shopping district with a few cool things to see. We walked along the canal there and also along the Potomac River walk. Paul met up with us and we visited two local comic book shops (go figure). I hope that very soon I will reach the point where I am caught up as far as stories go and can just go on the normal release schedule for comics. I have been buying a few Trade paperbacks to catch up on the current stories and that gets a little pricey if it keeps up. One book that I was happy to pick up was “Red Son.” It’s an Elsworlds title about Superman. The basic premise is what if Kal-L’s ship crash landed in the Ukraine on Joseph Stalin’s farm. Think about it, Superman is an “All American Hero.” What if he were suddenly a Communist Hero instead? It’s an excellent read and I suggest you go get it.
The next few days are going to be nucking futz. Andrew and I are taking a father son road trip down to TN to visit with Lee and family. This will start at Oh god early on Wednesday morning. This means an early night on Tuesday night, which means, everything needs to get packed up and ready tonight. The trip itself is going to be great fun though. With us leaving so early means that we will arrive fairly early in the evening. Granted that I will probably be pretty tired, it still gives us some time to recoup and visit. We will be there all day on Thursday, all day Friday, and all day Saturday. The drive back is scheduled for early Sunday morning. I know Lee has a lot of thing set that he wants to do so I am pretty sure that there will be lots of fun. If I get the chance to blog while I am there I will. If I don’t, Happy Turkey Day!!!
I can NOT believe you are gonna be that close to where I live and not at least sneak by and TP my house!!!
I haven’t really set a route yet, if your on the way I will be more than happy to stop by!
Well, it depends on exactly how your going, Im in Louisville, KY – not exactly a jump off the expressway. It would probably be out of your way a bit to say the least – but its till close! lol