Well we just got home from another days worth of IV treatments. Charlie has become quite the mascot there. All of the Nurses love him and tell me how pretty he is and how laid back he has been. Usually when I come in he is curled up in the blanket that I bring in for him. It’s the blanket I have had since I was extremely small and the one we always curl up on the couch with, so it smells like home. The Doc says he is doing great, he even went poo today! He did bring up a little bit of a hairball, but in a way that’s good because that may have been the anomaly that the barium had stuck to in the x-rays.
The current plan is to continue treatment through Saturday and then some more blood work to check the levels that were so high from the last one. If everything goes well, we should be down to just a diet of the K/D prescription food and a follow up in a few weeks. I even got to see the bill for everything up to Saturday and I was very relieved. Right now he is curled up again on the monitor taking a much needed nap. We took a little romp outside while it was still nice. The picture is a current one as of about 5 minutes ago.