I have to say, I am wiped out. This last week has been pretty rough for me. The emotional roller coaster that is my family’s medical problems has strapped me in and won’t stop at the gate. I am going to start trying to limit the amount I talk about it simply because it’s depressing and I am sure that not everyone wants to hear details. Needless to say, My Dad is getting better. He should be there for about 1 more week and then head home. My Papa is getting worse. He may be there for about another week. My mom is a basket case bouncing between the two.
On the home front, Half Life Two rocks. (yes I know that I am playing games and talking about games when so much other stuff is going on, but if I don’t then I will end up just as much a basket case as everyone else, besides, at my end there is not much for me to do.) Indeed, it roxors my soxors. The engine is phenomenal. I spent the first 20 minutes of the game just walking around and admiring the graphics. I could pick up damn near anything, and throw it at people. The overall game play is outstanding, I can’t wait to get home and play some more!
This being Friday, that means the weekend is upon us. That means it’s Time for weekend goals. Sat. night is a party for a few of the guys I work with. They apparently have this safe in their house that no one knows the combo for. The last few people that live there don’t know it either. So we are going all Geraldo on it and try and crack it to see what’s inside. Should be tons of fun!
After that, I think will continue the cleaning effort on Sunday and Monday (Monday is a holiday, Thanks MLK! Fight the Power!) This weekend’s goals are the Living room and the Bathroom. If I have time I might attack the kitchen as well. That will bring us back to the den. The dreaded den. Many of you might remember my plights with the den way back when I first moved into the apartment. Well the den has been cleaned, then filled again, then cleaned again. Now it’s filled. It’s not near as bad as it has been, but it’s time for a serious “I don’t need this, I haven’t looked at it in 4 years, why am I keeping it?” cleaning. I might even see if I can head down to IKEA to check out some new Furniture. Things on my wishlist are:
- New Queen Sized Bedframe with head and footboards
- Twin Sized Loft for Andrews Room
- Shelving System for Andrews room
- New Coffee Table
- New Entertainment Unit
- Living room Rug
- Drawer Unit for computer desk
That should bee a good Start. I know I am not going to be able to get all of this right away, but those are the main things I want for the apartment. Well with any luck I will be able to post again this afternoon. I really do feel a good rant coming on, just not sure about what yet.