Big news coming!

No, it’s not that Amy. There is something important happening on the 20th of this month. I will be sure to post about it here. I just wanted to hype you up about it. It’s gonna be cool. It involves me and a bunch of other people. And it has nothing to do with poker! [grin]

On that note, don’t forget that this Sunday is the Blogger Poker tournament! I am fully registered and the prizes look really cool. I have been doing my best to work on my online strategy too. It’s really not that easy to play against people you can’t see. There is very little you can get from them. Even with the way the software works now, you can’t watch how they bet because they may have checked the box early on to auto bet or check. So it’s purely a matter of watching for patterns. Does this person always bet high when they have something? Do they bluff a lot? That and playing the averages of your hand. I tend to fold a lot when it comes to a crappy starting hand. If I have something halfway decent, and the call isn’t that much, I will hold out for the flop. If I am still in the decent range and no one is raising outrageous amounts, I may stay in, but If cave pretty easy with a weak hand.

I try and practice online with real people, but I did pick up something shotly after my trip that I love to practice on. It’s the PSP game for World Series of Poker. I hae been looking at it for a while and after the trip I picked it up (used) for pretty cheap. I like it, it’s a good AI and a great way to quickly learn the game. Of course, the downside is, I recently learned that there is a new game coming out for PSP called Stacked. It is sponsored by one of my favorite poker pro’s, Daniel Negreanu. It comes out at the end of this month and it is supposed to be the bomb-diggity! I’ll let you know after the 28th.

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