Remember way back when I bought that ½ cord of wood that Don and I split? No? Oh yeah, I didn’t blog about it, but I did send a pic to the photoblog. Well anyways, as you can see, ½ a cord of wood is a lot. And ½ of that (1/4 cord) ended up on my patio. I remember looking at it and saying… “I will finish with this before the winter is done”
Guess what.
It’s gone! I threw the last few logs on the fire and it’s all gone. I may run out and get another 1/8th this weekend (or next week). Well lots of snow brought everything to a grinding halt around here (as usual). And it’s all supposed to re-freeze tonight for all the more fun tomorrow. Meanwhile back at Stately Wizzer Manor, It’s Valentines Day and I am here all by my lonesome. If anyone knows any hot red heads that want to venture up, from what ever warm tropical un-disclosed location they may happen to be in, for maybe some cuddling and smooches, please let me know!