Tag Archives: JCCC5

SeaMonkeys are the best monkeys

This year we revisited all of our coolest friends (ok, some of our coolest friends) on the JoCo Cruise 5!!!  As you can tell from my previous post, I did the Humble Indie Photographer Bundle again this year and it was a resounding success!  There is a MASTER ALBUM that will have ALL THE STUFF, or a Collection page if you want to see the sub albums.

  1. Group Photos for the Celebs (Done) and (Done)
  2. Steve Jackson requested photos from the Steve Jackson Game-room Sponsored by Steve Jackson
  3. WEDDING PHOTOS!! for Will and Renee
  4. Day 1 People and Stuff
  5. Day 2 People and Stuff
  6. Day 3 People and Stuff
  7. Day 4 People and Stuff
  8. Day 5 People and Stuff
  9. Day 6 People and Stuff
  10. Day 7 People and Stuff
  11. Day 8 People and Stuff
  12. Open Mic night
  13. Live Band Karaoke
  14. Jim Bogga and The Both
  15. Celebrity Artemis
  16. Aricebo
  17. Juliana Finch
  18. Group Photo Wide angle
  19. Molly Lewis
  20. The Royals Artemis
  21. Intern Concert
  22. Glen Raphael
  23. Day 1 Concert
  24. Day 2 Concert
  25. Day 3 Concert
  26. Final Concert

Want to give me money? Here’s How!
If you like the photos, and you want to provide me with any sort of compensation, please do!

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I can accept payments through Square or Google wallet very easily.  Both of these options provide you the ability to send money via E-mail address (spetrucelli@gmail.com).  Please feel free to send along whatever amount you feel comfortable with (even if it’s 0.00) Now with added Square Market!!  http://mkt.com/steve-petrucelli

All of my photos are Creative Commons license:
Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes.
NoDerivatives — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material.