Charlie is doing much better!

Well, a full week of treatment later and Charlie is feeling a lot better. Thanks to all who sent positive vibes and good mojo! He went in for his last fluid treatment on Saturday. I was sitting at home doing my homework and I had a moment of sadness as I was sitting there. No Charlie on the monitor, or under my desk. He wasn’t in the window mewing at the chipmunks, or trying to jump on my shoulders. The house felt very empty without him there. Thankfully around 4pm I went to pick him up and he was extremely happy to be home. He is now on a strict diet of the prescription K/D food. The good news about that is that he likes it.

Sunday we made a special trip out to DC to pick up a visitor to our Garrison. TK-0.5 made his rounds to our area and it was my job to pick him up and show him around for a day. For those who don’t know, the 501st has its own traveling trooper. It’s a 12 inch storm trooper doll that has been mailed, handed off, and driven around to visit all of the different Garrisons. He was last up in Maryland with Old Line Garrison. Bryan from OLG handed him off at the Hard Rock in DC. We took the little guy around a few extra sights in DC and then back home (before the rain hit us). On Monday I took him into work and then to the Pool place where he got to play a few tables before I handed him off to Lori. We’ll see him again this weekend at Shoreleave.

The forth of July was pretty good. We headed out to see Superman Returns. I really thought it was a damn good movie! They did such a wonderful job of bringing the old movies back in spirit and bringing us up to date with this one. Everything about this movie made me remember how much I loved the originals. Go see it!

After the movie was done we went back home and made some picnic lunch stuff and headed out to Fairfax city to watch the fireworks. After getting lost driving around the city and getting blocked because of downed trees from the storm, we finally found a good spot in a shopping center parking lot just behind the place they launch the fireworks from. We had a great view. Of course we got there insanely early so we had to kill some time. We sat and played cards, Amy got to work on her school stuff. Finally around 9pm they started the show. I think the best part was the finale when it looked like the launcher guy just flipped every switch on the board!

Like I said, this weekend is Shoreleave, so expect an update after then.

  1. Well… odd what you find while looking for other things.

    You may or may not remember me. Scott Parker… from okinawa Vampire live action stuff… played (badly) a gangrel everyone loathed named Dorian… anyway that was long ago on an island far far away.

    Nice to see you have managed to keep in touch with so many of the folks from okinawa (paul, Doc, Clint, Lee… I’m sure there are others). Cool stuff.

    Anyway… I’m still in the Air Force (as a TSgt now) and was surfing the net looking for information on fatigue…. must have linked to one of your blog posts or something… as soon as I saw Wizzer i knew it was you… like I said… odd how you find thngs like this when your looking for something else.

    So… should you care to respond you can email me at and we can catch up on whatever has happened or talk about the old times or whatever.

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