Life goes on….

One of the things I have learned in my many travels is that it is extremely easy to look back on life and say “Why did I do that?” and “What if I had done this?”. What makes life challenging and interesting is how hard it is to move forward with life and discover all of the incredible things that are waiting for us just around the bend. The adventure lies in that we don’t know what is there and every day is a new discovery!

Those of you who are avid readers know that the last few months have been tough with what life deals out. Those of you who know me close (and get the whole story) know this with my depth. All that said, it’s time for me to embark on the path that life has for me and to stop sitting at the crossroad looking down where I have been. Memories will always be there (until I get old and start forgetting things, but that’s why I have this blog right?) experiences are there for me to cherish and learn from, but if I spend to much time thinking about the past experiences and memories, I may miss out on the ones yet to happen.

What is all this leading up to? Well, it’s kind of hard to say, but, I believe I have a date this weekend. The funny part about it is that I haven’t really gone on a “first date” in years. While I am nervous, a little, it’s someone that I have known for a long time. She herself is at a crossroad in life and is getting ready to make some decisions. Outside of the whole date aspect, she is a really good friend as well, and I care for her a great deal. As a matter of fact, she was the muse behind my latest video that I edited together.

I know the timing on this may come as a shock to some people, but I don’t deal the cards, I just play the hand I have been dealt. Sometimes you get good cards, sometimes you just have to fold. (every now and then you get pocket aces and some bastard gets a flop of 7 8 9 while holding the 10 and J and your betting big because of your aces and he is just laughing and laughing and laughing while taking your money……bastard)…..Anyways, I feel my hand is good, time for me to raise the blinds.

  1. Nice site, well written. Keep it up…

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