So here I am, entering week three of the instructor from hell’s class. The class is computer networks and, as I stated in the before post, the teacher has a very un-orthodox grading practice. Well I went a number of rounds in the boxing ring with Him and my Advisor and the teacher’s supervisor all bout this grading policy. Since there was no other class I could transfer to, they advised that I should continue with my current work and they would look at the policy. Well, I wasn’t too enthused but I went ahead anyway. My heart was not really in the projects I did and, while I am not sure I would have earned a C on the papers, I think I did some good solid B work. I was expecting the inevitable C or lower from the teacher, to which I would come back with a grade review and start all over again.
Well, I logged in yesterday to find that my projects have been graded. My IP (Individual project) I got a 120/120 and my DB (Discussion Board) I got a 60/60.
Color me WTF!
Outside of that, this last weekend was pretty standard. Saturday, after the homework was done, I nursed a whopper of a migraine that pretty much shut me down for the rest of the night. I curled up on the couch with the lights dim and watched Forest Gump (because it was on, and the music rocks) with the volume turned down way low. On Sunday I woke to find the sky had fallen. There was about 3-4 inches of snow that fell on Sunday. I had no clue it was coming and the reporters all on TV said “Oh there will be no accumulation!” Umm, did you happen to look outside guys? Regardless, Don, Andrew and I went out to play pool (I love having a truck). While we were out I went ahead and picked up my Pre-Order for Lord of the Rings Online. I am in beta now and it looks pretty damn good. I don’t know that it will be a WoW killer, but the game is a lot of fun, the graphics are amazing, and they have a niche with the Tolkien fans. Expect more on this subject later on.