Author Archives: Steve - Page 34


Ahoy Matey’s, be ye knowing what today is? Today be International Talk like a Pirate day!!! So draw up the Anchor and set the sails for fun and adventure (and bring me my rum!)

Cast your bilge rat pointers at this link for the info:

5 Months Ago

Time is a wacky thing…. You look back and notice that it has flown and crawled all at the same time.

5 Months ago I was going through a hard time

5 Months ago I had friends to talk to that helped me through it

5 Months ago someone reached out and took a chance

5 Months ago I was getting ready to help a friend move

5 Months ago I had no Idea what was going to happen that night

5 Months ago I was extremely nervous

5 Months ago I was shaking when I held her hand

5 Months ago She kissed me and we both smiled

5 Months later the smiles haven’t faded

I look damn cunning

I look damn cunning
Originally uploaded by wizzer2801

Sarah made me this awesome Jayne Cobb hat!!!

The real quick DragonCon Post

Wow, it’s amazing how something like DragonCon sneaks up on you and bam! It truly is some sort of time space anomaly because it felt as though we had been there for like 2 weeks, and yet it was over so fast. We drove down on Thursday starting at butt crack early in the morning. This put us in Atlanta by around 4:30pm which was nice because we got the chance to run around and get things done. Along the way we learned a very important lesson….never eat Chinese food from a truck stop! I know it sounds like a bad idea to begin with but I was in panic mode. We had gone without eating for a while and Sarah and I were both in the “Need food now or Hulk Smash” mode.

Thursday night was MIB night (as per usual) so we stopped in and got our badges and then went to change clothes. Actually we sat Andrew in the line for the badges and came back before he was up. After registration, we made our way up to the Hyatt Bar where everyone was meeting. One of the volunteers actually stopped us and (very seriously) said that we needed to Peace Bind our guns. ……… No, Not kidding. Our supper giant water guns that we painted silver needed to be peace bound. I am not even sure how you would do such a thing! Anyways, we met up with Monkey boy and chilled out at the Bar for a while. Pretty much from here on is a blur. Because of this, I will hit on a few bullet points.

Monkeys may try and steal your underwear at night, but at dragoncon that’s not an issue as NO ONE WEARS ANY!! This is where Kilts are not your friend.

Sarah in her Catwoman looks DAMN good! So good that people told me to get out of the way for pics even though I was in costume!

It was great to see the Green Lanterns out in force, now if we could only get them more organized! Seems like there were always a few here and a few there. We tried to get everyone together but that didn’t work. Why can’t I REALLY use my ring to communicate!?!

Nightwing and Oracle went of fantastically! We met up with the Super hero photo shoot and everyone instantly recognized Sarah as Oracle! We got some great shots with her and the Birds of Prey

Friday nights concert with Voltaire and his Whole band was very cool to see.

Major Victory is one of the coolest guys I have ever met. Every time we went by his booth he was awesome to talk to and had a great personality!

One of the best costumes I did was Friday night where I dressed normal but carried a full Das Boot around and drank from it. Every where I went people were screaming “DAS BOOT!!!!!”

Sunday was a good Chill day, Pirate for me and Raven for Sarah. She hooked up with a few other Titans and had a blast. From what I understand it took 4 shampoos to get rid of the purple hairspray.

Sunday also saw Andrew doing his Emo Black Spiderman which looks great, until it’s time to eat lunch. Removable gloves make all the difference.

Finally the drive home we learned to not dis the Cracker barrel because they control the traffic. Ask me about that sometime.

The ideas are already formulating for next years Con. We also really want to try for Comic Con next year. For now, I am going to enjoy a great food break as I jump off the diet wagon and have a few fatty burgers!!!

All of the pictures can be found in the links below (the post before this one)


DragonCon 07 Stuff

A few new pics are uploaded to my myspace and facebook profiles,

The rest are there

Real Blog post will be soon

And it’s only Thursday!

And it’s only Thursday!
Originally uploaded by wizzer2801

These are the lines for registration for dragoncon!

You gotta love "Dick" Grayson

Yes Please.

Guitar Hero Anomaly

So I was browsing around the comic store the other day and they have a radio in there playing a wide variety of different songs. After chatting around the store with Sarah and Dave, Surrender from Cheap Trick came on. I perked up and made a snide “Oh God” comment. From across the store I heard two other guys give a slight laugh. Sound to video game recognition had kicked in. We had all played this track on Guitar Hero II a bit too much. Apparently I was not alone!

Anyways, ONLY 9 DAYS LEFT!!

DragonCon is coming! Andrew comes back on Wednesday and is super excited about DC. This should be a pretty fun year as its Sarah’s first Major Con. She had the chance to see Shoreleave but it was very low key. I have a good number of costumes planned for this year but only a few that I am really looking forward to doing. The picture below should give a hint of that.

9 DAYS!!!

I got kilted!

Now I can be a unique individual……………Just like everyone else! I finally got a kilt. It took roughly 3 years of attending events with friends who were kilted and just wearing my jeans or shorts. I was always looked down on and poked fun of. Well no more! As of Sunday I have now joined the Kilted crew! All of you can marvel and the whiteness of my pale bleached legs.

Almost forgot the plug! I picked up this marvel of a kilt at a LOCAL place in Manassas!!
A friendly little place called the Kilted Nation. Check them out!!

Kilted Nation

9415 Main St.
Manassas, VA 20110

Avert your eyes!

And in an effort to finally join up with the Kilted Trooper Brigade: