Author Archives: Steve - Page 40

Producing Vista Needs More Beer!

Yet another weekend goes by at the speed of light. In some ways I feel I got a lot done, in others, not so much.

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I am not even sure I remember what I did on Friday night. (woah, now I remember, I did the Happy Hour with some of the people from work! And learning how gross some of my work mates can be!) It was mostly just recovering from one heck of a week. High stress at the work place with some inter-personnel issues, and some rather sad news on Lee’s end. One thing I did try and do was throw in the new Vista disk and start an upgrade. Yeah, that didn’t go so well, but that leads into Saturday.

Happy Vista Day! I say that because Saturday was pretty much all Vista All day! Yeah I am doing the whole vista thing and going all the way, I have the Ultimate version. (No really, it’s called ultimate) Well, as I stated earlier, I started the install on Friday night. Well it wouldn’t upgrade, but it did give me the option to install to one of my clear drives. You see, I have 3 hard drives in my machine. SATA1 = 500gb, SATA2 = 300gb, and IDE1 = 100gb. My main drive is SATA1, so it said it would install to IDE1 and do a multi-boot. Silly me, I believed it! After the initial copy and configure, it needed to reboot, so I let it.

NTFS Not found
Press CTL + ALT + DEL to restart

Oh crap

So I try and repair using my XP disk. No Dice as the XP disk doesn’t see the SATA drives without special drivers (which can only be loaded via floppy disk, ……what’s a floppy disk? I haven’t had a floppy drive in years!) So I finish the install to the IDE drive and am able to see all my sad lonely files on SATA1. I start the move of the 100gb of personal data to SATA2 for safe keeping. This is going to take a while so I take a break from the PC and watch The Producers! Great movie/play/musical. Really makes me miss doing theater. Checking back on my copy…. Nope, not done yet.

When the copy finally finished I was able to install Vista to SATA1 and do all the updates and such. I cleaned off IDE1 and started the migration of my data back to SATA1 from SATA2. (copy, not move. Just in case). I also went about installing any excess drivers I needed for the network card and such. I also got to play with the Media Center stuff (the 360 acts as an extender). I also had to reinstall my Zune and such, which meant a wipe and reload on the Zune as a new association with the new OS. So now I am copying 100gb back to SATA1 and copying 30gb to my Zune. Time to run to the mall!!

I managed to find a gem at the mall too. At the FYE Movies they sell some used DVD’s and I uncovered a $6.99 gold mine! The 2 disk Animated full series of Clerks! Yeah, I had to pick that up. Andrew and I also took some time to have dinner (yup, it was around 6pm by now) at UNO’s and visit some the usual stores.

When I got back home, I checked on the copy. It was only ½ done!

“Windows requires administrator access to move this file, do you want to allow access?”

Ugh! Yes, allow access. Well, now I get to watch some Clerks! 3 episodes later, the copy is done and I can start re-configuring my machine to like it was. Installing Office, installing Money 2006. Moving all the My Documents files to their right locations (Vista has a new layout for all the files). Ok, take Vista disk out of drive so I can install, install program, reboot……

BOOTMGR Not found
Press CTL + ALT + DEL to restart


Ok, drop the Vista disk in and reboot to the disk, run the Starup repair utility and reboot, all is good! More installs, take Vista disk out, install disk in, another reboot….

BOOTMGR Not found
Press CTL + ALT + DEL to restart

Ugh! Vista disk in, reboot and distracted with Clerks…..Machine boots up. But I didn’t boot to the DVD? Ok, so a few searches on the internet (on my Powerbook, how’s that for Irony) and I found that Vista uses a new boot tech called the BCD (Boot Configuration Data) and that mine was all borked up. You see, I could boot up fine when the disk was in, but not without it. I was able to find a utility that showed me what the problem was. My BCD was written as such: (edited down for important parts)

Windows Boot Manager
identifier {bootmgr}
device partition=D:
description Windows Boot Manager

Windows Boot Loader
identifier {default}
device partition=C:
path \Windows\system32\winload.exe

So, my BOOTMGR was looking at the D: drive (IDE1) and my windows was installed on the C: drive (SATA1). After looking at 2 different utilities and many different forums, I found the proper way to use the BCDedit program that comes with Vista and changed the Boot Manager device to C:.

For the record the command I used was:
bcdedit.exe /set {bootmgr} osdevice partition=c:
bcdedit.exe /set {bootmgr} device partition=c:

Then I moved the hidden directory of [Boot] and the hidden bootmgr file from IDE1 to SATA1. After that, I booted to the DVD and ran the start-up repair utility again. This time it found an fixed a problem. The big test…..reboot! I took the disk out and crossed my fingers.

YATTA!! It worked! 2 hours of diagnosing and I finally fixed it! That was the big hurdle. Everything else is just tweaking to personal specs and such. I imagine I will write up more thoughts on my Vista experience after I have used it for a few days. I was exhausted.

Sunday I took it easy. I picked up the VGA cable for the 360 because I heard that’s the only way to get it to upscale DVD’s. It also makes some of the games a little crisper as well! While I was out getting that I picked up BeerFest on HD-DVD! I had to sit and watch that. It is probably the most ultimate guy movie I have ever seen! And absolutely hilarious. It was the much needed laugh that I needed after the last two days.

How do you keep a poster and 3 readers in suspense?

I probably flatter myself that I have 3 whole readers. Anyways, I made it to my appointment and was nervous as all heck. First thing in the nurse asked if she could get a Urine sample. This was a good thing as I had waited on going all morning and I had a good sized glass of water the night before. How many jars did she need filled? I got a little worried though, there was this metal hatchway between the bathroom and lab that she said to set the sample in. This is all fine and everything, I did my stuff and capped it, when I opened the door to put it in I was a tad apprehensive. You see there was another jar there. And I didn’t remember her telling me to wrote my name on the jar, Thoughts racing through my head of some weird lab mix up, I finally broke down and asked. Then I had to learn to write sideways on a jar of my own juice. FUN!

Once in, the Doc seemed fixated on Ticks. I hate ticks. More than frogs! This of course led to a rather embarrassing story of geo-caching and stripping down on Doc’s front patio. Ask me if you really want to know. The doctor told me I should spread that story around too much though.

The suspense part comes in that, while outwardly I am very healthy (albeit with a strange sense of humor) but the blood work will take a while to come back. The verdict is, a Card in the mail means I am all clear. A call from the nurse means something mild, a call from the Doctor for a new appointment means I start freaking out. Either way it’s going to be about a week. Cross your fingers everyone!!


So tomorrow I have an appointment for a psychical. I haven’t really been to a Doctor in probably about 4 years, if not more. I am not talking about the whole “I feel ill” sort of visit, but a full blown “drop yer drawers” visit. I have to say it is scaring the crap out of me. I kind of wish they had an appointment available when I called just so I could get it done that much faster. This way was a full week of anticipation and nervousness. See, the thing is that I am 32 years old and over the past few months/years I have been noticing things that I should probably have gotten checked out a long time ago. But at the time they were all little things. One thing here, another thing there. Except that when you look back at all the little things, and see them all grouped in one big bunch, it’s kind of terrifying. I am thinking of these things because I know that when I go in, I should tell the doctor about them. In the past I have always just gone in with the attitude of “Nothing is wrong with me, I’m Spiderman!!”

Daily Bugle News flash: Spiderman is not invincible. He has gotten his butt kicked a number of times, broken bones, illnesses, and even a bad case of death. Unlike Spiderman, I don’t have a team of writers behind me thinking up new and interesting ways that I can be brought back from the afterlife. (Kind of wish I did). So this time when I go in, I will be telling the doctor everything and just hoping for the best. The appointment is tomorrow morning at 8:30am (EST)

Super Monday!

See, that’s why we don’t have the super bowl on a Monday. It just doesn’t sound right! Well this weekend was the big game. I know that mot of you are probably saying “You don’t watch football!” You would be half right. I don’t mind watching sports games. Actually they are pretty entertaining. I just can’t do the whole team worship follow every stat of every player, know who scored the 8th touchdown of the 36th super bowl and what he wore to the after party sort of thing. (No offense Don). Besides, with the new TV I was really looking forward to watching the game in all it’s HD glory! (I swear I wrote this before you e-mailed me Em) But that was Sunday, let’s not get ahead.

Friday night was pretty busy. I stayed late at work and went to the Happy Hour over at the hotel with some of the Co-Workers. You know, Pool on the hotel tables sucks. I am so used to the tables over at Bungalow that it was difficult to switch up my game. Regardless it was fun to get out and blow off some work steam. Work has been getting pretty stressful as of late and I needed to vent. I couldn’t stay all that late though as I had to meet up with Doc for our latest round of BattleStar Galactica! We were behind by 2 episodes and he hadn’t been over since way before Christmas, so we had some catching up to do. We got to talk about his latest endeavor, pirating the open seas (sort of) on the Kalmar Nyckel.

Saturday morning was kind of blah. I have been having an issue lately where I am overly tired. I tried to get going on Saturday but just couldn’t get the steam and ended up crashing out again till about 10:30. When I finally forced myself out of bed I got dressed and headed down to the mall. Anything to get me up and moving. This ended up being a good thing as I got my Oil changed in the truck and made an appointment with H&R Block. So I was a little productive. In the afternoon I went and played some pool where I heard a vicious nasty rumor that Laura may have been fired! (Laura being my favorite waitress for the last 2 years!) This will be investigated on Tuesday of course. Saturday night was quiet. Heather came over and we watched Underworld: Evolution. Overall, not bad.

Sunday was the game day! I set about cleaning up the house and getting some last min food. Don and Jen were coming down, Andrew had one of his friends over and Paul was supposed to show (but flaked, no big surprise). Somewhere in the mix I managed to get away and get the latest run of comics as well. So, the menu (of which I had way too much of) consisted of all guy food. We had Tostitos, Doritos, Spicy Thai chips, Queseo dip, Guacamole, Buffalo Wings (50!!!) Bagel Bites, and Brats. Too…….Much…….Foood…. The game was good, close the whole way. The commercials were great as well. If you want game highlights, I am sure Don’s site has everything you could want. As for the commercials, here are my top 3:

Did I say 3? I meant 4:

Ahhhh Yeah!

Ahhhh Yeah!
Originally uploaded by wizzer2801.

This would be my 2600 hooked up to the 37inch tv

High Definition in all it’s glory!

.Ok, I officially LOVE my HD TV. I know that sounds goofy but it’s true. You never really know how much standard def sucks till you watch it on an HD TV and see HD right next to it. My new HD cable box/DVR came in on Monday and, while it’s certainly no Tivo, it does have some nifty features. The main one being that I can record 2 things at a time, both HD if I want. This comes in handy as Heroes and 24 are in the same timeslot and both are broadcast in HD. I am also taking advantage of the “new cable box syndrome.” You know how when a new box gets hooked up for the first time, all of the pay channels are active for a short period? Well, HBOHD and ShowtimeHD had some good movies playing so I had the DVR record them. Problem is that they tend to take up quite a bit of space.

One of the things I will miss is the ability to pull things off the Tivo to archive them on my PC. See my PC has a metric crapload of space and the Tivo allowed for transfers. While I still have the Tivo in the bedroom, it’s not the same. Ah well, maybe I can save up and get one of the new Series 3 HD Tivo’s. Right now they are just too much. In the meantime, I am going to need to hit the store sometime this week to stock up for Sunday. This will be the first time I have seen the Superbowl in HD!! Super Sweet!

Good morning campers!

Finally back to the daily grind! I know this sounds kind of funny, but after all of the holidays and travel and everything else that was going on, it’s kind of nice to get back to the norm. Don’t get me wrong, I love extra days off, but when you are trying to get some work done that you know will be taking a few days, a short week kind of un-motivates you. So no more worries about that! Things are folding back to the standard daily routine.

Andrew has started guitar practice at one of the local music stores. He really seems to like it and says that he is getting chords down pretty well. He tries to explain the transitions from A to E to C and some other things, but most of that goes over my head. I do drool over some of the drums they have in the store though. He also should be starting up with Little League again here soon. In the meantime I have been on him pretty hard about school and getting decent grades

Our recent trip to FL went really well. Both Andrew and I got to visit with Emily and see some of the local sites. We even made it down to St. Augustine to visit the main downtown area and see the Fountain of Youth. Yes, I took a drink, and no, I don’t think it’s working. I am still pretty crotchety. One of the things that I know Emily and I were both looking forward to was to just relax and spend some time together. We squeezed in a few movies on the couch and even picked up the first season of “How I met Your Mother” for her to see.

Speaking of Seasons of shows. I have recently become addicted to “Scrubs.” I am not sure why it’s taken me 5 years to find this show, but it is chocked full of funny! Katie (friend from work) has the first 4 seasons on DVD and has been loaning them to me. Sadly, I polish off all three disks of a season in usually 3 days. So if you happen to have me on your Xbox 360 list and see me “Watching a movie”, it’s probably me watching more scrubs.

On the subject of the 360, I have stepped into the 21st century! Now you know I picked up an Xbox 360 a while back. And the 360 looks great on my 32inch Sony Trinitron. But it doesn’t look Awesome. I had been wanting a new TV for a while and finally saved up the money (and found an awesome deal). Microcenter had a sale on HDTV’s and I found a 37inch LCD that fit my price range. The quality is amazing and I did quite a bit of research on it before picking it up! Even better, I paid cash! No putting it on credit! So now I am truly in the Digital Age. I got to watch “Heroes” in HD on Monday night and it was amazing. To all those people who say they can’t tell the difference, Come over, I will show you the difference!

One movie that I can’t wait till it comes out in HD is Pan’s Labyrinth. I went to see this in the theater and I was stunned. It was truly one of the most amazing films I had seen. The effects were simple yet amazing. And the story was the same. On the front it was just the story of a war and a girl, but it had so many underlying tones that I was riveted. This is a MUST SEE, but keep in mind a few things. 1: It is a Spanish film so there are subtitles. 2: It has a number of scenes that get pretty graphic. I was cringing and hiding my eyes a few times. This one is not for the kids. It goes beyond your average slasher/horror (because it’s neither one of these) but the violence is very realistic and very graphic.

So now that things are back to normal, I need to take a look at my own daily routine and see what is in my line-up. The next big event will probably be Farpoint. This would mark my 3rd Farpoint! It’s weird to think about being here for 3 years so far. With the whole military things I was always moving close to every 2 years. 2 in Okinawa, 1 in Korea, 2 in Denver, and The Pentagon had me for just about 3 years. I was also reminded of my daily (or I should say weekly) routine of pool playing yesterday. Every week I go play pool at Bungalow Billiards during lunch. This is usually on Tuesday. I almost always have the same Waitress as well, Laura. Well, I have been doing this for about 2 of the 3 years here and I was told that I was Laura’s oldest longest lasting regular that had been around the longest (there is no real easy way to phrase that)

Not sure where I was going with that run. Anyways, with the routine coming back, I will try and get back into the swing of posting more often. Oh, on that posting thing. We just passed 300 posts!!! The first post was made on January 23rd 2004! Happy 3rd year!


Originally uploaded by wizzer2801.


501st Biker figure

It took a little work but this is how it should be! Bikers Rule!
Originally uploaded by wizzer2801.

It took a little work but this is how it should be! Bikers Rule!

Puppies and kittens

You know how when you first start out in a relationship, you see everything that is wonderful about the other person? You end up spending all night talking with them and then the next morning when you wake up you remember that you were talking all night with them, but can’t really remember what you were talking about? Not that it matters much because what ever it was, it was wonderful. It’s kind of like when you just get a brand new puppy. They are so cute! The wiggle around and make cute faces, you make cutsie faces right back at them while making goo goo eyes and fuzzy wuzzy talk. (Of Course, that’s what a less than manly person would do, not me of course. Of course I wouldn’t do something like that. Did I say Of course too many times?) This is the initial phase of the relationship. Everything is puppies and kittens.

Then, before you know it, the ensign taps a control on the panel and you ware 3.7 light years from there diving into the next phase. Puppies grow out of the cute fluffy stage and start peeing on the couch and eating your good shoe. You start to notice the little things that may start to grate, and of course you, no doubt, start doing tons of little things that grate right back. This is probably one of the most important phases. The trial and error phase. It’s called that because you will no doubt try everything you can to not make any errors. The reason this phase is the most important is because this is what sets you up for that all important stage, the comfort stage. But we aren’t there yet. (cue rewind sfx)

During that first phase, all of your charm comes out and you use your natural instinct to court your mate. You say all the right things, you glace over to the dresser and all those miniature figurines of ducks all seem to be sitting daintily in a row. (Figuratively speaking) The second phase, you suddenly have it thrust upon you that you are in fact (dun dun dun dun) a human being. In learning so, your body suddenly begins to sweat, body odor becomes apparent, and instantly you have about 15 blemishes on your face that you could swear weren’t there before. But this, as much as we would like to believe, is who you really are. As much as you would like to sit in puppy stage, you advance into that awkward stage where you limbs don’t do what they are supposed to and you trip around a lot.

Even as an older puppy though, it’s still fun to get pet, you still enjoy lying on the sofa with someone you care about (even if they swat your nose again). And growing into new stages means new things. You gain a new respect for the other person because of the subtle intricacies that make them unique. You find that, because you spent all the time with them during the first phase, when they aren’t there involved in your life, you miss them. There is still a learning that goes on of course, but it’s a deeper learning. The first phase is for getting to know someone. The second phase is for learning to love someone. Yeah, it may be awkward at times, but think of all the things you have experienced in your life that was awkward. When you look back on them and how they affected your life, you realize that, you are who you are because of them. (Ok so maybe that drunken incident at my sisters wedding could have been forgotten, but that’s beside the point) The second stage is important because this is where you learn the bond that initially brought the relationship together in the first place.

Sometimes you get through the first stage slip through the second with out another glance, jumping into the comfort stage without looking. Then you realize that you never really got to know the person you are so comfortable with. They realize it too and you learn to just walk away. Other times you jump out of the first phase and hit that second stage like a ton of bricks. No matter how hard you try to make things work, they just don’t work out. Sometimes, though, just sometimes, you venture into that second stage willing and ready to learn and love and grow, and that is what makes the whole relationship worth while. The fact that even after the first stage is done, you get a random memory or thought, and it makes you smile. You think of how you would be without that someone, and it makes you sad. You wish time would fly by so that you could see them again, then you wish time would stand still so you can spend as much as possible with them. Puppies and kittens don’t stay that way forever. They grow up, and become dogs and cats. And in doing so, they become closer to you, and you never want to let them go.

That’s what love is….
