Category Archives: Life - Page 14

A swirl of emotions

It’s not often I write about family things on the blog here.  Usually it’ all about me.  Ok, it’s almost always about me.

FINE…. it’ all about me.  Except when it’s not.  This time it’s about Andrew. (and a little about me)

Sunday we dropped off Andrew so he can step off on the next leg of his journey through life.  He joined the Marines.  Now, if you know me at all, you know that me and Marines don’t typically get along.  Lots of experiences from my past years in the military have led to that.  But, I understand why Andrew decided to go that route (for the most part) and I respect his decision.  I am always proud of him when he sets his mind to something and works to accomplish it.  He set his mind on becoming a Marine, and through hell and high water (and a stubborn old father set in his ways) he went off to accomplish just that.

The picture you see here is the last picture we took of him as we dropped him off.  I have no doubt that he will return triumphant, and very different from how he appears now.

Last night we received his arrival phone call, albeit at 2am, of:

  • I have arrived safely at Parris Island.
  • Please do not send any food or bulky items.
  • I will contact you in 3 to 5 days via postcard with my new mailing address.
  • Thank you for your support.
  • Goodbye for now.

At least, I think that’s what he said.  It was 2am after all.  I squeezed in a “Good Luck”, but I am not sure if he heard me.  His voice was stressed and I could hear lots of other recruits behind him making the same call.

In the meantime, Sarah and I are now DINK’s.  We have divided up the chore list and are De-”Kidding” the house.

It’s kind of surreal sometimes.


Some interesting info for recruit parents at

Panning, Lessons from the fail book.

This last weekend I was out at a MINI event with lots of cars and driving and great outdoors.  In talking with my friend Paul, we figured this would be the perfect chance to try a technique known as “Panning”.  This is where you set your camera to a lower shutter speed (to keep it open longer) and you move the camera at the same speed as the target you are shooting.  This gives the illusion of speed to the target.  It’s great for shooting cars as they go past.  The car stays in focus, but the background becomes a blur of speed.

This is NOT an easy trick to master.

Bad Bad Bad Bad

I decided to stop mid way on the Tail Of The Dragon to test out this technique.  There were lots of photographers on the road so my setting up camp for 30-45min wouldn’t seem out of the ordinary.  I understood the principle of the technique, now to just practice.  Something I learned quickly was that location is a huge part of this.  I set up near a turn, and not far off from the road.  This was two-fold of a problem since most of the cars were coming towards me, instead of past me, and it was hard to see them coming.  With the cars shortening the distance to me, I had to work on my focus as well as the panning.  If I got the focus right, I may not have the whole subject in the frame. If I got the panning right, the subject would be out of focus.

All totaled, in 45 min of practice, I took around 100 shots.

Of those 100, I ended up with 4 that were close to what I wanted, and only 1 really good one.

Needless to say, this is something that I will be working on.

10th annual MINI’s On the Dragon 2012

I am beat.

Last Wed. I set out for the MOTD event in Deals Gap NC.  It was a good 9 hour drive from Manassas to the Tail of the Dragon.  Since I was going by myself there was no real need to stop aside from emergency bathroom breaks (3 total).  I made great time and arrived at around 2:30pm to the event, which was well underway.  Over 700 MINIs signed up and just blanketed the area.  Driving around with lodge was like I had visited MINItopia, with a MINI in every driveway.

I finally met up with Clint (my buddy from Vegas) after wandering around in a cell dead zone with no internet access either.  It was amazing being so disconnected from everything.  We were relying on the FRS radios I brought with me.  It’s amazing being as internet connected as I usually am to go to nearly black out comms.  I am still slowly getting used to being connected again.

Overall I had a blast!  Lots of great driving, hanging out with incredible people, enjoying the great outdoors!  I had a bunch of stuff done to the POD including, Pulley wheel reduction for the supercharger (I hear that’s a rite of passage at the dragon), new brake handle, [amazon_link id=”B0073XO404″ target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]stubby antenna[/amazon_link], [amazon_link id=”B002VB8TIG” target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]chrome bonnet scoop[/amazon_link], and a LightInSight.

I even got to practice some photography tricks.  Check out my gallery for all the pics I took.  I am really looking forward to attending next year!

On the road again!

So I took a break from posting last week to stop and breath in between travels.  I got back from Vegas and had some down time before my next trip.  This week I will be making the trek down to Deals Gap North Carolina to participate in the MINI’s on the Dragon event.  Each year the MINI groups descend on the “Tail of the Dragon” to enjoy a cool drive and hang out with other fun MINI owners.  I will be meeting up with some local friends and some from across the continent.  I am packing all of my camera gear to take lots of pictures, and will even try and experiment with a few new techniques specific to auto photography.

After that I will be driving out to Fayetteville NC for work related stuff.  Not as exciting, but I am heading straight there from the Dragon so that’s gonna be fun.

One of the projects I hope to work on for this trip is a Video log of the journey.  I am heading out for this trip by myself so I think it would be fun to document the trip and anything I may see along the way.  I have my GoPro mounted inside the MINI (Top Gear style) to record the trip logs and will be editing it all together when it’s done.  That mixed with some of the various tech tools and gear I have for the drive, should be fun!

Stay tuned!  Next post may be from the road!

Xbox Live online while at a Hotel

So I ran into an interesting hurdle while here in Vegas this week. As you know I brought my Gaems Xbox case with me to get some gaming in while not at the conference. Well when I arrived at the hotel, I had unlimited Internet, both wired and wireless, (Thanks TI, you guys rock) but, to access it you have to fire up a browser and select the “I accept” option. This is usually the case with most free wifi locations. (Starbucks, Panara, etc.)

Well, with my iPad and my laptop that’s not a big deal, but the Xbox doesn’t really have a web browser to allow you to accept that proxy! This was a problem. When I connected the Xbox, it pulled an IP address but, of course, it couldn’t get out. Without accepting that proxy, it’s a no-go.

Well, I poked around in the Xbox settings and noticed that in the advanced network settings I have the ability to switch to an alternate MAC address. (the MAC is a hardware address for the specific network card). The fact that this was there blew me away. They allow the Xbox to essentially spoof its MAC address20120416-142118.jpg

So I thought, If I accept the proxy and use my Laptops MAC address as an accepted address with the hotels server, then I should be able to tell my Xbox that it’s that MAC address. Sure enough, by “Borrowing” my laptops address, the Xbox popped right up on Live and I was good to go!

Seeing as how there is a good chance I will be in a hotel a lot through out the rest of the year, I figgured this was good info to know, and, who knows, maybe some of you might need to know it!

I’m just gonna leave this right here for you


Yes, I used to be one of those kids in school.  I was faced with the mortifying trips to gym class, and could relate with almost all of the situations presented in the video.

Now? I get compliments on my geek collections, costumes, and games.  I have a great job, incredible wife, and wonderful friends.  So I think this song speaks volumes.

(especially loved the ending)

P.S. Please subscribe to Felicia Day’s channel Geek and Sundry!  It’s what TV should be like!

Praying Mantid!

Sarah is very happy with the garden she has in the front yard.  On occasion I have taken some pictures out there of some cool looking flowers.  Lately, though, there has been a flood of pesky bugs that have moved in.  In order to combat this, Sarah has ordered an army!  Well, an army of praying mantids.  What I was expecting was this:

But what we got was these VERY tiny little mantid.  They will grow to be larger, (maybe not a rideable size) but in the meantime, I get to do some Macro photography!

You guys would tell me if I had something on my helmet, right?

So Tiny!

Of Websites and Podcasts And things

For the past few weeks I have been helping a friend work on his website.  He was using an old Blogger site to post some incredible works and I knew that WordPress would help him get some better exposure and have a better design.  So, having done some work on mine, and Sarah’s site, I thought I would lend a hand.  So now I present to you,!  It’s a retro style gaming site where Nick talks about his collection of classic games and even some discussion on current games.

You may notice that in honor of the site relaunch, there is an inaugural podcast along with it!  That’s right, the gang here decided to start up a podcast!  The podcast is going to be mainly game oriented (with various antics, of course) but a lot of comparing new to old and how the industry is.

Well, we hope, that is.

Odds are it’s just going to be a bunch of guys drinking and talking about games.  Only recorded.  So check out RetroNick’s new site and maybe give the Podcast a listen!

Those Wacky Internet People

Playing a MMO gives you the great opportunity to experience a whole different class of individual on the Internet.  The douche-bag.  Now this isn’t you ordinary garden variety Jersey Shore style of douche-bag.  The internet douche-bag is a special breed.  This is very similar to Penny Arcades “Greater Internet Fuck-Wad Theory” (“given both anonymity and an audience, an otherwise regular person can become a “total fuckwad,” i.e., a very disagreeable person.”)  except in MMO’s you loose the audience and gain the Pokemon “Gotta collect them all” attitude.

In an MMO, it comes down to stats and gear.  If you play online for longer than the average player, you can gain access to all sorts of good gear, higher ranks, and stat bonuses.  This can be great when playing the game because it gives you an advantage that may take other players a very long time to obtain.  There is nothing wrong with this “gear grind”, except when that douche-bag switch gets flipped in your head and you are suddenly leaps and bounds better than anyone who doesn’t have what you have.  Apparently, on the Internet, this means that those people are somehow lesser than you.

In a game where it’s every man for himself, I would think that would be more tolerable (but still douchey).  In a team based Multi person match, though, it’s the team you are on that needs to win, not just you.  It is in every ones best interest to ensure that the team wins.  These gear mongers spend all of their time in game just working to get the best gear possible so they can lord it over anyone who hasn’t spent 90% their game time working towards the best gear.  People like this don’t care about the story of the game, or another outside of the gear grind.

So here is the fun fact.  Once you have all the greatest gear in the game….what then?  I am fully aware that I can spend all my time collecting stuff that makes my character better, but I will eventually hit that wall where it’s “Well, I guess I have all the best stuff, now what do I do?” The answer is “The whole rest of the game!!” there are other character stories, lots of exploring, group missions, operations, etc.  Plenty of stuff that doesn’t involve berating those who haven’t spent elventybillion hours getting PvP gear.

What spurred this was an encounter I experienced the other day in Star Wars, The Old Republic.  If you haven’t experienced the WarZone areas, it’s a PvP arena where the Imperials ad Republic get to fight for certain objectives.  The winning team gets extra points that can be used to upgrade gear and stats.  The losers still get points, just not as much.  On our server, the empire players have been dominating.  They just play better, are more organized, and due to their wining, they have some better gear.  This is starting to balance out now that the Republic is catching up, but it’s slow.  Many times you can join a match and someone will leave the group leaving the balance at 6 players vs 8.  When this happens, it’s pretty much a lost match.  Most people will play through to the end anyways to get some points.

TLDR: I met an Internet Douche-bag and had an argument. He got his ass handed to him and we lost a match because of him.

This happened to me and I made a comment about it.  Only to be yelled at by another player and told to “STFU” because I was under-geared.  That somehow my having less than the top tier gear was causing the match to be a loss.  (Mind you, I have won quite a fair share of matches, and have pretty good gear).  I mentioned to this person that, if we were to play as a team and work towards a win, everyone would be better geared and it’s puppies and kittens for all! (paraphrasing) The slew of arguments that flowed from this person about how “Under-geared n00bs” were ruining WarZones, made me (and several other players) not want to aid him in the rest of the match.  (Naked Dance Party time!*)

Sure enough the very next WarZone we were matched up with this player and 3 others from his guild.  The warzone we were on was the Alderaan turret capture map.  He asked if I was “Planing to throw the match again”, I asked if he was “planning on working as a team?”  Myself and one other player went to capture and hold the left hand turret while he and his guild members, along with two others went to the middle turret.  On the left, we had a few invaders that were quickly dispatched and we held the left turret.  The max geared Internet douche and his team were wiped out repeatedly and never captured a turret.

I didn’t hear anything else from him.

Remember kids, Wil says “Don’t be a dick!”

*Naked Dance Party in a warzone is were everyone strips off their gear and uses the /dance command.  It basically means we know it’s a lose.

Getting Down with Bluegrass

This weekend we managed to pry ourselves out of the house and get out to accomplish things!  First was taking a long walk to make sure we got some extra steps on our FitBit’s.  2.6 miles of walking out for lunch, and errands netted us quite the step count.  After that it was off to Old town Alexandria to meet up with Sarah’s Sister and Brother-In-Law.  You see, it was Josh’s Birthday and because he loves music, the plan was to go out and hear some live.  The place that was picked….Tiffany Tavern.

When I heard “Tavern” I was all set to see a pub-like atmosphere with some fish and chips and Shepard’s pie. (although, I a a bit spoiled when it comes to Shepard’s Pie) Unfortunately, when we arrived I noticed that it was a lot more “Dineric” and less “Pubish”  The food was ok, and the service was great, that is, until the band started playing.  After that we rarely saw a waitress.  (Maybe they were groupies that were fawning over the band members)  I wouldn’t say that you shouldn’t go there, but it was not the greatest place.  I give it a good solid “Meh”

So, how was the band?  The band was actually great!  Fun fact, as a kid I grew up around Bluegrass music so I am no stranger to it, and for the most part, really do enjoy it.  The technique that goes into it is outstanding and it’s one of the forms of music that comes from a very deep rooted story based culture.  Satyr Hill came with 6 band members (although I believe that a few of them were just visiting) and a rocken good time!  You can see pictures from the set here at my Flickr page, and enjoy the slideshow below.

Oh, and the final step count for that day?