Ok, the surprise is here!! One of the new costumes I have been working on got delivered! I had some of the pieces of it a while back but I actually got the full costume piece recently. I think I am really going to have to work out more now. I knew going into this project that it would be spandex and spandex is very un-forgiving. I guess with my Spiderman costume it was all black and with the full mask it offered some anonymity. While I have a mask with my GL costume, you can still pretty much tell it’s me. Given that the convention isn’t until February, I think I have a good amount of time to tone up a little and trim down on the ol’ gut. I also plan to add a little to this costume. I don’t want to pull of being “Hal Jordan” or any other known Green Lantern. Since the new comic series goes over how there are now 7200 GL’s in the universe, I plan on being just a random one. This allows me to modify the suit a little. I was thinking of maybe adding a vest/jacket, boots, maybe even a belt.
Apparently my Green Lantern has already sky-rocketed to internet fame. A few weeks ago I posted a picture of the mask and ring on my buzznet site. Last time I checked, there were a large number of track back links to the pictures. One of them I followed and it led me to this site. According to this guy I am some sort of Mr. X. Who Knew? The guys at work are getting a big kick out of the pictures as well. I guess that’s what I get for living my life like an open book. The thing that gets them the most is that it really doesn’t bother me. I like my hobbies and what I do. Who knows what the pictures from the convention will do eh? So anyways, here is the latest costume The Green Lantern.
Hello! Sorry about using your picture on my blog without your permission. Your uncanny appearance to this man has entertained many at my school and we would like to thank you. If you would like I will take it off my blog. Sorry if I caused any trouble. You just really look like a man in our school.
Oh and I use Mr. X to just formally cover up the name of the person so i do not get in trouble with administrative staff.