God’s Will vs. Free will
“God is perfect in grace, in wisdom, in knowledge, in beauty, in holiness, in love, in power, in righteousness, in justice, in all that He is and all that He does. There is no thought or word or deed of God that is less than the ultimate it could be.”
God created man in his own image
To err is human
If God created man in his own image and Man makes mistakes as part of human nature, then by relation, shouldn’t it be drawn that God should then be capable of mistakes and thusly not perfect?
2 Timothy 3:16 states that “All scripture is inspired by God….” In 2 Peter 1:20-21, Peter reminds the reader to “know this first of all, that no prophecy of scripture is a matter of one’s own interpretation, … but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.”
If man makes mistake, is it his will or God’s will that inspires the writings of the bible.
God created man to have free will.
Throughout Scripture the Bible continuously instructs mankind to make righteous decisions by free will.
If god created man to have free will, why did he need to guide the will to write the bible? If god did not guide the will of man, and he did in fact have free will, then it is man that created the bible and not god. Man is flawed, therefore the creation of man inherits his flaws. If the bible was created by man then is the bible flawed?
If god created man to have free will, then the man that kills his neighbor acted on his own with no guidance. If god guided the actions of those writing the bible, then it is gods will they are doing and thusly, free will is not a part of it. If we are acting out god’s will, then the man who kills his neighbor is acting out god’s will. Why would god want man to kill? If god is against the killing of man by man, why would god give us the ability? Does god invoke his will over free will only at his choosing?
Fate and destiny
Fate: an event or a course of events that will inevitably happen in the future.
Destiny refers to a predetermined course of events. It may be conceived as a predetermined future, whether in general or of an individual. It is a concept based on the belief that there is a fixed natural order to the universe.
If god has a plan, then he is guiding fate or destiny for all men. If this is the case, then Man has no free will and we are all a part of God’s plan. But god created man to have free will, there for there can be no Fate or destiny and no master plan of God’s. If there is no master plan, why did god create us? If there is a plan, why would god let those that would do harm run loose? Are events like 9/11 and the Holocaust part of God’s plan?
Faith vs. Religion
Faith is a belief, trust, or confidence, not based on proof or material evidence, but based fundamentally on volition often associated with a transpersonal relationship with a deity, a higher power, a person, elements of nature, and/or a perception of the human race as a whole. Faith can be placed in a person, inanimate object, state of affairs, proposition or body of propositions such as a religious creed.
A religion is a set of beliefs and practices generally held by a human community, involving adherence to codified beliefs and rituals and study of ancestral or cultural traditions and mythology, as well as personal faith and mystic experience. The term “religion” refers to both the personal practices related to communal faith and to group rituals and communication stemming from shared conviction.
So faith is a belief created by a single man, decided by himself on what he believes and what he should follow. Religion is created by a group and this group sets down rules and barriers that those in the group have to follow. Both are created by man, and since man is flawed, these also are flawed.
No man is perfect.
God created man in his images
God is not perfect.
Caveat: These are exactly as the title conveys, Ramblings. They are not formulated thoughts but random ones. I have been up the last few nights and much of this has been running through my head. Before I start getting all the hate e-mails and “concerned” e-mails. I never actually deny the existence of God, only calling into question his will and perfection. Questioning the existence of Fate and Destiny over Free will.
Extra links:
My prior ramblings
an interesting discussion