Category Archives: Life - Page 29

Games Games and More Games!

So, something I haven’t posted about in a while are some of the games I am playing. You may remember that we were playing Lord of the Rings Online, and shooting the episodes of Stupid Hobbitsess in it. Well with School, work, relationships, Andrew, and many many other things, that has trailed off. We got some good responses to the filming but over all things were just too disjointed to organize. LOTRO is still a good game but I think it’s time for me to take off the MMO hat for a while and do other things.

We did try out the beta for Tabula Rasa, and while the game is good, and the interface is fantastic, I just didn’t find myself playing it as much as I should to warrant paying for another MMO.

Now, one thing I am not giving up is my 360. Most of you know that last month we hit an important date in Xbox History…. The Release of Halo 3. While I was not one of the psychos that waited in line on the midnight before release, I did manage to pick it up on the first day. “How did you manage this feat” you ask? Simple! Everyone and their mum had Halo 3 in stock. It was painfully easy to get a hold of it. That said, it’s a pretty good game. I wouldn’t say it’s the best game on the 360, but it’s damn good and fun to play.

Before Halo 3, I was playing Marvel Ultimate Alliance. I picked it up used so it was cheap, but it’s pretty fun. The other fun part about it is that it’s 4 player! Sarah, Andrew, and I have been logging in to play it. I have been Playing as Spiderman (of course) and Sarah takes over Deadpool. Andrew usually chooses Blade. I highly suggest it if you want a good clean family fun type game. (or if you are hard core comic book fans)

Lastly, The Orange Box. Valve Software has produced the single purchase disk that I personally believe EVERY 360 owner should pick up. The Orange Box brings together 5 total games onto one single disk. It’s actually very innovative how they did it. The engine for the games remain the same. All 5 of the games use the Half Life 2 engine and are basically re-skinned versions. But they are re-skinned enough so that they are essentially new games (that don’t take up a lot of space!) We have seen this a lot in the PC world where people will just re-skin and re-script a game using a single engine. It’s very cool to see this done in the console world.

The Orange Box includes Half Life 2, HL2 Episode 1 (which is an extended story from the main), HL2 Episode 2 (more of the story), Team Fortress 2, and Portal. The first 3 may sound like all the same game, and in a way they are, but really it’s just Sequels to the first. The last 2 are where the game shines. Team Fortress 2 is an online FPS that deals in a variety of team based objectives. It has a boat load of humor thrown in. Portal is a mind bending Puzzle type game that will warp your brain to mush. To give you an example, here is a flash version of the game that gives you a taste: Flash Based Portal

If you are on the 360 and want to hook up, please feel free to add me. My gamertag is Wizzer2801


So I guess I haven’t really blogged in the last month or so… I should probably give out some updates.

Sarah and I have officially hit our 6 Month mark! I was amazed that we made it this far to be honest. What I had thought might just be something small grew into an extremely meaningful relationship. I am sure she will probably see through all my charms and wise up to me and leave sometime in the next month though [wink]

I am almost done with school!!! I have 26 days left until I am completely done with my Bachelors in IT. It will be nice to have my Saturdays back again. For those who may not know, I have been in school since the beginning on June 2006. This has all been through an online college called American Intercontinental University. Wow, it just donned on me that I never really posted about going back to school aside from a small paragraph about it back in May of 2006. So basically this is a full up Bachelors Degree, and the school is fairly highly accredited. For the last year and a half practically I have been taking classes in five week stints. One session lasts five weeks and each class I do one “Individual project” and one “Discussion Board”.

The IP’s usually are just 3-5 pages written out (in APA format) about whatever the weeks topic is. The DB’s are 3-5 paragraphs on something and then a few replies to other students. Once per session/class we do a group project which is like the IP but involves a few other students. All of these assignments are due on the Saturday after they are assigned (so we get a full week). With work and everything else I usually end up just taking that Saturday to work on homework and get it all done then. There is the occasion that I have to do something on the weekend so I do my best to get things done before hand.

So this is my last session. I am actually taking two classes during it, Art Appreciation and Topics in Literature. This means that every week I have two IP’s and two DB’s to do by Saturday. The good news is that I only have 4 more weeks of this. Only 4 more lost Saturdays. When I am finished I will have my Bachelors! From what I have learned, I am the first in the immediate family to get that. (I know, it surprised me as well) My last class due date is the 10th of November. I have heard that the official degree will come through 2 weeks after that which puts it around thanksgiving! And as most everyone knows, I spend thanksgiving down with Lee in TN so it will be party time!!

In other news, it’s getting on Halloween time so it’s time to break out all the decorations! I have a few good ideas for the porch this year so make sure you come back to see pictures. I hope to get everything done this coming weekend.

Oh yes, and in more other news, I have been given the order to vacate my apartment by 31 Jan 2008. They are doing renovations of the whole complex and mine is one of the last. So I will be moving around Dec/January time. I am hoping to find a nice town home to rent. While I would love to buy a house, it’s just not feasible in this area, in order to really afford it I would have to have a bit more income. But I am cool with renting, but I need more space!!! So if anyone knows of a Town Home for rent in the Fairfax area let me know!

How I feel sometimes


Ahoy Matey’s, be ye knowing what today is? Today be International Talk like a Pirate day!!! So draw up the Anchor and set the sails for fun and adventure (and bring me my rum!)

Cast your bilge rat pointers at this link for the info:

5 Months Ago

Time is a wacky thing…. You look back and notice that it has flown and crawled all at the same time.

5 Months ago I was going through a hard time

5 Months ago I had friends to talk to that helped me through it

5 Months ago someone reached out and took a chance

5 Months ago I was getting ready to help a friend move

5 Months ago I had no Idea what was going to happen that night

5 Months ago I was extremely nervous

5 Months ago I was shaking when I held her hand

5 Months ago She kissed me and we both smiled

5 Months later the smiles haven’t faded

I look damn cunning

I look damn cunning
Originally uploaded by wizzer2801

Sarah made me this awesome Jayne Cobb hat!!!

The real quick DragonCon Post

Wow, it’s amazing how something like DragonCon sneaks up on you and bam! It truly is some sort of time space anomaly because it felt as though we had been there for like 2 weeks, and yet it was over so fast. We drove down on Thursday starting at butt crack early in the morning. This put us in Atlanta by around 4:30pm which was nice because we got the chance to run around and get things done. Along the way we learned a very important lesson….never eat Chinese food from a truck stop! I know it sounds like a bad idea to begin with but I was in panic mode. We had gone without eating for a while and Sarah and I were both in the “Need food now or Hulk Smash” mode.

Thursday night was MIB night (as per usual) so we stopped in and got our badges and then went to change clothes. Actually we sat Andrew in the line for the badges and came back before he was up. After registration, we made our way up to the Hyatt Bar where everyone was meeting. One of the volunteers actually stopped us and (very seriously) said that we needed to Peace Bind our guns. ……… No, Not kidding. Our supper giant water guns that we painted silver needed to be peace bound. I am not even sure how you would do such a thing! Anyways, we met up with Monkey boy and chilled out at the Bar for a while. Pretty much from here on is a blur. Because of this, I will hit on a few bullet points.

Monkeys may try and steal your underwear at night, but at dragoncon that’s not an issue as NO ONE WEARS ANY!! This is where Kilts are not your friend.

Sarah in her Catwoman looks DAMN good! So good that people told me to get out of the way for pics even though I was in costume!

It was great to see the Green Lanterns out in force, now if we could only get them more organized! Seems like there were always a few here and a few there. We tried to get everyone together but that didn’t work. Why can’t I REALLY use my ring to communicate!?!

Nightwing and Oracle went of fantastically! We met up with the Super hero photo shoot and everyone instantly recognized Sarah as Oracle! We got some great shots with her and the Birds of Prey

Friday nights concert with Voltaire and his Whole band was very cool to see.

Major Victory is one of the coolest guys I have ever met. Every time we went by his booth he was awesome to talk to and had a great personality!

One of the best costumes I did was Friday night where I dressed normal but carried a full Das Boot around and drank from it. Every where I went people were screaming “DAS BOOT!!!!!”

Sunday was a good Chill day, Pirate for me and Raven for Sarah. She hooked up with a few other Titans and had a blast. From what I understand it took 4 shampoos to get rid of the purple hairspray.

Sunday also saw Andrew doing his Emo Black Spiderman which looks great, until it’s time to eat lunch. Removable gloves make all the difference.

Finally the drive home we learned to not dis the Cracker barrel because they control the traffic. Ask me about that sometime.

The ideas are already formulating for next years Con. We also really want to try for Comic Con next year. For now, I am going to enjoy a great food break as I jump off the diet wagon and have a few fatty burgers!!!

All of the pictures can be found in the links below (the post before this one)


DragonCon 07 Stuff

A few new pics are uploaded to my myspace and facebook profiles,

The rest are there

Real Blog post will be soon

And it’s only Thursday!

And it’s only Thursday!
Originally uploaded by wizzer2801

These are the lines for registration for dragoncon!

You gotta love "Dick" Grayson