Party Etiquette 101

This is an open letter to all who are attending parties this season as well as those in the future. I do this because it has becoming apparent that there are those among us who don’t quite realize how they should behave at a party. This should help.

1: Parties are given at a specific location. This means that there is usually a host that is in charge of said location. This also means the host is RESPONSIBLE for that location. What this really means for you, the partier, is that whatever the host says…goes. He/She is the boss and will most likely have to clean up after the party is over. Got that? The Host is the Boss and Sets the Rules. Keep this in mind as this rule may be referred back to at any time.

2: There may or may not be drinking at the party. The legal drinking age in the state of Virginia is 21. If you are not 21…DON’T DRINK!!! This should not even be remotely open to question. 9 times out of 8 the Host will set the rule into effect early on that no Minors will be allowed to drink (see rule number 1). This is because, as per rule 1, the host can be held liable if something were to go wrong (say for example, a drunken minor falling into a fire). Not to mention that if you will be posting about your adventures ONLINE, you should not include the location of where you were doing this illegal activity.

3: If you are invited to a party and you decide to bring a guest, especially a guest that the host does not know or has ever met, you will be solely responsible for that guest. Anything that guest does at said party will fall squarely on your shoulders. This is much like if you were to bring your child. You, as a parent, would be responsible for everything that child did. If that guest is having problems, it is YOUR responsibility to take care of them, no one else’s.

The reason I write this is because of an incident at an un-specified party involving un-specified people/person who may or may not have been drinking while underage. These un-specified people/person may or may not have brought an un-specified guest to said un-specified party. This un-specified guest may or may not have gotten sick all over the home of the un-specified host of the un-specified party. Said un-specified guest then may or may not have gotten banished from said un-specified house and proceeded to go into the woods and he/she may or may not have relieved him/herself all over his/her clothes. The people/person who brought said un-specified guest may or may not then started whining about not wanting to deal with said un-specified guest leaving the cleaning up and taking care of this un-specified guest to fall on either the un-specified host or other un-specified party attendees.

This was extremely un-nerving and was very immature behavior. I personally lost a lot of respect for said unspecified people/person.

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