Finally back to the daily grind! I know this sounds kind of funny, but after all of the holidays and travel and everything else that was going on, it’s kind of nice to get back to the norm. Don’t get me wrong, I love extra days off, but when you are trying to get some work done that you know will be taking a few days, a short week kind of un-motivates you. So no more worries about that! Things are folding back to the standard daily routine.
Andrew has started guitar practice at one of the local music stores. He really seems to like it and says that he is getting chords down pretty well. He tries to explain the transitions from A to E to C and some other things, but most of that goes over my head. I do drool over some of the drums they have in the store though. He also should be starting up with Little League again here soon. In the meantime I have been on him pretty hard about school and getting decent grades
Our recent trip to FL went really well. Both Andrew and I got to visit with Emily and see some of the local sites. We even made it down to St. Augustine to visit the main downtown area and see the Fountain of Youth. Yes, I took a drink, and no, I don’t think it’s working. I am still pretty crotchety. One of the things that I know Emily and I were both looking forward to was to just relax and spend some time together. We squeezed in a few movies on the couch and even picked up the first season of “How I met Your Mother” for her to see.
Speaking of Seasons of shows. I have recently become addicted to “Scrubs.” I am not sure why it’s taken me 5 years to find this show, but it is chocked full of funny! Katie (friend from work) has the first 4 seasons on DVD and has been loaning them to me. Sadly, I polish off all three disks of a season in usually 3 days. So if you happen to have me on your Xbox 360 list and see me “Watching a movie”, it’s probably me watching more scrubs.
On the subject of the 360, I have stepped into the 21st century! Now you know I picked up an Xbox 360 a while back. And the 360 looks great on my 32inch Sony Trinitron. But it doesn’t look Awesome. I had been wanting a new TV for a while and finally saved up the money (and found an awesome deal). Microcenter had a sale on HDTV’s and I found a 37inch LCD that fit my price range. The quality is amazing and I did quite a bit of research on it before picking it up! Even better, I paid cash! No putting it on credit! So now I am truly in the Digital Age. I got to watch “Heroes” in HD on Monday night and it was amazing. To all those people who say they can’t tell the difference, Come over, I will show you the difference!
One movie that I can’t wait till it comes out in HD is Pan’s Labyrinth. I went to see this in the theater and I was stunned. It was truly one of the most amazing films I had seen. The effects were simple yet amazing. And the story was the same. On the front it was just the story of a war and a girl, but it had so many underlying tones that I was riveted. This is a MUST SEE, but keep in mind a few things. 1: It is a Spanish film so there are subtitles. 2: It has a number of scenes that get pretty graphic. I was cringing and hiding my eyes a few times. This one is not for the kids. It goes beyond your average slasher/horror (because it’s neither one of these) but the violence is very realistic and very graphic.
So now that things are back to normal, I need to take a look at my own daily routine and see what is in my line-up. The next big event will probably be Farpoint. This would mark my 3rd Farpoint! It’s weird to think about being here for 3 years so far. With the whole military things I was always moving close to every 2 years. 2 in Okinawa, 1 in Korea, 2 in Denver, and The Pentagon had me for just about 3 years. I was also reminded of my daily (or I should say weekly) routine of pool playing yesterday. Every week I go play pool at Bungalow Billiards during lunch. This is usually on Tuesday. I almost always have the same Waitress as well, Laura. Well, I have been doing this for about 2 of the 3 years here and I was told that I was Laura’s oldest longest lasting regular that had been around the longest (there is no real easy way to phrase that)
Not sure where I was going with that run. Anyways, with the routine coming back, I will try and get back into the swing of posting more often. Oh, on that posting thing. We just passed 300 posts!!! The first post was made on January 23rd 2004! Happy 3rd year!
Wow, 300 posts, that’s quite a bit!! Have a great new posting year and many more to come.