The open letter to the women in my life

Ok so a lot of things have been weighing down on me as of late and I have been pulling my hair out and getting stressed out and confused and blah! So I figured it would just be best to lay it all out there and get it all off my chest.

H: You have been an incredible friend and more for so long that I can’t imagine what my life would be with out your influences. It is because of you that I have changed the most and become more of who I am today than anyone else. That being said, I am glad that we are as good of friends as we are. We had done more, and that apparently didn’t work for us, and less was not much better (at least not for me). The level we are at right now seems to work the best.

A: How can I say that I am both proud of what you have done, but also a little disappointed as well. I have to admit that you have come a long way in the time I have known you, and whether you choose to admit it or not, I know that my actions have helped you in the long run. But your work is not yet done and there is more you can do if you apply yourself. What worries me the most are your actions and words as of late. Things are still a game to you and you feel the need to remain clandestine in what you do. You have said things in the distant and recent past that makes me call into question your real motives about what you are doing. I don’t mind being just a friend, but for that to happen you have got to come clean and stop playing games.

E: Your life is topsy turvey. I understand that. I have been in the situation where I didn’t know where I was going to be in the next few weeks, much less the next few months. I also know that when things happened, it was a bad time with too many events all going at once. Because of this I feel that things went faster than they should have and emotions flared over things that shouldn’t have mattered. For that, I am sorry. I don’t want another chance at what we had. (Frankly what we had started great and ended horribly bad). What I wouldn’t mind is a chance at something new. Not any time soon mind you. Things are still in flux that I feel would only make it worse. You never know what’s around the bend. If things look up, I may just be there.

S: You are a really interesting person. You have a flare of a personality, you just need to let it out a little more often. I often enjoy our talks but I am worried about what may come of them. You are young, bright, and a wonderful person, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. (Especially yourself). I am a battered worn old man (It’s my blog I can say what I like) who has been around long enough to see things that may only be implied. You are a good friend, and I hope that you stay one. Just stay away from the P’s of the world and you will do fine.

MB: Some times are hard and it’s hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes those difficult moments are best faced alone. Sometimes they are better with friends. It’s always good to know that you have people who are there for you for when you are down, and will help you get back on the up and up. It’s a road that many of us have traveled. We know the pot holes and the wrong turns. Soon you will be ready to venture back out, and those friends will be there to help you along the way.

MW: Your council keeps me sane! (Could use a little more of that sanity please). You are indeed one of the special women in my life, now if only I were to listen to you more often. Never ever change!

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