Ok, so I have been out of it for the past few weeks. Work has absolutely hammered me. With different servers failing and political crap going back and forth, when I get home I don’t want to go any where near the PC and I am way to busy at work to do stuff there. So I just needed to take a break from everything. I haven’t posted on any boards, not blogged, anything! I have had a number of things that I wish I could have blogged about too! We missed out on Talk like a pirate day. I finally got around to canceling my COV account which means I am MMORPG free at the moment. Those are just a few.
A friend of mine has introduced me to some new music too! While we were at DragonCon, I was walking through the area where a lot of the bands have booths. Now, these are usually some punk bands, or goth bands etc. They all pretty much sound the same and the band next to them. After a while I stopped paying attention to them. Well, there was this one guy down towards the end of the room, Voltaire. He had a very typical looking booth set up, lots of black, lots of emo feel to it. So, I really didn’t pay much attention to it at all.
Flash forward to the now. I decide to give a few of the tracks a listen to and holy cow! This is NOT your typical goth band. Actually is have only trace amounts of the goth feel to it. I actually sat with my headphones on at work and zoned out while focusing on my work. I have to say I was very much floored by the sound of the music. One of the tracks actually got me so lost in the rhythm and music that I lost track of the lyrics. His website actually has a few tracks available for download, go check it out!
Outside of all that, you know, all the stressful crap, it’s been pretty tame as far as events and such. Last week Andrew and I did attend a garrison event where we trooped the Best Buy release of the Original Trilogy of Star Wars on DVD (again). School has also kept me busy as of late. I am currently in a “Programming Concepts” class which is supposed to teach the logic and layout of programming. So far I have learned that my teacher is an ass and has no desire to actually teach and help students. I have had a few very bad conversations with him and have finally taken it to my Student advisor. We’ll see how this turns out.