You know, I always wanted to use that as a title. This would have to be the first chance I have really had to make use of it though. I know I haven’t updated in a while. Really, I have a good excuse for it! I have been super busy. I mean, normal people get busy, and super folks get really busy, but I have been SUPER busy! All of the pre Christmas stuff had me overwhelmed for a while, but that was expected. Christmas was probably the most relaxing part of this whole time, but who wants to blog or read blogs on Christmas! There is actually quite a bit to update so I will try and keep it chronological.
To continue on the “13 year olds have no brains” train, I have quite the doozy of s story that happened the other weekend. This happened one simple Friday evening. I was driving home like normal, except for the newly acquired Best Buy gift card that was burning a hole in my pocket. I had planned to come home and pick up Andrew and go shopping, that’s when I get to about 3 minutes from the apartment and I get a phone call from Andrew.
“Hi Dad, can my friend come over for a bit?”
“I’m almost home, can this wait for a few min?”
“I was just wondering if he could come over for a bit.”
(kind of flustered now as I am dealing with traffic too) “Umm sure why not.”
So, no biggie, I can take both of them to best buy and we can still have fun. I get home and start taking off my jacket when there is a knock at the door. Eric, Andrews’s friend, is there with two big bags in his hands.
“So, Eric, how long you staying with us?” (said sarcastically)
“Umm just till morning” (not said sarcastically)
“Is that ok?”
“Yeah, yeah , ummm That’s fine. Andrew can I see you for a minute?”
Yeah so, that was an interesting evening. Andrew claims that he didn’t know it was an overnight stay, I have my doubts but I will give him the benefit. We still went to best buy and I was inches away from buying an XM MyFi. We all played some games until late and got up Saturday and had some breakfast. That’s when the next big event happened.
Amy got into an accident. Don’t worry, it was nothing bad. She is ok. She had borrowed my truck to go to a Dr’s appointment sat. morning and was on her way back. She rolled through an intersection and was bumped by an SUV making a left hand turn into her lane. The driver of the SUV claims that Amy ran a red light and she says the guy ran the light. The cop on the scene didn’t cite anyone and there is a big fat ZERO damage to my truck. I was quite surprised really.

The SUV hit the left hand rear fender of my truck and I think it just brushed some grime of his vehicle because the few scratches that are there seem to wipe off. We have been dealing with the Insurance companies now and it looks like everything will turn out fine. What a pain in the but though. The guy was very obviously making an illegal left hand turn so no doubt he wanted to throw blame on Amy. She, of course, has been freaked out and scared to drive. We are taking care of that though.
Christmas it self wasn’t bad at all. Andrew and I finally got some time to get out and buy presents. We really did a whirlwind trip through the mall. Since Andrew was leaving on Saturday morning to go visit his mom for Christmas, we decided to have his official Christmas with dad on Friday evening. He made the decision for us to open up most of our stuff as well because he wanted to see our reactions to stuff. So we really had our big Christmas that night. Of course, Andrew made out like a bandit. He scored some more memory for his computer, some more magic cards, T-shirts, toys, etc etc etc. Amy got me a really cool fountain that does the cool mist effect. It has light and everything. The coolest thing about it is that it has a remote!
Lastly and most importantly is Amy’s Christmas present. Andrew and I had bets on whether or not she would cry when it was opened. I knew she would. She is still glowing. Amy and I have been dating for almost 2 full years now, so I bought her a promise ring. It wasn’t the easiest thing to find either. I wanted to get her a Claddagh ring. Mostly because I really like the style of ring, and it’s her favorite style as well. Also because one of Amy’s favorite shows is Buffy The Vampire Slayer, and in the show, Angel (Buffy’s love interest) gives Buffy a Claddagh ring.
She cried.
The next morning we took Andrew to the airport and went about a few errands that we needed to do. That night was Christmas eve and we sat down to watch a few holiday favorites on TV. We watched Elf, Amy had never seen it, and I had wanted to watch “It’s a Wonderful Life.” This would be when I learned the unspeakable (but I will speak it anyways)
Amy had never seen “It’s a Wonderful Life”
How do you go through life and never see one of the most widely publicized Christmas movies of all time? From here it gets only worse. It’s 11pm on Christmas eve and the last showing of the movie was an hour ago. THE LAST SHOWING!!!! It won’t be playing at all on Christmas day!! HOW IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE!! I had a new quest. I needed to find this movie so that Amy could watch it! From my old Video store days I remembered that Blockbuster is open 365 days a year so we headed out to see if we could find it. NOOOOOOO They closed early!! Wait, CVS is open, maybe they will have it. NOOOOOO they have all the crapy new cartoon movies, but no classics! I hung my head and we drove home with only the XM Christmas channel to comfort us.
Christmas day was the ultimate lazy day. I don’t even think we made it out of our PJ’s. Around mid-day I started making a special Christmas dinner for Amy. We had smoked ham, stuffing, garlic smashed potatoes, green beans, and for desert apple cheesecake. Believe it or not, it came out really well. I made way too much and we have lots left over still. In the evening we snuggled on the couch and watched a few other movies. It was a very good Christmas. Here’s hoping that yours was good as well.
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