Of course, by the time I finish writing this it will probably be mid afternoon. Not sure why but when I sit down to write a post while I am at work, these people keep coming up to me and ask me to do stuff. It’s so very annoying. Not too much been going on this last week. Just your typical running around and being busy with work. Tonight we leave for a “mini” vacation up to Baltimore to attend Farpoint. This is an annual convention that happens in mid-February. This is also Andrew’s first convention. I know he is really looking forward to going, but he has no idea how close he came to not being able to.
13 year olds have no brain. I am convinced of this. I would really like to know when they get this brain back. We have been scrambling to get some of the packing and cleaning done through out the week so when Friday came along, we could just get in the truck and take off after work. Part of the big chores is the laundry. I had thrown a load in Thursday morning and needed it put into the dryer, (they were jeans, those take a long time to dry). So when Andrew got home, I kindly asked him if he could take the clothes from the washer to the dryer. After that, I didn’t think anything of it. That is, until I got home and checked the dryer. The clothes were in there but still soaking wet.
“Andrew, did you do what I asked with the laundry?”
“Umm, Did it occur to you that when I asked you to put the clothes in the dryer, that I might like for you to START THE DRYER!!”
“Oh, ummm, no”
It’s not like I even asked him to put more clothes in the washer, so there shouldn’t have been much confusion.
1: Open washer
2: Open dryer
3: Take clothes out of washer
4: Put clothes taken from washer into dryer
5: Close Washer
6: Close Dryer
Later that evening, I walk into his room to find him laughing at a video he downloaded. I ask him to clean up his room a bit because there is a pile of clothes lying on the ground and he knows he is not supposed to throw dirty clothes on the floor.
Wait a sec, Those are all jeans.
Those are the jeans I took out of the laundry Yesterday!
This would be the part where my head very nearly exploded. He couldn’t even explain why the clean jeans that I had put on his bed for him to fold were just thrown on the ground. Not but 2 months ago we had a discussion about this same topic because he had taken the clean clothes off his bed and put them in his chair. He got in trouble then too. I was an Inch away from saying that the convention was canceled.
So, when does he get is brain back?
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