So tomorrow I have an appointment for a psychical. I haven’t really been to a Doctor in probably about 4 years, if not more. I am not talking about the whole “I feel ill” sort of visit, but a full blown “drop yer drawers” visit. I have to say it is scaring the crap out of me. I kind of wish they had an appointment available when I called just so I could get it done that much faster. This way was a full week of anticipation and nervousness. See, the thing is that I am 32 years old and over the past few months/years I have been noticing things that I should probably have gotten checked out a long time ago. But at the time they were all little things. One thing here, another thing there. Except that when you look back at all the little things, and see them all grouped in one big bunch, it’s kind of terrifying. I am thinking of these things because I know that when I go in, I should tell the doctor about them. In the past I have always just gone in with the attitude of “Nothing is wrong with me, I’m Spiderman!!”
Daily Bugle News flash: Spiderman is not invincible. He has gotten his butt kicked a number of times, broken bones, illnesses, and even a bad case of death. Unlike Spiderman, I don’t have a team of writers behind me thinking up new and interesting ways that I can be brought back from the afterlife. (Kind of wish I did). So this time when I go in, I will be telling the doctor everything and just hoping for the best. The appointment is tomorrow morning at 8:30am (EST)