Author Archives: Steve - Page 56

I Gotta Get Out of here

Ok, 2 weekends now gone by and I haven’t done squat! I mean, I went to Marc and Lori’s place for the Saturday meeting. It was a good meeting, and it was great to see everyone there, but I was lonely. For the first time since she has left I really missed having her there. I know I miss her all the time anyways, but, I could really feel her absence at the meeting.

Once the meeting was over, we partied a little bit, but I started getting tired so I headed home. The rest of the weekend was pretty much a wash. I gamed a lot (again). And I did manage to clean house a bit. I never really left the house much though. I really really need to get out of the house and do something. I don’t want to spend any money. I have been trying to save money since the whole Tax thing.

I am still trying to sort out the whole Tax thing too. See, here is my problem, and maybe some of you Tax Wizards out there can help me. I was officially married through September of last year. So my W4 form reflected that I was withholding at a rate of 1 with a status of Married. So my Withholdings were at a married rate. But since I was divorced before the end of the year, they want me to file as single. Ok, I can understand that. But what about all the time where I was withholding as a married guy? Thus the reason they want me to Pay 2 grand. So in a word, HELP!

So, in light of all this, I need to find a way to get out of the house and enjoy some me time, without spending a bunch of money. Things like Movies, or Museum would be fine, because most of them are a minimal amount of money. But things like going out and drinking, clubbing, and strippers are way out. I suppose I could get wrapped up in work, I have tons of that to do. I guess we’ll see what happens, but if I don’t get out and do something soon, I am gonna go Stir Crazy!


International Money Saving Plan!

I Have Found the Secret! I now hold the eternal knowledge that has eluded man kind and plagued the brains of scientists for eons! Behold the power and glory of this all empowering wisdom!!

The True Secret to Saving money………….

Don’t Go Anywhere or Do Anything!!!!!!!!

It’s true! It’s been a week since Amy left for TX and I haven’t gone anywhere or done anything. Amazingly enough, my Bank Account hasn’t taken any big hits out of it! I should write a book!

About the only thing I have been doing lately is playing WoW online. I did manage to take a break from playing and watch “The Bourne Supremacy” last night. It was a great flick. I liked the first one, and the second was just as good. Very action filled, and it hung you on that “Plausible Believability” nail. Let me explain that one. In 24, we See Jack Bauer fly in a chopper from Mexico to LA in about 5 min. Pretty much everything in 24 Takes 5 min. They should probably relocate CTU because all sorts of bad things seem to happen within a 5 min radius of that place. With the Bourne Movies, the time frame fits, the technology is close to fitting. It’s like, you know there actually might be a way to do what he is doing. Anyways, great flick.

This coming weekend is our first Organizational meeting for the Garrison under new management. Lots of talk about a number of things to go on through out the year. Will be nice to get out of the house and hang out with friends too. If anything else exciting happens, I’ll let you know.

Phase I

This was pretty much a weekend of nothingness. Before Amy left we sat and watched an Episode of Friends. This was the one where Chandler was going through his Split up Phases. Phase 1 was the sit around the house in your sweats and mope. Phase 2 Involved going out with the guys, and Phase 3 was seeing yourself with other women. While I realize that Amy and I are not broken up (and no plans to that I know of), we figured that I would just be in Phase 1 and 2 while she was gone. Well this weekend was completely Phase 1. I didn’t even step out of the house on Saturday.

What I did do was play a lot of World of Warcraft. And I mean a lot. I think my character was level 26 on Friday and I am now ¼ to 30. I have to say, now that I am getting to a decent enough level, the PVP Aspect of the game is great. It would seem that 30 is the average level for most of the characters running around so it makes it a little more dangerous when you are trying to finish your quests. Being a rogue helps a lot with this as I can stealth my way through a lot. And Oh the Ganking! As a rogue I can stealth and most of the Players can’t see me, Unless 1: They are Higher level than me and 2: They are right near me. So this allows me to sit on the side of the road and wait for people to run by. As they do this I can asses their level and skill. If I think I can take them, I step out and Slaughter them. The true rogue way. Is it mean? Well yeah, but that’s what Rogues do.

Sunday I did manage to get some cleaning of the house and dishes and laundry done. I played a lot again, but did it in a little better moderation. I Stopped by the Mall with Paul and just walked around. It was nice to get out and do something. We were planning on hitting the movie Constantine, but never got around to it.

Monday was a holiday, so I got the day off. It was nice to relax, cause you know I didn’t do any of that this weekend. Heh, Ok so actually Paul and I headed out to look at Sofa’s. I guess he is getting tired of the Futon he has. So we headed out to a few furniture stores to see what they had. I think he found one he likes so I imagine he will want to borrow the truck. While we were out we stopped by Guitar Center (one of Paul’s favorite places.) He went about checking the guitar stuff, and I headed straight back to the drums and percussion section. Maybe now would be a good time to mention that I love drumming. While I don’t actually know how to play a full drum set, I do, however, play the doumbek. It’s a Middle Eastern hand drum. They had a great variety of hand drums back there so I was looking over them when I saw this little electronic beauty. The Roland HPD-15 HandSonic Percussion Controller. For a guy that likes to play hand drums, it was amazing. It could simulate almost all hand drums and more. I tell you I was in love! Paul had to pry me away from it so we could leave. If I had a spare thousand bucks to drop on something like this, I probably would.

After guitar center, and my love affair with a drum machine, (ok, now that just sounds perverted), we headed to Borders Books. Paul started look at the cooking books while I jumped in line to grab a Chai. While standing in line I take note of the people sitting over in the sitting area (that’s what you do over there I hear.) One of them is this kid with his HP laptop sitting fairly close to the wall. He had his power Supply plugged in and it was run across the floor, but the area was very narrow and no in anyone’s way. Anyway, Some Jacka$$ decided to try and squeeze through that area and trips over the cord yanking it out of the laptop, then proceeds to yell at the kid for draping it there screaming for a manager, claiming that “he used to be a safety officer and that sort of thing is illegal!” Call me kooky, but if I were a safety officer, I would know not to try and squeeze through an area when a perfectly open area is available, and 2: I would watch where I was walking. People like this steam me. He was probably hoping to Sue the kid or even the store. If I were that Kid I would have probably been very Irate, his power supply is probably borked now because of this idiot.

After borders we headed home and I did some more laundry. About 20 min later, probably more, but I wasn’t paying attention and time has no real meaning to me,) I get an IM from Paul saying how Glorious the new grocery store “Wegmans” is. Now, he knew I needed to go to the store, and had wanted to see Wegmans, so I talked him into going back. (Actually he talked me into it). All I have to say is, WOW. Wegmans is truly glorious! It is the Utopia of Grocery Stores! Shopping carts descend upon you from the heavens, a Choir Sings to you hymns, of lettuce and cantaloupe, Jesus himself Pops out of one of the Isles and says “try the Lamb!” I never thought I could get so excited over a grocery store, (and I am probably a little too excited, but hey what are you going to do, no really, what are you going to do, put that knife down, hey now, it’s just a store, stop!!! Oh wait, I was writing here….) I can’t even really describe it enough, that’s one of those things you will need to experience.

I came home from the epiphany that is Wegmans, to eat my, newly bought, grilled shrimp, cooked on my Forman grill. I proceeded to get ready to watch my favorite show, 24. Jack Bauer is the Bomb! And I think we have decided that there is no definitive plot line in 24, it’s a Plot net. It’s so intertwined it just craziness! Also learned, things you don’t say to Jack Bauer: “I think your bluffing.”

After 24 I logged into WoW for just a little while, managed to take out a Level 29 Rogue who came to visit Horde territory. I love this game.

TGIF (Wait did I already do one of those?)

What a week! It has been nothing but crazy in the world of Wizzer this week. (Of course, when is it not crazy?) With Farpoint last weekend, Lee in town, Valentines Day Monday, Amy’s Last night on Tues, Her leaving on Wed, My Tax info, The Website crashing……. Can I take a Break? NOPE!!! Well sort of, it’s a three day weekend so I get to kind of relax for a while. I have no plans and will probably sit around the house moping in my sweatpants.

I did get some good news, I will be attending a MCSE boot camp here in the DC area come March 13th. What does that mean? Well, for 13 days I will have 6 Giant books of information pounded into my brain. They said classes start at 8am and go until as late as 9pm. Needless to say I don’t know how much I will be able to post during those days. But it’s defiantly good for my career. Thusly, (such a fun word to use) I become one of the primary Windows guys in the shop.

It donned on me that I didn’t write much about Amy’s last night here! I had to work, of course, and didn’t get home till around 5ish. Once I did we changed clothes and headed to H&R Block to get Taxes done. That’s when I found out the GREAT news about my Taxes. Amy got her stuff taken care of and we got back in the truck, but instead of driving home, we drove out to Alexandria. Amy had no Idea where we were going. I stopped and parked just off of N. Glebe Rd (Yet another great word!) She was still baffled on where we were and what we were doing. She didn’t know until we walked into the restaurant that I was taking her to “The Melting Pot.” If you have never gone there I HIGHLY Suggest it. The place is phenomenal. They start you out with a Cheese fondu, then a salad, then your entrée is different types of meats that you cook in the fondu pot that has different oils and spices. After that you get a chocolate fondu with fruits and cakes to dip in it. It was truly amazing.

Back to the weekend at hand. I have a funny feeling that I am just going to be lounging around the house playing World of Warcraft. I have to say, the game is great. I didn’t get a chance to play much at all this last weekend and Mon-Tues, so I got a great XP multiplier . You see WoW has a cool system that if you “rest” and logout, when you come back in you get 200% XP. The time that you get to keep that is directly related to the time you spent logged out. Well I was logged out for 4 days. So I got 2 good evenings of 200%. It was great! I know Lee has been sick lately and not been in game so I imagine that he will do quite well with that bonus. I also need to clean up. Haven’t done much of that since Amy left. I will try and post during the weekend. Have a great Friday people!

Well Crappity Crap Crap

What a day it has been. You have probably noticed that all day today the website has been down. Well it turns out that, my Old host, V3, still had control of the domain and that Blue host was just the Space host. Well, my year expired with V3 so they shut down the Domain. I thought that BlueHost had transferred everything, but it turns out that they did not. So I have spent all day E-mailing and Calling between the two to get it all worked out. Hopefully it’s taken care of and in a few hours the DNS will propagate and we will be back to normal.

This Comes on top of the latest news of my Taxes. Turns out when I went to do my taxes for 2004, they are saying I owe like $2k. I was like, “Excuse me?” Yeah well, it’s true. What happened was that on my W4 I was still listed as Married. So I wasn’t withholding enough. Because you know, what I really need is another bill.

Want some more bad news? The thing I have been hinting about for the last month has come to fruition. Amy went back to TX. She has a ton of stuff that she has to deal with back there and we weren’t sure how long it would take to deal with all of it. So we bought her a one way ticket and she left yesterday. I tried so hard to be the rock and convince myself that, logically this was the best course of action. In the end though, it killed me to watch her leave. We decided to keep the information off the blog until after she arrived in TX because didn’t want all the questions. She is planning on coming back as soon as her affairs are in order, and I hope it’s soon. I know she is gone for a good reason, but damnit, I miss her.

I have some other things to write about but for now I am going to wrap it up and head home. With all the crap that went on today, I am gonna take a break.

Ummmm Wow!

So, I have been feeling down in the dumps lately, every knows this. It’s Valentines day yesterday so, Like any other guy, I wait till the last Minute to do anything. While on my way home I stop by the local Hallmark store and line up with about 50 other guys who just got off work to do the same thing. We pick through the cards that have been gone through all day long, and I find two cards. One of them is a Nice romantic card with lots of sentiment, and the other is a fun card (it whistles!) I also Picked out a small Box of chocolates and Some small Balloons with a Flower in them. Next stop was Damons to get some Tuxedo Cheesecake, because I know that’s what Amy likes (that and she asked me to get it).

Needless to say, when I got home I felt like I had just bought her a Spongebob Pez Dispenser when I saw this:

And this:

I was stunned. No one had ever done something like this for me. She made me a candle light dinner. She adjusted her events to account for the fact that at 9pm I always watch 24 on Mondays. After 24 was done, she made a bath for me to relax in, with candles and flowers. (No Pictures of that for you!) After the Bath she had rose petals leading into the bedroom and was sitting there with the Tuxedo Cheese cake for us to eat (It was on a plate you sickos!) She even put our names on the plate and the candle holders!

She is so amazingly sweet! I feel like such a smoo for not doing more for her because I know she deserves so much more. I do love her so much!

Well, I just wanted to share with you what My Super Girlfriend Did for me!

Oops, I forgot

Oops, I forgot

Ok so I left out a bunch of stuff from the weekend, Sorry. I was very distracted with work. Sue me!

So Thursday night Lee got into town for some stuff that he had scheduled. For this, I took Friday off and we pretty much just hung out around the house. After his appointment, I was getting things ready to go for the Convention and was making sure all my Phones were charged when I noticed something weird about my regular Cell phone.

The Meter would say that it was fully charged but the Battery would still be dead. So I took it to the verizon store and had them look at it. I felt bad because Lee and I basically stood around in the Verizon store for about 2 hours doing nothing. They had to swap out my phone thought because of a software issue. It Sucked. But I did manage to buy the PC cable I have been wanting so I can hook up my cell phone to the PC and download and upload things. No longer do I need to download and Pay for ringers! There is a great program called BitPim that does it all!

I am pretty sure Lee had fun at the Convention though, even if he did have to sleep on the floor the first night. He crammed into the bed with me and Amy on Sat night but still couldn’t sleep. He got to hang out with the 501st and party with the Ghetto Guys!

Ok, so it’s Valentines day and I am off to Try and do something special for Amy. Wish me Luck!

My Neck hurts

I am not too sure why, but it hurts like I slept wrong and my neck somehow ended up turned the wrong way.

Sorry about not writing too much lately, Most of you know I have been feeling very down about current events in my life, and I promise after Thursday, I will write all about them, but it’s Time Sensitive information.

So, this last weekend was the Farpoint convention. The weird thing is that I was not really that excited to go. I mean, I love hanging out with my friends there and doing the whole party thing, But it just didn’t have the zing that conventions in the past held. From what I understand, a lot of people felt that way. Even the convention wasn’t that great. They moved all the Fan Tables into the dealer’s room to fill space because a lot of Dealers didn’t show up. And the ones that did show up had all the same things that are always there, the action figures that are 20 years old (and Look it).

What made the convention was the parties. And Garrison Tyranus knows how to Party. We even had members of other garrisons attend and want to join us. It was nice to see the Ghetto Garrison Pull Together so many members! Now if Only I had been feeling better so that I could enjoy it to its fullest extent. I was still feeling sick through most of the convention, and not sleeping well didn’t help too much.

When we got back on Sunday afternoon, both Amy and I were quick to fall asleep on the couch for a much needed nap. Around 5ish I woke up and while Amy was still asleep, I cooked her a nice Chicken dinner. I lit some candles and put flowers on the table. So when she woke up we had a nice Candle lit dinner.

It wasn’t long after, that we decided to hit the Hay, and I slept like a rock.

But my Neck still hurts, and I don’t know why.

Winter Doldrums

Well, another weekend come and gone. Nothing too monumental of note to write about. Significant accomplishments for the weekend include, Cleaned the Den (sort-of) enough for Lee to stay in, took a large amount of crap from the outside storage Closet to the trash, Deep Cleaned the kitchen, watched the Super bowl, And relaxed. Best thing about the Super bowl was of course the commercials. I think my favorite one was the Cat Killer commercial.

My Biggest problem right now is still this depression that I can’t seem to pull myself out of. I recognize it, I know what it is, I know what I need to do to get out of it, but I just don’t seem to have the motivation to do so. I know a great deal of it has to do with upcoming events. (to be disclosed at a later date). But still, I know I need to get out some more, but I hate going out when I am broke. The reason I am broke is because I am trying to Pay off some Credit Cards so I can be Debt free. It sucks because I have a number of people that have been calling on me to do things either with them or for them, but lately all I want to do is crawl in a corner by myself and scream out GO AWAY AND LEAVE ME ALONE!

I hate it when I get like that. I Like people, and I will usually do anything I can to help out friends and family.

This weekend is Farpoint, and Lee is coming for a visit. With any luck, that will pull me out of the funk and put me back in the fast lane. I hope.

Ok, so I was sick yesterday

You would think that I would have played WoW a lot more of done something worthwhile, But in Truth, I relaxed. My body was sick and it said “Stop”. So that’s what I did. Yes, I picked up the house a little, but that’s because, 1: it needed doing and 2: I had been lying down for so long that I had excess energy. But aside from that, I laid on the couch and just let my Body repair itself.

Now, for the philosophical question. Why does the typical person, while flipping through TV shows, Stop and watch a movie playing on TV when he actually owns the DVD of Said movie? I have found myself doing this on More than one occasion. Last night is was “Dr. Dolittle” the Eddie Murphy version. It’s the strangest thing, I know that I have the movie, and it’s un-edited, with no commercials. So why then, do I sit and watch it on a broadcast. Is it laziness? Come on now, I know I am not the only one who does this.