The past few months have been a really interesting time. Bouncing around mentally and emotionally, it’s been quite the ride. One voice in the darkness has really shown through and been there to comfort and advice. One ear there to hear the good and the bad. Through all of this a bond has been re-created, a light re-ignited. This is what led up to the infamous date from last weekend. I was so bloody nervous over that too. Here is Emily, a stunning young woman who is bright, witty, beautiful, and intelligent. Then there is me. Not to say that I am a slouch or anything but you know what they say, you are you own harshest critic. What was strange about it was that Emily and I have known each other for years. She was a good friend out in Okinawa (possibly more, but I had a lot of alcohol back then [wink]). Then we both kind of went different ways. It wasn’t until recently that we had the chance to re-unite as friends. I was really glad that this happened. It’s amazing to see the different paths that both of us had taken.
Now, recently both of us had gone through relationship pitfalls, and here we were at an interesting cross road. Both of us suddenly single and available. Why not give something a chance that never had the chance before. So I asked her out, and I am really glad I did. I think we learned a lot more about each other during the whole process of the date build up, and that weekend. It was amazing how much we had in common, and with the differences, it made conversations all the more interesting. She has incredible views on so many different things. Even now, after the weekend is over, I can’t help but think of her and smile. (Is that silly?)
So, that brings us to the quiz. Emily and her friend Annie (yes I mentioned you by name!) decided that they apparently didn’t know enough about me, so they devised a quiz derived from many different sources, including some questions they threw in on their own. I told her that what ever she asked me, she has to answer as well. So we both sat up the other nights and answered all of the questions, then sent the answers without ever looking at the others sheet. Needless to say, I was floored. Some of the answers I knew, or felt right about, some I did not and was pleasantly surprised about. Then there are the answers that were mind blowing-ly identical to mine. I don’t know that I have ever had so much in common with someone while still having enough differences to add spice to the relationship.
Yup, I said relationship. It’s official, we are a couple! Latest plans are to meet up at Lee’s place in about a week for Thanksgiving. You know I have been at Lee’s for thanksgiving for about 4 years now! I am truly thankful!
Below is the list of questions. If you really want to know the answers, you will have to e-mail me.
What are you good at?
What is your favorite food?
What is your favorite TV show?
What is your favorite book?
What makes you laugh?
Name your favorite band
What is your favorite song?
What is your favorite movie?
What is your favorite subject at school?
Who do you admire? Why?
Why are we here?
Is there a God?
What do you want to be?
How will we find happiness?
Are you intelligent? Why have you given this answer?
Do you want to get married?
Do you want children?
Do you want pets?
Favorite animal?
Pets you don’t like?
Do you support embryonic stem cell research??
What do you think of the tests on Human cloning?
Do you believe in reincarnation?
How many siblings do you have? Names? Ages?
What do you like best about your job?
Least favorite thing about your job?
What is your dream job?
What do you consider to be your best feature?
What is your worst feature?
What was your favorite subject in school?
What scares you?
Favorite foods:
Foods you hate:
What is one of your first childhood memories?
Favorite memory?
Time that made you really sad?
Favorite smells?
Favorite actor/actress?
Favorite thing to do on the weekend?
Beach or mountains?
Lake or Ocean?
Are you allergic to anything?
Do you like roller coasters?
If you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be? Why?
Do you type with your fingers on the right keys or “hunt and peck?”
What is your dream car?
What is the high point of your week at work? Why?
What is something that you’re really looking forward to doing soon (outside of work)?
How do you plan to do it?
Who is a person who’s made a difference in your life?
How have they made a difference?
What’s a way you make a difference in someone else’s life?
What’s one of your favorite places to be? Why?
If you won two free tickets what would you like them to be for?
What is a gift you would like to find waiting at home for you today?
Do you believe in Monogamy?
What do you consider to be unforgivable?
In a room full of kids what advice would you most like to give them? Why?
In a room full of parents what advice would you most like to give them? Why?
Describe one of your most prized possessions. Why is this important to you?
If you could take a trip anywhere, right now, where would it be?
Name a place you’ve never been but would like to see.
Politically speaking are you Liberal? Conservative? Republican? Democrat?
What do you want your life to be like 10 years from now?
Would you ever participate in a reality show?
What is the best thing that has ever happened to you?
she have any hot friends? 😉