I like the simple things in life. Sleeping in on a Saturday morning, a warm Chai on a cold morning while looking out at the snow covered trees, spending time with friends and laughing about the time I lit a bottle rocket attached to my shoe and it didn’t fly (but I sure did). The world is a very complicated place, I realize this. We have silly things like war, famine, crime, poverty, organized religion, and other things that make life on this plane of existence a pain in the tuckus. My question is, why?
Why is there War? Apparently, someone back a thousand or so years ago didn’t like someone else for something they did to their father or land or sheep, and because of this, we have millions of people pointing guns at each other. But why? What does it solve now? Over the past bajillion years we have grown as a human race to the point of drawing lines in dirt to say that “This dirt is mine, that dirt is yours.” Now there is no Un-Owned dirt. We war with each other because your dirt is better than my dirt and I want it. Even more so, we war with each other because my god is better than your god. But more on this later.
Why is there Famine? When I moved into my new apartment, I looked around the area and noted to myself that there was a grocery store located nearby. I knew that in order to purchase food from said store, I would need a job. That job would require me to exert energy to produce a product of some sort for my employer. In return, my employer would then give me money. With that money I can buy food. For that matter, in older days, mankind would plant their own food and harvest it themselves, thus exerting energy to produce, well, produce. Now, knowing all of this, why do I turn on my TV and see commercials about “Feed the starving children in Slabdonia!” If Slabdonia doesn’t have food, and can’t produce food, and they can’t somehow produce something that can be traded for food, why do people live there? We have lots of starving people where in the USA, why wouldn’t we send money to help feed the starving children who are already here? I saw 2 “homeless” people on the street, one with a sign that said “Hungry, please help” and he was just laying there with a cup. The other was playing a Sax, his sign said “Hungry, but at least I am not sitting on my ass with a cup.” He was playing pleasant holiday music and providing some sense of atmosphere to the street life. He was producing, and I, as a walker of the street was his employer. I gave him money.
Why is there Crime? Mostly I believe that crime centers on greed. The essential “I want what you have because I don’t have it” syndrome. So instead of finding the above mentioned job and exerting the above mentioned energy, a different kind of energy is spent to induce potential risk to achieve a product. But why? Is the risk worth the goal? Does it really take that much more energy to just work for what you want? The person who has the product now apparently worked for it.
Why is there Organized Religion? Keep in mind when I ask this that I am all for people having their own beliefs. I don’t fault the Bhuddest for believing in Bhudda, I don’t fault the Pagan for believing in the earth. What I am asking about is the Money Grubbing Churches that ask people to send them their fortunes so that they can buy more airtime on TV. The Religions that beg for money, so that they can send people overseas to other regions, to convert people who don’t believe in their god. The people who Go on TV and beg for money to feed the starving children in Slabdonia, then use the money to make more TV ad’s to beg for more money. They claim that it only takes 17 cents a day to feed a whole tribe there. How much did it cost to make that commercial? Couldn’t you have just given that money to them? Come to think of it, why are they in Slabdonia in the first place? Didn’t we already learn that they can’t get food there? Besides, all you want to do it Trade them food for them believing in your god, so they their neighbors will war with them and steal their food! This has been going on for eons! The organized mob that claims “My God is better than Your God, so you better choose him!” WHY??? Why can’t we just let it be? You believe in your god and be happy, I’ll believe in mine and be happy. You know what would happen then? You would find that we have something in common, Happiness! We are both happy, living in our little patches of dirt, working in our little jobs producing what we want to produce to get money for things that we want (like food), and worshiping who we want to worship.
Why is this Such a hard concept to come by?
Sorry, Felt like a rant. We now return you to your regularly scheduled madness. In the Meantime, here is some Pie.

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