Tag Archives: Xbox - Page 4

Saving the Galaxy, aka, Wintereenmas

Wow so this weekend flew by at FTL through a Mass Effect Relay.  Sarah had to head down to Richmond for an appointment so that left me and Andrew at home for Wintereenmas!  Add on to that the snow all day Saturday and that sets up the perfect conditions to sit on the couch with Food and drink close by and focus attentions on what needed to be done to save the Galaxy.   Andrew was armed with Bioshock 1 on the upstairs and I with Mass Effect 2 Downstairs, I believe we saw each other once or twice through the day.  I think the only real break we took was alternating taking the dog out, Shuffling off to Dinner at Hard Times Cafe (Through the snow), and then of course getting the dog to throw up because he got into the chocolate (Not my Fault!  He is just really Nosey!)

So Micro Review time!  I have spent a lot of time in ME2 so far and have no collected all but 1 of my crew and done their loyalty quests.  I have scanned probably about 1/3 of the systems to 100%, and am trying to finish up every side quest on my way out to the Omega 4 Relay.  I would like to speculate that I am maybe about 1/2 through the whole game.  So lets just run down the list of loves and hates:

This is only a small small selection of things I love about this game

  • The whole galaxy is yours to explore, and it’s Beautiful.  I could spend hours just flying around and checking out all of the different Nebula’s.
  • The Seamless Conversation trees.  This was a great part of ME1 and continues to be awesome in 2
  • Moral Choices out the Yin Yang! So many times I was faced with the choice of “Do I do what is Morally right, or Do what I need to keep my teem member happy so he performs well.
  • In Depth Story. Any time a story makes you want to sit on the couch ALL DAY LONG means they did everything right.  Big time Movie directors and writers need to take a serious look at how games like ME do things.  The writing for a 20+ hour game ends up be 100 times better than your standard movie.
  • Fun Mini Games. In Assassin’s Creed 2, there were Subject 16 mini games that got a little frustrating.  Their length and complexity detracted from the rest of the game.  Thankfully ME2 didn’t follow in that.  the Hacking and Bypass mini games are just right.  I can see that in the future they may start getting more complex but none of them seem like they would detract.

Hates (or maybe just Dislikes)

I wish I could say that there was no dislikes but there is always something.

  • Too Much Choice. I know this seems like a silly thing to dislike but I ran into it in Assassin’s Creed too.  When there is too much to do, you can easily loose focus on what needs to get done.  I know they are also trying to build the game so that there is some re-playability but with So many different team members, and only be able to take 2 of them at a time, I am missing out on interactions and dialogue that would be nice to see.
  • Mining Mini game. Mining sucks.  Pretty much any game I have played that had mining in it, it’s sucked.  It’s a way to get the player to sit and waste time to get the resources they need to continue.  Very rarely do I see mining integrated into a fun system.  Mining in ME2 takes forever (even with the upgrade) and I ended up with Way too much of one Mineral and not enough of another.
  • Glitches.  No game is without them unfortunately.  There was one point where I found myself walking through the geometry and out into a blank space. Had to reload.  Also the “Skip Conversation” button should never be tied to the “Select Conversation Tree”  Far too many times I went to skip a line of Dialogue because The Character speaks too slowly and I had read the subtitles faster and it selected the next default conversation piece.  Very annoying.

This is all very early speculation as I have not finished the game yet but it’s all based on what I have seen so far.  There will be much more playing.  Of course I only have about 1 week left until Bioshock 2 comes out.  I think that will be another Upstairs game so Sarah can watch along.  This will also give Andrew the chance to play ME2 downstairs with the DLC on the downstairs system.  In the mean time, I need to get back and play!

Assassin’s Creed II

Much like everyone else, I have been looking forward to ACII ever since I played ACI .  Only mostly it was hoping that they finally got it right.  ACI was stunningly beautiuful and had a really good story to accompany it.  Unfortunatly, the gameplay was horrible.  If you managed to get through the first area, you have pretty much played the whole game.  Each area of ACI involved things like pick pocket this guy, evesdrop on that guy, beat up this guy, and then kill that one. Wash, rinse, repeat.  Even the collection parts of the game were mind numbing.  You walked into an area and had to collect flags, but there were like eleventy billion of them.  I am not sure I know anyone who actually got all of them.

But this isn’t about ACI, it’s about it’s successor….Assassin’s Creed II.  It would appear that Ubisoft realized that they had a great engine but needed to fill it out with a great game.  And that’s what happened with ACII.  It is amazing to see that a company finally started listening to it’s fans!  The gameplay has caught up to the engine and we as gamers reap the benefits.

ACII starts off where ACI left of (in the horrible WTF cliffhanger, except that now it makes sense) in the Abstergo lab but it takes no time before you jump back into the Animus (2.0 even) to start off on the real reason that we all bought the game.  I am not going to explain the plot of the game for you because this is a review and you probably already know what the plot is.  From start to finish this story grabbed hold of me and wouldn’t leave me be.  Even Sarah enjoyed watching the story (and filling me in on all the buildings and plot lines that mirrored real life).  The visuals remained just as stunning as the original which was great of course.  And the actual gameplay was brought perfectly in line.  Each mission was unique and played well into the story.  The outside collection missions were easy and beneficial.

In ACI you had to grab flags, but in ACII, you collected chests….which had money, which you could spend.  Oh and by the way, they added a mertchant system!  And a real estate system.  Not to mention an equipment system.  All of these things would have been great in the first game.  It worked simply enough, Missions and chests would net you money.  You use the money to make improvements on your Villa (your home base).  More money pumped into the villa would bring you more income over all, which you would use to buy new and better weapons. You could also buy maps, that would show you where the treasure chests were, which would get you more money.

Where ACII really shined though was in the story.  It was engaging, from start to end.  There are very few games that have such an investing story that just grabs you and makes you care about the characters.  (and there should be more!!)  I found myself wonder what happened with some of the characters that I had only casually met! (Where is Christina the girl Ezio was seeing in the beginning?)  At the same time I was excited to go and visit with Leonardo and see what wacky thing he had going on.  This is one of the reasons I was happy to hear that the upcoming DLC for the game would fill in the holes on some of the characters.

Now that I have praised the game enough, lets start talking about where it fell short.  I can not tell you how many times I cried out “No, no that way, Stupid Ezio!!!” (Although Sarah probably could tell you how many times.  I think she was counting.  There were times that the controls just didn’t do what I wanted them to do.  Sometimes it was nothing but a wrong turn but too many times it resulted with death, or even worse, missing a timed event!  I am not even sure if it was me or the game, but like all other gamers, I am gonna blame the game here.  I am trying to communicate that I want to jump after flipping right, and if Ezio goes forward then jump then right, that’s not what I told it to do.  I think the problem really was in the left over animations.  Ezio would still be moving after I stopped, and so it translated wrong. 

Ubisoft cut down on the collection quests but not all together.  The nice thing though is that they added the collections into the story.  Feathers were collected to please your mother and remember your brother.  (They also added a bit to the villa’s worth) There are, of course, the chests, but you can get a map for those where there is no way of finding the feathers except seeing them in your travels (or using a guide).  The only other collection item would be the glyphs for “Subject 16”.  These symbols were found on random buildings and added to the overall story outside of Ezio.  The bigest problem I had with these was finding the building, and then where on the building.  I managed to run across the buildings while I was out and about, the database would let me know there was a glyph but I would rarely have the time to search for it.  So I would have to re-find the building later, and then scour the building for the glyph.  After about 20 min of wall crawling, I ended up using a guide for some of these as well.

I really have to say, ACII is one of the best games I have played all year.  I am not sure how re-playable it is, but it certainly took many hours of my gaming time and I count those as good solid entertainment.  Unfortunatly it’s not a perfect game.  Finicky controls and hard to find collection items added time to the game that I would have rather spent in the story.  The last complaint I have isn’t really a complaint so much as an overwhelming feeling.  There was so much in this game that it was almost hard to keep up with!  Between the Vilia improvements, the main story, the codex pages, the Armor and weapon shops, the Assassin seals, and collections, I found myself sitting down and wondering, What part of the game do I want to play now?  I know I know it doesn’t sound like a complaint, but when I have to ask myself “what do I want to do?” it detracts from what the game wants me to do.

Over All, I give it a good solid 8.8 Florins, out of 10.

Wizzer 2.0 is Up and Running!

Welcome to the new Wizzer 2.0 site, aka Wizzer’s World!!

My Billy Mays costume

The main reason that I decided to re-do the site is because there were a ton of changes, both in my life and with the tech, and since I love new tech I needed an upgrade!  So lets get you all caught up on stuff shall we?

First lets go with some personal life upgrades that have happened.  If you were an avid follower of my blog before you may know some of the smaller details.  Sarah and I tied the knot back in Feb of 2009 and we decided to stop donating a ton of money to other people and invest it in ourselves instead, and by this I mean we bought a house!  We moved in back in July of 09 and have spent the rest of the time updating, and renovating.  Our latest house change has been new windows.  Sadly we had to leave the Fairfax area for Manassas, but it’s not all that far of a move.  We also have a new addition to the family, Husker, our retired racing greyhound.  He is a great dog and Charlie has just started to tolerate him.  While we are on the subject, Charlie is doing great as ever.  He loves the new house.  Andrew is now a Junior in High School and working on getting his License.  He is still struggling to catch up to my gamerscore on Xbox of course.

Now, for tech stuff, there have been some upgrades around here as well.  You probably have noticed that all of the old parts of the website have been redone, turns out that some of the web apps that I was running have never been updated so it was either scrap them and start over or spend hours upon hours trying to upgrade.  I opted to scrap.  WordPress over Blogger, and even the Gallery is updated (though it may change again).  Around the house we have done some tech upgrades.  I now have a full “Man Cave” with my various gaming systems.  There are two Xbox’s, one PS3, one Wii, and the full Rock Band Experience. In the kitchen I added a Chumby. I upgraded my phone from a crappy LG Env2 to a Blackberry Storm, and then again to the new Motorola Droid.  Now if we can just invent the automatic laundry folding machine!!

So there you have it!  In the works I plan on adding quite a few reviews, I recently finished a few games like Assassin’s Creed II, The Saboteur, and I am working on Uncharted 2.  I also wanted to add some words on my Droid phone and a few of the latest movies like Avatar.  So make sure you come back for a visit!