No really! This weekend was actually a fairly busy one! Andrew has been on spring break this last week and finished it out on Friday with some good gaming. (: (He and I both of course) I have been doing a lot of DDO and he has really gotten into Americas Army. Amy got to go out with some of her work friends so that left just me and the kid at home alone.
We usually have a good time and this one was no exception.
Saturday we had the joys of little league. I dropped Andrew off at 10am for that. Amy had another appointment that she had to run. This means that I get a good hour and ½ of me time! This usually involves me lounging on the couch and being a loaf, but hey, if that’s how I want to spend my time! Around noonish we go pick up Andrew and stop off for lunch at the pool place. I like being able to go to a place where they know me well enough that I get breaks on the food and pool. I think I should limit how much I take Andrew there. He’s starting to get pretty good. It actually pretty funny, whenever he makes a good shot (intended or luck) he gets this strut to his walk with the look of “yeah, I made that.”
After pool we went home for a quick break and then it was OFF TO THE CIRCUS!!! Yup, the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus was in town. I had not seen this circus since I was very very small. It was really Amy’s idea but I didn’t take much convincing. Andrew was a little grumpy about it going in but once he was there and started having fun, that teenage angst melted away. The show was amazing, of course. We arrived a little over an hour early because they open the doors for a preshow where you get to go down to the three rings and visit with the performers. This was one of the best parts of the show because you are closer then front row and you can play along with them.
Our seats were really good, right in front of one of the side rings and right next to the Vortex of doom. Amy managed to get some great photos through out the show. She was also hit on quite a bit by some clowns! (She just claimed she was already dating one). At the end of the show we even got Amy into clown makeup! She will, of course, be killing me for making these pictures available. She complained the whole time but I know she had fun. We walked along the trailers for the performers and animals on the way back to the truck. I really have to admire the whole idea of joining the circus. These people go on tour around the country performing and entertaining in a way that they love. Oh to be a kid again!
Sunday we got up and realized it was Easter. Since I am not much of an Easter person, I really didn’t have much planned. I went out and picked up some Starbucks and an extra surprise. They had a really cool egg hunt kit. When I got back I set up breakfast on the patio and hid some eggs for Amy and Andrew. They had fun hunting around for them. Even Charlie (my cat) got to get out and enjoy the weather. After that it was jump into spring cleaning mode. We went full bore and got tons of stuff cleaned! It feels great to have the place clean, like a moral boost! Now if we can just keep it that way!