What a weekend filled weekend!

This weekend was filled with all sorts of everything. You wouldn’t think that so much could be gone through in such a short period of time, but it’s true! The first thing that I need to get out is probably the thing that cause the most emotion through the weekend. It is the end of an Era. After three years of a relationship, Amy and I have decided to part ways. There were a number of things that led up to this. Even she and I came to the realization that it was coming. For all those concerned, the part was amicable. she and I are still friends and still talk frequently. Her path is just leading in a different direction than mine. Like all things of this nature, it hurts, but it builds on our character and we use it as strength.

That being said…… LADIES….. THE LINE FORMS AT THE LEFT!!! GIGGITY GIGGITY GOO! (Ok, I’m just kidding!!)

So this weekend I decided I need to go out and have a drink (or 8). I talked with Paul and he said he was coming to the area anyways, we could go play poker and such. Well, me being the lush that I am, I started in on some ciders before he got there. By the 3rd cider and the hour and ½ that Paul was late, I was starting to get pissed (in more ways than one) (ok see, that’s a multinational joke, pissed = drunk, damn it so not funny when you have to explain it). I obviously wasn’t driving anywhere, but I didn’t want to sit at home and drink (oh wait, I already was). Finally, my Upstairs neighbor, Don, came down and was wondering why I hadn’t made it to the poker game. I grabbed my coat and we headed out to Bungalows. There, they brought me one of the most glorious sights….. a 32oz cider. This would be around the time I realized that, as much as the movies make it out to be easy, playing pool while intoxicated does not lend itself to good pool. I still won, 3 out of the 5 games, but damn my shots were off.

Amazingly, I woke up with no headache on Sunday morning. We got up and made our way out to the comic book store (and a lovely cup of chai). After that we came back and started preparations for PUMPKIN FEST 2006!!! Yup, it’s time to gut those melons again! We lit the fire and got things all toasty, invited the neighbors over and ripped into a few orange bastards. As you may have seen in the patio decorations, Andrew and I had 3 pumpkins to carve through. One of them being a 45lb monster! Andrew picked the Flash symbol for his, I did the Imperial cog (with a rebel projection). For the beast, the skin was so thick that we couldn’t do anything fancy to it. So we went traditional. You can see pictures of all of them in the gallery.

After our fruit carnage, we went to wrap up the pre-Halloween weekend with a movie. And what would be more appropriate than Nightmare Before Christmas in 3D!!! It was amazing, of course. The 3D effects were awesome. They didn’t go out of the way to throw things in your face or anything. They just provided depth to the movie. I almost wish they had done more outside of the screen. If you have the chance, go see it! I was amazed to see things that I had never noticed before (and I have seen this movie a lot)

On a side note, as I wrap up things. Andrew got the chance to get in on the Cheese It! action. He finished up a little music video of his own. Check it out here.

Hope everyone’s weekend went well!

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