Ok, so last night was Halloween. For the most part it was a good time. We started the evening out with getting things ready for Trick-Or-Treating. We were picking up Andrews friend Zach and I was taking them around a few neighborhoods. The decided start time was around 5:30.
Well, it would have been if Andrew had remembered his helmet. He wanted to dress up as his Biker Scout so I asked him to triple check that he had every piece that he needed. He claimed he did so we headed out. It wasn’t until suiting up that we realized that the helmet was missing. The 8 mile round trip back to my place took a good 30 min!!! I hate traffic!
Once we got out and doing the trick or treating everything was cool, we headed out for the town home areas (less walking, more candy). I got the chance to start in on the new book I got: The Looking Glass Wars. The downside is that I was starving. I never did get the chance to eat before going. After the candy fest, we hit up Taco Bell where I had one of the most gut busting burritos on the face of the earth.
We finally went home to wrap up things for Andrew. The candy all looked good (there was even some cool looking Korean/Japanese/Chinese candies.) I sent Andrew off to bed and then went out for my own Trick-Or-Treating. A friend of mine said I should go to Bungalow Billiards for their Halloween party and Costume contest. Even though I didn’t have anyone to go with, I went down there and signed up for a table (why go to a billiards place if you’re not gonna play!) The contest wasn’t judging until Midnight so I have about an hour and a half to kill. I went ahead and changed into my Biker Scout. This is where I should have known better.
No, nothing bad happened to me or my armor, let me get that out now. But the core of the people in costume were in bad “Party City” costume in a bag style costumes. Something you can wear while getting drunk and not care about the next day. This should have been my first clue. I got to my table and started setting up to practice my shots (all while still in armor BTW). One of the guys at the table next to me came up and asked if I wanted to put $5 on a game. I proceeded to laugh hysterically.
“There is no way I am betting money on a game where I am wearing this armor!”
He offered up just a friendly game then and I accepted. I was fully expecting to get sharked into a pay game which I was ready for (I had no cash). Turns out he just wanted to play, and I was cool with that. He was there with a girl who was smoking hot, and dressed as Alice from wonderland. When I asked him what he was dressed as….
“Man, I’m dressed as a Gangster!”
“ummmmmmmmmm……..Kay” I replied. His costume consisted of a white T-shirt, and a ripped white cloth wrapped around his head. This would be the first point in the evening where I felt bad about our society. Through out the game, his girl would come up to him and do things to be affectionate or talk or just whatever. The response he kept giving her was always:
“step off b
Now, there was never any violence, so it wasn’t really my place to say anything, but wow did it make me sad. I could tell that 1: she normally gets treated like this from him and 2: She was eating it up and going back for more. This is one of those things I can’t fathom. My friend John tried to explain it to me, but I am still a bit lost on it. Apparently, some women like to be treated like crap.
Anyways, around midnight, the contest started and I got suited up (had to take off some of the arm armor to play). While standing in line next to a banana (who continually reminded me “I am a f
Hmmmm, On one side we have a half naked drunk chick shaking her ass(ets), on the other side we have a ………..(I could tell that the announcer was drunk) Guy from Star Wars! Yeah so, I decided to cut my losses and head out. Over all it was not a total loss for the evening. I got a lot of compliments about the costume, I got to play pool, I got out of the house, and yes, I got the chance to weep for humanity.