It feels weird to be posting on a Thursday. I feel like I need to post because I didn’t post yesterday, but, it’s Thursday, so I normally just wait for Friday to post. Well, I figured that since it was an odd day for posting, I would post on an odd subject.
My living room has turned into my collector’s room. I really didn’t plan on this. When I moved into the apartment, I had originally planned to make the living room as normal as possible, and maybe have another room decorated with all of the Sci-Fi stuff. After about 4 months of bare walls, I thought “I can just put up the Pictures, that’s not too bad.” As you can guess, it just went all downhill from there. I really don’t mind having it all there, but it’s just growing and growing. Pretty soon, I am going to be that Guy with all the collectible stuff in his Living room. OH WAIT! Please keep in mind, I have a normal life. I am not completely obsessed with Star Wars. I like it, I enjoy collecting. But if I had a fire and it all burned down, I would not be committing Hari Kari.
Lets start with the entry way. As you enter the door, on the right hand side, is my computer desk. It’s usually very cluttered so I didn’t get a picture directly of it. Instead I took a shot above it where I have a variety of Light Sabers. You can see at the Top there is Darth Vaders Saber, and Lukes Saber. Below those are a Small blue saber that came with the Talking Yoda, and then a Custom built “Old Republic” Style saber. Down below those are two more custom built sabers, one has a wooden dowel built into it for filming purposes.
To the right of this wall is the window and above that are two more sabers. The Darth Maul, and the Mini Maul. You can see in the corner is another saber hilt. This one is my personal custom built saber. (And apparently a number of spider webs, I’ll have to clean those.)
On the wall dividing the Kitchen and the Living room I have a few Blasters mounted. The Top one is a Naboo blaster from EPI, the left is Han Solo’s Blaster, and the right is my Custom built Scout Blaster. The cane you can see is my custom built Emperor’s cane. And all of this is around the poster for Revelations. (Signed by Dawn, still waiting to get Shane’s sig.)
Off to the left of that wall is the book case. Nothing too remarkable about the books, but up on top there is even more stuff! Visable things include, The Enterprise D, Anakins Pod, a bottle of Romulan Ale (from Las Vegas) My Borg Cube Dice, a Bottle of Bawls in a TSN hugger, and of course, my cute and cuddly thing that should not be: Cuthulu. (Wearing my Cyclops Sunglasses)
Now it’s time to enter the living room. (Cue the dramatic music) Lets work our way around from left to right. Just in front of the Book Case is the Life sized Storm trooper stand up. You will notice that he is wearing my Boonie Hat and has my Ghetto Garrison Finger on his shoulder. Hanging above him is a TIE fighter of course.
This is the big Picture. There’s a lot going on here so I attached 4 different pictures together. Moving from left to right we have: a Celebration III Vader figure, a Special Silver clone trooper, my Boba Fett Unleashed, a Standard Stormtrooper, The Celebration III Epic Print, my Grandfathers rock, Sebastion (the cat gargoyle), my Spiderman Bust in front of a spider man print, A few candles, a standard Biker Scout figure, the Han Solo Unleashed, and to finish off the mantle, a Speeder bike, Com unit (remote control for a speeder bike) and incense. The other figures on the wall are another silver clone trooper, a Silver Sand Trooper and a Silver Darth Vader. All around my Ceramic Phantom of the Opera Mask. Down sitting on the drum would be my Furby style Yoda. (shhhh he’s sleeping). Finally, above the TV we have the Millennium Falcon, My Gentle Giant Biker Bust, the Remote controlled Speeder Bike with biker, a Clone Wars Clone trooper, The Birthday Present Biker Scout Statue, and then R2 down on the side. Behind the TV you see a Print of an Empire Strikes Back montage, This is one of 3 prints that I have Signed and Numbered by the artist James Cukr.
In the corner opposite from the TV we have an Episode I teaser poster with the X-wing hanging above it, then there is the Boba Fett Standup. A few non-star wars things over here include my Team User-friendly flag, and my Hard Rock Café lanyard. I have been collecting pins from the different Hard Rock Café’s that I visit. The cool thing about this corner is the light that I placed here. I set a lamp here to cast indirect light into the room, so it’s pointed right at the Poster. When it’s on, the poster makes it look like the lamp is casting the Vader shadow. It’s eerie.
Moving along the wall we have the second Cukr print “the Arrival of the Bounty Hunters” This is by far my most favorite of the three. There are two shelves here that just have an assortment of random stuff, I’ll let you figure out what’s there.
Almost done! Just above the DVD rack would be the third Cukr print “Sith Lords” This one came out right after Episode I so it only shows the three. Here we also have the Ralph McQuarrie portfolio for Empire Strikes Back (Given to me by Doc) Darth Vader’s TIE hangs overhead, and the Boba Fett head hanging here is actually a Cloud City Mini Playset. Sitting on top of the DVD rack would be Pictures of my Son and the Sword Case from Osan AB Korea.
I have an Open area Bar like place that looks into the Kitchen, above that I have placed all of my celebrity signed photos. I call it my Wall of Fame. All of the Sig’s I got myself, I hate the people that sell signitures on E-bay, it’s so Im-personal. Here we have, John Delancy (Q), Kate Mulgrew (Capt. Janeway), Tyler Mane (Sabertooth), Ethan Phillips (Neelix), Virgil (Pro Wrestler), Michonne Bourriague (Aura Sing), Adam Baldwin (Jayne), Jewel Staite (Kaylee), Nathan Fillion (Malcom Reynolds), and Brian Thompson (Lots of Stuff).
Finally, the last stop on the trip is just inside the door to my bedroom (but clearly visible from the front room.) This is a Pepsi Machine Medallion. It’s never been used in a machine. I am not going to Say where I got it. This is probably one of the most unique items in the Collection.
So there you have it. The tour of Steve’s Collectable living room. It’s crazy isn’t it! As soon as I get a house (or bigger apartment) I am going to have just one side room with all of this in it. Most likely the computer room. In the new place it will be a quest to create a normal looking Living room. Until then, I just don’t have the storage space to take all of this down. Feel free to leave comments on what you think, Or just shy away in terror. Whichever!
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