So just when I started to get my Rock on with Guitar Hero II a problem decided to show it’s ugly face. My 360 started to lock up. Bad. Right in the middle of a song or even other games the screen would just freeze up. When I tried to restart the machine, sometimes it would work, sometimes it would start flashing 3 blinking red lights. I tried every type of trouble shooting before finally giving up and calling the big M. They said that it was dead.

But there is good news! It’s fully covered and they are sending me a box to ship it to them. All the repairs are free for me and it should be back in about 12 days. The downside to this is, of course, now I have no DVD player out front. Ah well, guess it’s time to read a book or two.
In other news…..Well….there isn’t really any other news. This last weekend was pretty slow. Lots of relaxing and just doing home things. Oh, and it snowed. What’s up with that?