Even though for the past few weeks I have been feeling a little under the weather, (read as complete and total puppy feces) I still managed to get a little gaming in on Saturday. Something I don’t believe I have mentioned yet here, Opiee the Troll Rogue has come to the end of a very long and arduous journey. I made it to level 60. For those of you that don’t know, in the World of Warcraft game, your character advances in levels. You start at 1, obviously, and gain experience points for things you do. 60 is the highest level you can achieve in the game. Now it’s just a matter of experiencing the different areas and getting better gear. Then of course, there is the expansion pack coming soon. It also lets me help out the others is our group to level a bit faster.
So the main thing that I promised myself, and Andrew, was that as soon as Opiee hit level 60 I would sneak into the dwarven city of Ironforge. You see, WoW is broken into two factions, The Horde and the Alliance. The horde is made up of the Orcs, Trolls, Undead, and Tauren races. The alliance has the Humans, Elves, Dwarfs, and Gnomes. Each faction has their own major city. Ours (the horde) is Orgrimar with the smaller city being Undercity. The alliance side has Ironforge with their smaller city being Stormwind. At any given time there are usually about 100 people in each city. So you can imagine that it’s pretty tough to get into an enemy city. Being a rogue makes it easy to sneak though. You can stealth past anything that’s a lower level then you. Since I am level 60 now, everything is either lower or equal to my level in the city. So as long as I am careful……right?
Sorry to disappoint in that the trip went off without a hitch. No grand escapes or major craziness. I had never been to Ironforge so I had no idea about the layout. One of the major things I wanted to see was the underground tram system they have to go between cities. It was pretty damn cool by the way. It goes under water and everything. While in the tram room in Ironforge I did manage to kill a few people that were running by. I also got onto the tram right in front of a night elf. I made it a point to un-stealth and wave to him. After my tram ride I headed back into Ironforge to play around a bit more. In the main area in front of their auction house, a large amount of people usually mill around. The one that were marked for PVP were the ones I was able to play with. I never really attacked outright, but instead I would sap them and walk away (it’s like a stun that I can stay stealthed with). This causes most of them to run around in a panic trying to find me.
After a short while of this, I decided to make my way back home to the Orc city. Like I said no major encounters or super asshattery. It’s very apparent that the Developers liked the alliance faction a little more than the horde. The Alliance cities just seem to have a lot more detail to them. There were more random occurrences through the zone, etc. It just looked prettier. It was a fun visit though and I plan to return with a few other people to maybe cause a little more havoc next time.
Coming up, Part 3: Fun in the wetsuit.