How do you keep a poster and 3 readers in suspense?

I probably flatter myself that I have 3 whole readers. Anyways, I made it to my appointment and was nervous as all heck. First thing in the nurse asked if she could get a Urine sample. This was a good thing as I had waited on going all morning and I had a good sized glass of water the night before. How many jars did she need filled? I got a little worried though, there was this metal hatchway between the bathroom and lab that she said to set the sample in. This is all fine and everything, I did my stuff and capped it, when I opened the door to put it in I was a tad apprehensive. You see there was another jar there. And I didn’t remember her telling me to wrote my name on the jar, Thoughts racing through my head of some weird lab mix up, I finally broke down and asked. Then I had to learn to write sideways on a jar of my own juice. FUN!

Once in, the Doc seemed fixated on Ticks. I hate ticks. More than frogs! This of course led to a rather embarrassing story of geo-caching and stripping down on Doc’s front patio. Ask me if you really want to know. The doctor told me I should spread that story around too much though.

The suspense part comes in that, while outwardly I am very healthy (albeit with a strange sense of humor) but the blood work will take a while to come back. The verdict is, a Card in the mail means I am all clear. A call from the nurse means something mild, a call from the Doctor for a new appointment means I start freaking out. Either way it’s going to be about a week. Cross your fingers everyone!!

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