Hey all! Sarah and I will be on the next cruise and that means that there will be a smattering of pictures again!

I am planning on doing the HIPB thing again! What’s that mean? Well, if you weren’t around for it last year, here is the deal.
I am a Pro-mature? Amafessional? Hobifessional? mah, whatever I am a Photographer who likes to take pictures of monkeys, namely seamonkeys! So the plan is, if you want a picture taken of you doing something on the cruise, or hangout out with friends, or playing games, or lounging on the beach, or at a concert, or with a guest, or standing awkwardly in the corner…. Contact me and I will do it! Not everyone has a camera on them at all times (except me) or likes the weird pictures they end up with at the end of a vacation, so that’s where I come in. I will take a professional photo of you doing whatever you want!
I am super easy to find on the ship and will always be available via Twit-arrr under my [SocialNetwork] name Wizzer2801. I also have an affinity for Batman shirts and will be doing that again this coming cruise. *That being, wearing a Batman shirt every day. So if you see a guy with a camera strapped to his hand and he is wearing a Batman shirt, I would say it’s about a 99.999% chance that it’s me. GRAB me and tell me to take a picture of someone or something and I will do it!
But Steve, what will you do with all of those photos you take of random people?
Good Question! I will give them to YOU! All of my photos will be uploaded to the interwebs within a week or so after the cruise for you to oogle, gawk, and reminisce on. All of them will be professionally processed to bring out the best of all of the monkeyness. I will also be shooting the concerts and Shadow events so there will be lots of memories preserved.
Ok Steve, what’s the catch, what do you get out of this?
Another good question! Man, you guys are on fire! (You guys, being the voices in my head) All of my photos get uploaded under a CC license so they are freely available to anyone that wants them. WHat I do ask is that if you like what you see, you can donate to the “Steve spent a lot of money on Camera gear and Cruise Tickets and now he doesn’t have that money anymore” fund. Or the SSALOMOCGACTANHDHTMA Fund. If you feel weird about handing some guy with a camera money, you could hand that money to my Wife, she also likes money. If you still feel weird about that, then feel free to buy me a drink on the cruise, or before the cruise, or after the cruise….. I really like drinks.
This plan has worked out really great in the past and you can check out some of my work over on my Flickr Page here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/wizzer/sets
JCCC3: https://www.flickr.com/photos/wizzer/sets/72157632797050646/
JCCC4: https://www.flickr.com/photos/wizzer/sets/72157641839237314/
I am sure some of the other monkeys can tell you about how I captured that special moment for them (that usually was photobombed by Anne Wheaton)
Hope to see everyone on the Nerd Boat!
TL;DR version:
I Take pictures and like money and booze.
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