Ok, so I am not a big coffee drinker. Come to think of it, I really don’t like coffee at all. I have tried to drink it and it just doesn’t appeal to me. I like the smell of Coffee, Just not the taste. Something that I do enjoy though is sitting in a coffee shop and conversing with friends, or just relaxing. There is something about the atmosphere of a good, down to earth coffee house that is just so invigorating, yet soothing at the same time. Is that even possible?
So this brings to light two problems.
1: What does one drink in a coffee shop that isn’t coffee? (Sounds like a riddle doesn’t it, “When is a door not a door”) (p.s. when it’s a jar)
B: Where do you find a good down to earth coffee house?
Well just because I am weird and hate doing what society tells me, I am going to explain number B first. Why? Because I can, it’s my freaking blog! (Ok that was mean, I’m sorry, I’ll be good, I swear.)
Sorry to say, but Starbucks is just not the best place to hang out. I mean, every now and then they have some decent drinks, and they have some good music playing, But every time I go in one I think I die just a little. Something about the corporate monopoly of the effervescent conglomeration while overpowering the commonality of the under-impaired working class….. Where was I going with this? You know I really shouldn’t step away while I am typing in mid thought. So I think I was trying to say that Starbucks is a corporate shell. That’s why there is a Starbucks on every major street corner, in every mall, and attached to most businesses like a cancer causing leach.
Now there are a few places that are trying to bridge the gap between a corporate leach like Starbucks and a good wholesome coffee house like, umm well, uhh Damn, I can’t even name one because it’s been a while since I have seen one. Not to mention their names vary so much it’s usually like “Joes Coffee Shack.” You know the place, worn out chairs, a scattering of magazines across the tables. (Wow, I just noticed, MSWord doesn’t attempt to tell me that Starbucks is spelled incorrectly. Does that mean that MSWord comes packed with the word Starbucks in the internal spell-check?) Again with the Tangents! Ok, so there are places like Caribou Coffee and Panera that are getting close to comfy while still maintaining their “Big City” guise.
Does this mean I don’t venture into a Starbucks? Sadly no, there are times when I am thirsty and want something, but yet there are no other places to go. In that respect I give credit to Mr. Bucks, he saw an opportunity to bring Coffee to the masses and he jumped it like a perverted lion learning about female zebra’s for the first time.
So then, the Next question, (or was it the first question, I am not to sure any more) what do I drink in a coffee house if I don’t like coffee? Well, I suppose you could drink hot Chocolate, or Order some hot water and bring along a tea bag and some sugar. But that’s just lame! I mean, you go to a coffee shop to stand in line with all the other yuppies and order something that takes at least two breaths to say, and involves a major mechanical device that will drain the power and water pressure from a third world country. Something along the lines of “A double large triple Mocha low fat Café Espresso served in a dirty ash tray.” Walking up to the counter and ordering a Hot Coco, just doesn’t have the same flare and Mr. Bucks frowns on that.
So Mr. Bucks flew to the Magical Mystical Planet of In-dia and asked Mr. Dia to create something that coffee haters can drink while visiting the Conglomerate stronghold of Starbucks. Mr. Dia said “Umm ok” Which actually came out completely in-comprehensible because Mr. Bucks didn’t speak Swahili which is an Indian language. So Mr. Bucks clobbered Mr. Dia in the head and took a bunch of Mr. Dia’s house plants on the way out. Ironically enough, Mr. Bucks over watered the house plants and the leaves turned the water into a brownish water. This was just like normal water only brown, and it tasted funny. (Well I guess that isn’t like normal water at all then is it.)
Mr. Bucks asked his Indian guide what the water was, and the Indian guide claimed that if Mr. Bucks smoked a peace pipe with the left over leaves from the house plant, his eternal answer of life would be revealed to him. Not being one for smoking, Mr. Bucks instead said “I’m just gonna call it Chai.” And So Chai was born and brought to the masses in Venti sized cups. Except that Real Chai is a tea and All the coffee houses add things like Milk and honey and methamphetamines.
So the Moral of this Story is, If you really want to make a lot of money, start up a website that offers not to kill your pet if people send you a donation. But if you want something to drink in a coffee house. Find a nice coffee house and Order a Chai.
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