Wouldn’t you know that some new profound information would drag me for my hole to post something about it. An important gaming announcement was made recently:
“SOE will be developing and publishing a game based on the DC Comics universe for next generation gaming platforms and the PC. It is expected that Lee will serve as Executive Creative Director on the game, bringing his artistic flair and talents to the world of online gaming for the first time … said Jim Lee; ‘The truth is that I love gaming as much as I love drawing and telling stories and look forward to bringing the DC Universe to life for players and comic book fans all around the world.'”
How many things that I love will Sony be F&%$ing up? I love Star Wars. Star Wars Galaxies came out and SOE screwed it up. Planetside, a massively multiplayer type of tribes game, had such potential, and SOE screwed it up. Everquest…… Well, everquest was ok, but SOE still managed to make that crappy. Are they determined to make everything they touch turn to utter crap? Not to mention, with City of Hero’s already out and running good, what the heck are you going to do in a DC world? Are we going to have 200 Batman’s running around? If you could make a “Kryptonian on Earth” style of hero, You have all of superman in your pocket, what could you NOT do?
Anyways, you are probably wondering where I have been lately. The honest answer: Super busy. Sadly I haven’t even sat down to game all that much. This last weekend I did a lot of driving around and work on a special project that will be named at a later day (I know how much you hate when I do that). Just when I finish one project at work, 3 more spring up. It’s pretty bad.
To sort of recap, Farpoint was a lot of fun. I managed to get a few pics. I took most of the convention as a chance to just relax and hang out with friends. I only got into costume for maybe an hour. It was just nice to get away from things and chill. Andrew had a lot of fun. He was a tad overwhelmed at the dealer’s room but found his niche in the game room (of course). The part I was most proud of is that he avoided the group of kids huddled around a lone PS2 in the corner and instead chose some of the board games and pen and paper games. He even managed his first game of D&D. This coming weekend will be the “Lets stay home and spring clean” weekend. We might get out to Fairfax, but when I do that I end up just spending money. I really will try and post more later.