Author Archives: Steve - Page 54

E-Bay Auction For Katie

As many of you know I am a very proud member of the 501st legion. (and a not so proud member of the ghetto garrison.) Well after coming home from Celebration III with all of my vader figures in tow, I decided to throw up a little auction. Ok, wait, let me back up a little bit and tell the whole story…. (cue the rewind sound effect)

I am at Celebration III surrounded by Talking Darth Vader figures (Sounds like a Bad dream). I apparently bought more than I had planned and started making jokes about walking through the line to the store and opening one of the Vaders in front of the peoples. You know, just to see their face. Well Amy thought it would be funny to se MY face, so she hands one of the figures to Kathy (Albins Wife) and dares her to open it.

She Did

For a split second I thought “OH NO!” Then I realized that I still had a bunch and besides, it’s a Toy after all. So I took it down to the convention and showed it off to all the people in the dealers room. From there it became a joke to throw it up on E-bay as “The only figure out of the box.” One of the dealers joked that I might get like $600 because of that.

When I got home, I thought “Why not? Would be funny to see how much it goes for.” So I made that the plan. Then, of course I also thought that, while I could use the money, (I am not near as rich as I look) there is someone who could use it a whole lot more. So I opted for the Auction for Katie. Because:

A toy should never have to go through it’s life without being played with

A Little girl should never have to go through the things Katie is going through.

Please visit the auction, and spread the word of it as much as possible.


Celebration III Part 2

Ok, I sat and thought about it and I think I figured out a few mix ups. I think the 501st Mixer was on Friday night, and it was right before then that I had gone to the RAM with Darth Ericus and his wife. Then on Saturday, after the droid hunt we went and did a special Induction of John Knoll as an honorary 501st member. So now that that is cleared up. Where was I? Oh yeah!

Saturday Night. After the induction was over we headed to the room and rested up a bit. We talked with Steve and Rain about meeting up with them over in Dawns room. So on the way there I got Amy some pizza as I heard she had not eaten all day. This is what I get for leaving her running a fan table all day. (: We met up with the GG gang and instead of going somewhere we all decided to just hang out in the room. The funny part came when we all started asking Dawn about Revelations and it turned into sort of a mini panel on the fan film. It was defiantly one of the better “events” of C3.

Sunday morning was the official 501st group photo. At last count I believe it was around 440 troopers gathering together in armor in the Hyatt lobby to march down to the convention hall. The line of troopers was so long, that, marching 2 by 2, when the front of the line got to the convention center and was going in, there were still troopers leaving the Hyatt. We had actually blocked off the road for about 10 min. The pictures I have don’t do it justice. The end result looked great though.

After the picture Amy and I walked through the Dealers room one last time just to see if there was anything I had missed. While walking by the Lucasarts booth (the company that handles the gaming) I heard them talking about Galaxies and getting the crowd worked up for it. In a way it pissed me off because they are still hyping up a game that’s broken. So myself and a few other scorned galaxies players got together and started a chant of “Fix Smugglers, No More Nerfs.” While it didn’t stop the crowd workers, it did get the attention of Tiggs, the main forum Developer for Lucasarts. She came out and started yelling at me to stop and that it was in-appropriate. I yelled back that they should fix the game and not ban people for just trying to get word out. She claimed that the Smuggler revamp was coming soon and I called her a Liar to her face. She said she didn’t understand why smugglers wouldn’t listen to her when she would talk about it. Gee, I wonder, could it be the 2 ½ years of lies? She ended up walking off, as did I. With a smile on my face of course. I may not have accomplished anything at all, but I felt better.

It was nearing on 1pm and it was time to leave Celebration III behind us. We got in the truck and said our goodbyes as we drove off. And Yes, we had the helmets this time. The weather was cold and nasty the whole way home. Once we hit the Ohio border it started to blizzard and that lasted the whole way through Ohio. Wow, Ohio sucks! After exiting the Penn. Turnpike we took a break for some food and ran into one of the Garrison Carida guys also on his way home! We finally arrived at 1am on Monday morning/Sunday night. We were so exhausted that we unloaded everything to the den and crashed out. Thus the reason I was so tired on Monday morning.

So there you have it. The trip report from Celebration III. I really wish it were managed a bit better so we could actually see some of the things we wanted, but the lines were so horrible, I just didn’t want to waste the time. So, until later, enjoy the Pictures!

Celebration III

Ok Wow, I am still tired. I think I need a full day of sleep just to catch up. Of course you realize that I will have to break this down by day, not for organizational purposes, it just that’s the only way I will be able to remember what happened.

Wednesday: Ok, from what I can tell, I was indeed at work, at least in the morning. I think I left here at around noonish. Amy had managed to pack everything and have it ready to load into the truck. We were playing as Armor Transport for a few people so the truck was defiantly full. We had Steve M. and Rain M’s armor, Marc Pattons armor, Kieths Armor (all of those were TK guys), Then there was Dawn’s Bounter Hunter Armor (and a Display stand), My armor, and all of mine and Amy’s clothes and such. We managed to leave the house at 1pm and headed down 66.

About 40 miles down the road I turn around and look in the back seat and realize that…….We forgot the helmets. So I turn around and we go back for them. We had basically just wasted an hour and ¼ a tank of gas. I was a little upset about that. So the official time we left was now 3pm. So our route would take us 66 west to 81 north to 70 west all the way to Indiana. The only downside to this would be driving through Ohio. I am sorry to all of the Ohio Garrison, but honestly I have never seen anything good about Ohio. Every time I try and go through Ohio it takes forever! We were trying to figure out if there was a time difference in Indianapolis, so when we stopped for food we asked the girl working at the Taco Bell if there was. She was kind enough to reply, “No, I think the time only changes on the coasts.” Uh huh, OKAY. So that would be why she was working in a Taco Bell late at night in Ohio.

The answer was, yes, there is a time change. So we arrived in Indianapolis at midnight. The great thing is that we managed to hook up with everyone so they could get their armor quickly. We were rooming with Kathy and Albin so we found them and got all of our stuff up to the room. Then it was off to the bar! Except that every bar we found was either closing or had just announced Last Call. GAH!!! We hung out for a while that first night with the Ghetto Garrison guys (and gals) then sadly went back to the room to sleep off our Soberness.

Thursday: The First Day of C3!!! Yay! So we woke up and donned our Ghetto Garrison shirts and jumped into the line for the Will Call Tickets. Thankfully the line was not overly horrendous. It didn’t take too long and we finally got our official tickets! After that we met up with Steve, Rain, Marc, Lori, CC, Dawn, Shane, and Shipley where they were waiting in the Fan club entrance line. I have to say a HUGE thank you to them as they allowed us to join them (you guys are the awesomest). Apparently they had someone waiting there since 6am. The doors to the Convention center opened for us at noon and we rushed in and off to the C3 store. This is the official store where you can buy Specific Celebration III swag. The hot Item of course being the Talking Celebration Exclusive Darth Vader Action Figure.

The problem is that the lines for the store we horribly un-organized and the people running the registers were idiots. On top of that our line was moved to a different section of the store where we were made to wait while a line of volunteers got to buy their things. Of course they were only using the side we were on and the other sides moved through fine. I am all for the volunteers getting their stuff, but to stop a line that already had people in it for 2 hours to make that happen….. They should have cycled the volunteers through ALL of the lines and got them out faster. So after many many hours of waiting, we finally made it up to the register and got our stuff. By the time we made it out of the store, it was 5pm.

Ok So here is where everything starts getting blurry. I remember doing things, but I am really not too sure of when they happened. So what I will do is start going through Key events.

The Ram: ok so there was this Bar/Restaurant that served as the 501st main HQ. The Bloodfin Garrison set this up for us and it was awesome! Most of the evenings ended up here and it was a great place to hang out and relax, in and out of armor. Of course after sitting there for a while in armor I quickly became out of armor. I know that one of the evenings we had a Ghetto Garrison meet up there, and another one Amy and I ate with Darth Ericus and his wife.

I do know that on Friday morning I actually woke up at 5:30am so that I could head out to the line to get in. This was sort of a thank you to Steve and Rain for letting us jump in with them, I figured that I would hold the place for Friday morning. This actually wasn’t too bad of an Idea. I grabbed my book and let Amy sleep in while I slipped out. I sat there for about an hour or so reading, then the rain started. I was indeed smart enough to bring my umbrella and dress very warm. I met up with some great people in line, (which happens to be about the ONLY good thing about lines, I like talking to people!) The Doors opened at 9am and the line went quick. I tried desperately to coordinate with the others so that they could meet up with me, sadly they didn’t make it though.

Ok, from here I know we walked around a bit and saw a few of the rooms. I peeked in on the Star Wars in Pop Culture room. (This was just a screen and DVD projector playing clips from Star Wars Appearances in TV shows. We also stepped through the R2 builder’s room. It was great to see all of the different droids that people had made. I really would like to build a mouse droid. (The little black RC car sized one that raced around the floor in the death star.) At some point on Friday I did get into armor and walked around. I made a point of walking into the kids’ room and played with them for a while. When I walked in I was swarmed with little ones with light-sabers. Its times like that that make me remember why I, 1: Love Star Wars, and 2: Love getting into armor.

Somewhere during Friday, Amy picked up her Droid hunt badges and handed them out. The rest of Friday, though, is a complete blur. I can not for the life of me remember what happened Friday night.

Saturday was a very busy day. I had made up my mind that if I was going to stand around in armor, I was going to at least get something out of it, so I volunteered some time and got my special badge. Amy went to help out with the droid hunt at the 501st table so I was free and clear for whatever. At first I just helped out some of the other guys in armor with relieving them from posts. The big one I remember was that I made my way over to the C3 store and found someone to relieve there. So here is how the C3 store lines were made up. There was a Big Square in the center of the room that had all of the merchandise in it. On each side of the square was about 6 registers. Each side of the square had its own snaked line that wound back to the front entrance. My job was to move people from the end of the snake lines to each of the registers. This was actually going pretty good for a while. Then they opened up a line where you could get Just the action Figure if you had cash only. I thought “Great! I can trim down the line a bit and help people get out faster!” So I started moving through the snake line and grabbing people that could go there.

First I have to say, there are some Selfish freaking people in the world. It’s a snake line. So the people were layered back and could all hear me shout about the new register. As soon as I said it there were about 50 people that all raised their hands screaming for me to take them, Most of them in the back few rows. Politely I ignored them and worked through the line grabbing people along the way. Then line was moving fast and I thought it was working out great. That is, until I got yelled at by one of the Gen-Con guys. Turns out I was supposed to only pull people as they had reached the end of the line. Which of course to me seemed pointless, but I didn’t run things. So like a good little trooper I stopped. I had already pulled a lot of people through. Unfortunately I had broken up a group of four people. I hadn’t planned to, it’s just how it ended up. And since I had just gotten yelled at, I didn’t go back and get the rest of them. The guy that had gotten left in the line proceeded to bitch me out for breaking up his group and that I had completely ruined his whole day. I really wanted to rip into him, but no, I was nice and pleasant. I explained to him what had happened and how I was sorry. Seriously, if he thinks I ruined his day, wait till he gets to the Other 20 lines he is gonna have to wait in.

So I had them relieve me and I headed out to grab Amy. Amy was swamped in 501st stuff at the table so I went to lunch with the Tyranus guys instead. After lunch I did manage to kidnap Amy and we went to see the Episode III Spectacular. This was a digitally projected music video montage of clips from Episode III. Plus a behind the scenes video. After that was done we rushed back to the 501st table for the droid hunt raffle. Wow, talk about an under estimate of people! The raffle was set to go off at 5:01pm on Saturday. Well we were in the same room as the Burger King “Jedi Academy” Who, of course, were scheduled to have a show at 5pm. We discovered that we had a lot more people show up for the raffle then we had planned and needed a way for all of them to hear. So I asked the Burger king guys if we could use their stage and Mic’s. We were only supposed to be up there for about 10 min, well that turned into ½ an hour. Because of this we ended up rushing through the Raffle. I really wish I had a camera up there to take a picture, the whole room was filled with people. There had to have been about 800 or more.

After the droid hunt, I was beat, we went back to the room and got ready for the 501st Mixer. Amy got into groupie gear, but I was too wiped out for Armor. The Mixer was fun, they raised almost $8000 for Katie.

Ok Next is Sunday But I am going to Do that in a separate Post as I am starting to get tired again and it’s blurring together more.

Arrive Alive!

Well, Barely. I just wanted to throw up a quick note to say that, I Got back from C3 and am exausted! I plan to write out a big trip report but don’t want to rush through it. So give me some time to get through it. We got in at 1am Sunday night/Monday morning after a10 hour drive, and I am here at work (I am so hardcore). In the mean time here are some PICTURES!

Holy Cow, I missed a day!

What was I thinking! I didn’t even get the chance to go over what all happened this last weekend! Silly me. So where did I leave off? (/me looks down one post) Oh yeah, well lets start with Friday night. I actually got some gaming in. I met up with some of the guys and played some More Matrix Online. I am still not entirely sold on the game. The way I see it, there are a LOT of improvements that can be made. Once again, it has Great Potential. I would just like to see it live up to that potential. The game playing on Friday turned out to be really good. I was able to level up my newb character to level 10 (where I get Hyper Jump! I get to be Superman and leap over tall buildings! Ok maybe not tall buildings, more like mediocre high-rises.) I also got to play with some of the new Crimson Gamers guys, like Illugen, Interceptor, and Svirflin. It almost feels like SWG again with the guys we have playing. We have a great group of people.

Saturday was a lazy sleep in day, followed by a quick lets get ready to go and get to Baltimore. This was Revelations Premier Day! My good friends Shane and Dawn have spent the last 2 years working on a Star Wars Fan Film called Revelations. Saturday saw the World Premier of that movie at the Senator Theater in Baltimore. Of course it takes me about 1 hour 30 min to get there. Amy and I decided to help out the cause and volunteer. I trooped the event and Amy Helped out with tickets. The movie turned out amazingly well. It was truly visually stunning to watch. After the movie many of the attendees went off to the Gala Party. Sadly I we could not attend as 1: it was pretty expensive and 2: Lee was coming in at 9am Sunday morning. So we hopped in the truck and headed home.

Early Early Sunday morning creeped upon me like a cat pouncing on a mouse. I had to wake up at an ungodly 8am on Sunday morning! (Hey, for me, that’s freaking early for Sunday.) We drove up to Dulles Airport to grab Lee and stopped at Backyard Grill for a very expensive Sunday brunch. After that we dropped Lee’s gear off at my place and headed for the Metro. Lee had an interview downtown so we wanted to go and scout out the area. Of course, our timing could not have been worse. Turns out the time we got there was the same time everyone who was going to the Nationals game got there. The train was PACKED! We didn’t even get as far as what we wanted as it was just too packed. We got off at Federal Triangle and saw the Mickey Mouse Display. It would seem that they are doing a tour of 75 Mickey Mouse statues and this is DC’s turn.

After that we walked over to the White House and had even more great Timing. The sidewalk seemed to be blocked off because the President decided it was a good time to get into Marine 1 and take off. After we finally made it through that crowd we visited with Albert Einstein at his memorial, Walked through the Vietnam Wall, and then trudged the billion steps up to see Mr. Lincoln. You know you never really appreciate how big he is till you see him first hand. No Wonder we elected him president, he could of crushed us all! I heard he was tall but WOW! From there we strolled down past the Korean War Memorial and then on to the new WWII memorial. I hadn’t seen it yet and I have to say they really did a great job on it. Lots of fountains! Lee and I found the area that had Okinawa carved in it and had a seat. Now we can officially say our butts were back on Okinawa!

Well, our feet were starting to hurt so we started back from the old Post office and the metro. We decided to get some Ice Cream and sit and listen to the mellow stylings of the jazz guys that played in the Old Post Office Pavilion. We were all beat so it was Metro time! But wait, we didn’t see where Lee’s appointment was. Ahh so it’s to Federal Center SW first. We walked out of the metro and, BAM, there was the building he was going to. No way could he get lost. So we went home. I think we were home for about an hour or so when we decided food would be good. We hooked up with Paul and hit up a little Irish place called O’Tools for some good eats and pool.

Monday was also a busy day, which kind of explains why I didn’t blog. (That and I was just really lazy) Lee had his appointment at 9am so we needed to get him to the metro by about 8am. Amy had a working interview at 9 but her place was right near my work. And of course I get to work around 9. Now here is the fun part. Le was planning on being done by around 11 and back to the Vienna metro by 12. Amy was supposed to be done at 12, and I take lunch at 12. So theoretically, like clockwork it would all get done in one fell swoop. I could pick up Amy, go get Lee and then drop them off and go back to work. Well, Lee got done at 10:30, Amy didn’t get done till 12:30. So I got Lee, picked up Amy and they dropped me off back at work. So much for plans!

When I got home we had enough time to relax a little and then off to drop Lee off at Dulles again. From what I understand he had quite the story of that event. We got home in time to be there when Steve and Rain dropped off their armor for me to transport to Celebration. And of course we leave for Celebration TOMORROW! Wow, I need to pack. I will of course try and blog once more before I leave and maybe, if I have time, I will try and post from CIII with some pictures. Make sure you keep tabs on the PhotoBlog as I will most likely be sending pics from my phone. Until then….. Seacrest Out!


Well Here I am after my First official Major League Baseball game. Actually to be specific, it’s The First Major League Game to be played in DC in 34 years. Yeah I know about the last game I was at, but see that was just Practice. This one was Official Home Opener! It was amazing! We got there around 5pm (Game started at 7pm) and it’s a good thing we did. There was a lot to see, and just getting through Security was easy. From what I heard, around 6pm there was a huge line and some people didn’t get in until after the 2nd inning!

So many Pre-Game events! There were lots of Video tributes to the old DC Senators (The team that used to play for DC until 34 years ago) and they even had some of the old Senators Team Members come out onto the field and take their old positions. Then they had the New DC Nationals come out and “relieve” the Senators. It looked very emotional. I can imagine that if I was an old ball player that it would be amazing to go out and take my position one last time and sort of “Hand Down the Torch” to the new players.

We also got to see President Bush throw out the First Pitch. There was secret service everywhere of course and they really did a Rush job of getting him out, tossing the ball and then running him off the field. The cool thing about this (cause you know, having the President throw out the pitch just isn’t cool enough) is that the ball that he threw out was the very last ball to be used in a game for the Senators 34 years ago. So that was the last ball in play then and the first ball in play now.

The Local Area National Guard was brought out for the National anthem and the unfurled the largest flag I have ever seen in my life. You know, all the times I have heard the National anthem, I had always done the little “Play Ball” thing in my head afterwards, but I have to say, Being in a Full stadium of baseball fans, and watching this enormous flag waving out across the field, there is just more meaning to it. It was a really amazing feeling. While I am not really a die hard sports fan, I could really enjoy a good baseball game.

The game itself was great! The enthusiasm of the crowd really felt like it was giving the players a little extra steam, they played phenomenally. We even got to see a home run hit straight towards us! We were pretty high in the stand so the guy would have to really crank it to get it up towards us. The Crowds reactions really made the game that much more entertaining! When Castilla hit the home run everyone went wild, and when he came back up to bat and the pitcher hit him with the ball the crowd went nuts! That’s just something you don’t get watching the game on TV.

So with that excitement over I move into what looks to be a very busy weekend. Saturday we will see the Premier of the Fan Film “Revelations” which was produced by some 501st friends. This is going to be at the Senator Theater near Baltimore. Amy and I will get there around 4pm to help out. Of course I will be decked out in my Biker gear to provide Ambiance. Not sure the plans for after the film, guess we will just ride the winds and see where they take us.

Sunday early morning (for me 9am is early morning on a Sunday) Lee will be coming into town. He has an interview with one of his dream jobs in DC on Monday, so we will head out there to scout it out and then go and tramp around Downtown DC to see the sights. Should be fun and it will be a great way to get out and see something different!

Tonight I think I will partake in a little gaming frenzy. I have been so busy the last few days, I haven’t fed the addiction much. So lets break out the cheetos and the Mt. Dew!

Wake Up Neo

The Matrix Online has you. Well, I would say the Matrix has me, But I am still not entirely convinced. Lee believes that I will like it if I just give it a chance, so he bought it for me for my Birthday. (No you haven’t missed it, it’s coming up soon.) Problem is, I am still having a lot of fun with WoW. Everything in WoW just seems to work, and work well. I now have a level 45 Troll Rogue and I am enjoying the PVP. Now I realize that with MXO there is 1: A learning curve and 2: a new shiny interface that’s different. (Shiny and new and different is always fun for a while.)

So I am trying it out. First things I can tell you, the game is very pretty. Obviously making great use of the graphics and such of a 3d world. It’s also nice to see an urban environment. The concept of the game is great. My problems are pretty limited but kind of deal breaking. My Main concern is that I really hate the combat engine. Once again, the concept is great, you line up your abilities and when it comes initiative time, the higher number gets the action. What I don’t like is that you are locked in combat with one target. You can not move, you can only queue up actions. This means that if there is someone else targeting you, you can not change targets, you can not see who they are, or engage them. There is a “Disengage Close combat” option, but that’s an action that gets queued up. Once it’s triggered, the opponent has a change of re-initiating close combat with you which will re-lock you in combat again. I had this happen to me. I got stuck in a loop until target B behind me shot me to death because I couldn’t get out of combat with Target A. Also, the views while in “Close Combat” are very disorienting. I found many times where I could not see the action because of the camera angle, when I tried to change the angle. I wasn’t centered on myself but rather someone else in the fight. I couldn’t even find me.

The next thing that annoys me is the missions. It is very City of Hero’s like in that you make contact with someone and you can call on them to receive missions. The problem is, the missions all go like this:

  1. Make Contact
  2. Receive mission
  3. Go to Building
  4. get in Elevator
  5. Go to Floor X as dictated by the mission
  6. go to Marked room and enter
  7. Look around until you find the contact Person or thing
  8. do one of the following:
    1. Destroy or Kill Target
    2. Talk to Target
    3. Receive Goods from Target for Transport
    4. Have Target Follow You
  9. Leave Building quickly before an Agent comes for you
  10. If you did either C or D then Go to Another building and Repeat the process for delivery.

That’s it. So far I have been on quite a few missions and every one of them has been some variation of that. Wash, Rinse, repeat.

Last thing is Sort of a simple silly thing really but still. The loading into “the Matrix” is annoying. You get the Green “code rain” all over everything, and it lasts for a long long while. I mean about 1-2 minutes. You can move around and do things but its all code rain. It gets annoying really fast.

Ok so outside of those problems, the game doesn’t look all that bad. It has a lot of potential and I get the feeling that if I try it a little more they may me more to it. I guess we will see.

Fox News Alert: Sin City = Awesome!

So Friday You may have noticed that I didn’t post. Yeah, so that’s cause I was sick as a dog. Apparently Amy came back with some hybrid strain of Texas style strep throat that just about killed me on Friday. I felt like road kill that had been eaten by a rabid family of West Virginians, then pooped out and eaten by zombie hyenas which were then hit and left for dead (mostly dead) on an Arizona freeway. Really, I felt that bad. I spent most of Friday sleeping.

Of course that meant that Saturday I was awake by like 6am. This ended up being a good thing as I got a lot accomplished on Saturday. I did some gaming, Cleaning up the house (with Amy’s help of course), and we even went for a nice drive. Amy needed to map out where she was having an interview for a new job.

We also went to see Sin City on Saturday night. All I got to say is WOW! That movie was amazing! I Love comic books, and if there was ever a movie that was so blatantly based and designed around a comic book, this is it. When it first started out, I was listening to the dialog and was taken aback a bit because it was kind of campy, but, once I realized the mood they were setting it all made sense and turned out great. The only regret I have about this movie is that I never really read any of the comics for it before the film. What I have seen though holds very close to the movie. Go See this Movie, Now!

Sunday was another lazy day for me, I did manage to sleep in a little and we got out for a little bit of a walk. The weather was absolutely beautiful. So we opened all the windows in the place. Amy and I curled up on the couch and had a Matrix-a-thon. We managed to make it through “The Animatrix: Second Renaissance Parts 1 and 2” “The Matrix” “The Animatrix: Final Flight of the Osiris” “The Animatrix: Kids Story” and “Matrix reloaded.” After that it was getting late and we needed a break. We might try and watch the last movie tonight.

By The way, the reason for the Title of “Fox News Alert.” Apparently on Paul’s blog he made a post that had that in the title and for a while his Post for that thread was like the 3rd most hit site for the search term Fox News Alert on Google. So this is an experiment.

Oh, I also got my I-Pod! Apparently since I spent 11 days Straight in MCSE Hell, they gave me a free I-Pod Mini. It’s got 4 GB of space, of which I have only filled it with 2.7 GB of stuff. I have a lot of Songs, I just don’t want to carry all of them with me all the time.

Well, Back to work for me!

Stevie Sleepy

Well, Amy arrived last night. Her flight was originally supposed to land at 9:30pm at BWI Airport, which is about 1 hour away. Sadly, there was a huge hailstorm in Dallas last night which caused a little bit of a delay, about 2 hours worth of a delay. So her flight was then due it at 11:44pm. I left the house at around 10:30 and beat feet to make sure I would be there in time. She looked stunning as always walking out of the arrivals gate. We walked down to wait for her bags at baggage claim 7.

And Waited

And Waited.

I began asking people around us what flight they were waiting for. A few said the same flight as Amy, but the others were for flights that arrived much after hers. So it was off to the baggage counter we went. Turns out that hers was not the only bag this happened to. There was another flight due in that would have the bags on it, but that was at 12:50. So we opted to have them drive the hour to deliver the bags.

Of course, this happened at 7am this morning! Anyways, she is in and happy to be back. She already has a number of plans for the day, I just hope she has enough rest to do them. (She hasn’t been feeling well).

In Other news, the book signing is tomorrow! I sure hope I can fit back into my cummerbund. During that MCSE class I think I put on a few extra pounds due to sitting around way too much and eating crappy food. Looks like it may be time to start hitting the Gym again.

Play Ball!

So, in completely different news, I got to attend my first Major League Baseball game yesterday! My friend Paul bought Season Tickets to the DC Nationals. Yesterday was their last spring training game, but the first one that they ever played in the DC area. They were playing, and will be playing, at DC’s RFK Stadium, vs the NY Mets! Apparently the old DC team (called the Senators) Played there last around 34 years ago. So it was very cool to be there for this historical game. Not to mention it was a lot of fun. Now we all know that I am not a huge sports fan, never have been, so it was nice to have Paul on hand in case I didn’t understand something. I really do enjoy watching sports, I just can’t get into it like some people. I guess it would be like asking a sports fan to follow Star Wars.

Anyways, the game was fun. The downsides to the whole day included: Getting up at 9am on a Sunday (I am a big fan of sleeping in on weekends.) It was Bloody Cold!!! The Temp was like 50 deg, but the wind was horrible! It must have dropped to around 35-40 deg where we were sitting. We sat for 5 hours shivering. But seeing the game was great! Last downside was that when we finally got home, I was wiped out. I mean, on the couch and almost dead to the world!

The Good news is that I got a lot of cleaning done this weekend. I managed to scrub down the whole Kitchen and Clean up and vacuum the Bedroom and Living room. (No I didn’t venture into the dreaded den of despair.)

Ah well, Back to work! As per usual, I may blog more later.